Adam. Confession of the Exile from paradise

I am sentenced to hard work. God ordered it that way.
And you know what I've realized over the years?
-Only when you are squeezed like a lemon at the end of the day you fulfill your destiny. Only when you fall from tireness you may claim something.
Sooner or later you will receive significant rewards.
Doors will be opened for you.
Tables will be set for you.
And no one can refuse anything for you.
You will get to the most important celebration.
Because your name will be on the list!

And the rewards are already prepared for those
who did not spare his nerves, his skin and even his life that to do what he had to do.

The best time in you life is a time of work, and time of struggle.
The time when you move forward, overcoming difficulties. When you walked through the wind. 
When you was overcoming youself.
When you was moving meter by meter, sometimes making titanic efforts.

You carry someone's weaknesses, and someone carries yours. We are all connected by invisible threads.
By taking on the needs and sorrows of another person, we bring our souls closer to the divine radiance.

Also, we know how to appreciate moments of joy and peace when everything calms down.
For a while. Before new battles and trials.

Soon again, it is necessary to take our burden and carry it there to the mountain. 
And everyone has their own burden. And everyone has their own mountain.

Yes. everything in your life should be for the sake of someone
Not for youself.
And you just scatter these handfuls of kindness, love and mercy for people.
And if necessary, give yourself.

All your life is for the sake of someone!

Then only the drawing will be complete.
Then only all the colors of this life will be fully revealed!
Then only the plot will be interesting and convincing, because it will touch human hearts!

That's what real life is. Because what I have done in the Garden of Eden must be corrected. Not only by faith, not only by words, but also by deeds. And even by pain.

You Know when you suffer, something new is born in your soul.
Something that can radically transform your life.
Because it is only through pain something new is born.

Those who have not experienced pain cannot give birth to anything. If there is no pain, then there is no joy, no wisdom, no sens.


Moral fall begins with deception. Everyone who is now in the pit and has lost everything, started by believing a lie once.

When the snake appeared among the leaves of the tree and starting spoke... All he said was a blatant lie.

Sometimes a lie sounds so convincing.
Lying can be so pleasant.
That's just what you want to hear.

Lying is the devil's tool.
There is nothing more successful in his arsenal than lying.
God starts everything with truth words. The word of God is the beginning of all the basics.

The devil starts everything with false words.
And it all comes down to the same thing:
“Why do you need God? You can be god yourself.”

But a person does not become God by choosing a lie.
Moreover, over time, he loses his human appearance.
And then a little more time and he already takes on a diabolical appearance.

Because the one who feeds on lies, and the one who reproduces lies, eventually becomes like his owner.


Sin immediately entered us after we ate the forbidden fruit.
And how did our depravity manifest itself?
-That we have started to justify ourselves.

God asked me, "Have you eaten from the tree from which I forbade you to eat?"
And I am still ashamed of the words that I said in response, "My wife gave me, and I ate."

Justifying one's sin, and blaming another person for one's sins, is the consequence of our depravity.

Remember that if you point at someone with one finger, at the same time three fingers point at you!

Therefore, you will have to repent not only of your sins. You will have to repent in the justification of your sins.

God did not banish us from the Garden of Eden when we tasted the forbidden fruit. The verdict of exile from paradise was pronounced when we began to justify ourselves.

We lost our land when we started justifying our lawlessness.
We have set a bad example for future generations.

People will often blame circumstances or other people for their sins and mistakes. But this will only aggravate their situation.

Оnly those who admit their sins and mistakes have a chance for a better future. Оnly those who admit their sins has a chance to keep the relationship.


The serpent appeared among the leaves of the tree said that God hides sacred knowledge from us.
Knowledge! What it give for the soul? It's an expensive toy. But an useless toy.
An expensive toy because knowledge always comes at a high price. And useless toy because knowledge can't give anything for your soul.

All the knowledge that you have acquired cannot make you kind and capable of love.

Now I choose faith. This is something more reliable.
I will be guided by faith every day.
But if the Lord lead me to an understanding of some new important truths, I will accept this gift. Because knowledge from God strengthens faith!


I still dream of the Garden of Eden. I wake up and realize that I'm not at home...

We took care of the beautiful garden where we lived.
I named the birds and animals.
Everything was so harmonious. We were at the peak of bliss.
And at this peak of the bliss we wanted something else.

Probably a person should not be given too much bliss. 
He's losing his mind in this state and forgets that not everything is allowed to him.
It seems to him that what God has given him is not enough. He needs something else...

I didn't believe that something could change for the worse.
It seemed to me that this state of bliss and harmony was going nowhere. I'm so used to it. No, nothing will change, I told myself. Even if I do something wrong.

