I look for Love

Из серии "Стихи школьных лет"

72. I look for love

Romeo and Juliet were only lovers in this world.
I want to find love just in such kind.
When people say: "Such love does not exist,"
It beats me very much, indeed. But I am not a priest,
I can't teach them; they are so dull.

And I could give my everything for love like this.
And even death doesn't frighten me. - At all!
I'm not afraid of anything because I look for love, for love like this,
I look for it for ever.

P.S. People always told me that I was like not from this world. Now I understand why. When my teenager friends girls were looking for a boyfriend to get married, for a house, a car, I was dreaming about eternal love as if I knew I was born for loving, I was in love with love
Aynur - ANNIE Moonlight
