Tim Taler Тим Талер 06. 01. 2022

His laughter sounded like robins' song,
And every day he made us cheering louder,
Until one grumpy gentleman was shocked
By his undoubtedly treasure sounding.

He hadn't any reasons to rejoice
But suddenly he heard reviving melody.
Teenager didn't have another better choice
Than to exchange his precious with an enemy.

His only parent died few weeks ago,
The only memory of him is wondrous laughter.
However, living with stepmum not gives a go
Because her wallet daily becomes lighter.

– My boy, I want suggest you something,
I'm sure you will not at any point refuse.
I'll make you able to defeat at any betting.
You'll be a millionaire without an excuse!

The boy agreed but later was regretting.
Of course, it gave him an ability to win...
But anyone like him find gold upsetting
When it uncovers that it can't fulfill your dream.

He wasn't dreaming 'bout stars, or Moon, or Venus,
He wasn't jealousing to other richer boys,
His only wish was to return the world to balance,
That's why he didn't make a harmful managment choice.

Despite of being only one who have such power,
Instead of ruining all around with devil's laugh,
He kept refusing living in a tower,
Although evil's pressure had been tough.

All characters in tales were not prestigious
But due to pure soul won successful track.
They always make spontaneous decisions.
Which turning out not the most correct...

But I like tales – all villains are defeated
And all the goodies are in love, and no pain...
But our hero is the one who wasn't treated
With all the fairness that he might have to gain.

It's time to draw a line and tell the morals,
But I don't like it so I would not.
I will just say that if you once were offered dollars,
Make sure you will do all as you want.