And so I pushed the boundaries of what was allowed.
I haven't been close to this tree before, but now I'm getting close to it.

And at a certain point I brazenly and treacherously crossed this fatal line, this border beyond which it is impossible to cross....
It seems like my actions did not lead to anything bad.
I just took a bite and ate this ripe fruit. So what?
And at that very moment I didn't know yet that I had lost everything!


The consequences they always overtake a person. At the most unexpected moment.
When everything is fine.
When everything was forgotten.
Nothing bothers you.
And now comes the moment when, under the pressure of circumstances, you have to turn your life back.

Or just a knock on your door and you flinch.  And you understand that the past has broken into your present.
Becouse you left some debts in the past. And now it has come to you that you have repaid the debt. With interest.

You did something wrong once.
And now you have to pay.
And this is not the worst that can be.
Sometimes your loved ones have to pay for your past. The people you love the most. They are paying for your mistakes and sins.


When temptation comes, the person says let my desire be decisive!
I will do what I want. I'm an adult. Let no one tell me how to live.
I'm a real man. I'm cool!

And when it comes time to pay for your deeds, all the arrogance flies off and finds some kind of animal fear.
So where does all your greatness go when the Lord visits you?
Even if you have a mountain of gold, you will not hide behind it from the wrath of God.
And you will not delay your sentence for at least one hour.

You will stand and tremble because you were not ready for such events.
And you become so small, so insignificant, so vulnerable,
Remember this state of yours. This infirmity, this humiliation, to which your sins have led you.


God said that you will die when you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And so we tasted and did not die. But when we saw after a while the first dry leaf falling from a tree branch, we thought.
And we realized that we were going to an inevitable reckoning, which is called death.

Death is the most shameful punishment for a person.
Everything that he lived, admired, felt, death simply crosses out and speak: “None of this matters.”
Whole castle that you have been creating all your life will be destroyed and forgotten.
Everything will end in nothing...

God will not look at all this indifferently.
God will surely come up with something to snatch us from the clutches of an impudent deat.

A person and his life are of great importance. I dare say his words, his deeds, all this does not disappear anywhere, even after his death.

I know God. I talked with him in the Garden of Eden and I am sure that God will definitely do something incredible for us to return us to eternal life.
And maybe He will come to this cursed earth to solve the problem of sin and death.


Eva tasted the forbidden fruit first.
I don't blame Eva for anything. If a woman made a mistake, then the man allowed her to do it.
So the man did not have enough wisdom to keep the woman from dangerous actions.
Why Eva was alone at a difficult moment?
Why I wasn't there for her?

If the ship sinks, then the captain will be to blame.
If the army is defeated, then the commander is to blame.
And if a woman makes a fatal mistake, then the head of the family is to blame.

I apologize not only on my own behalf. But also from my wife Eva. This is the wife that God gave me and I won't have another one.
Yes, she is imperfect and committed this stupidity. But I'm not perfect either. I do stupid things too.
Sometimes I lack wisdom and make mistakes. Sometimes I can't control myself, I lose sight of my priorities because life can be extremely difficult and unpredictable.
And we all need to forgive each other if we want God to forgive us.


Eva was told that she would be saved through childbearing.
“A woman will give birth to someone who will fix everything.”

Yes, one day He will be born. We thought he would be our firstborn Cain.
But what Cain did shocked us.
And we realized that it would take time before someone come who would fill this gap between us and God.

If the children are at enmity, then the head of the family is to blame. He didn't tell them something important.

If I could go back in time, I would like to say so much to my sons Abel and Cain. Then probably there was no tragedy when my son Cain raised his hand against my son Abel and killed him.

I should have told them that God needs our pure heart.
Only with a pure heart we can stand before the Lord. Otherwise, don't make any sacrifices to him. Bring him your pure heart first.

When our children went to worship, God accepted Abel's sacrifice.
Abel always surprise me with his childlike faith and kind heart.
He was like a heavenly man.

The Cains gift, God did not accept. Because he was standing in front of Him with a not pure heart.
And when the heart of my son Cain began to harden and harden, I missed it.
I devoted too much time to work, but I had to be more sensitive to the needs of my children's souls.

You don't even need to say any special words to your children.
Just show them your love.
Just give them some of your time.
They will never forget your attention.
And when you're gone, they'll still remember your face.
They will always remember your relation towards them.
They will always remember your love for them. And maybe it will be their life belt and stop them at the dangerous line.


Evil will always be active on this planet.
Because there is good.
And this is the main irritant for evil.
If evil rages and makes noise, it means that good has been revealed somewhere nearby.

Be among good people. Then you will be involved in the blessings that they will receive from above.
And those who are among the evil ones will be touched by the curses that will fall on their territory.

Never exalt yourself above other people. Never consider yourself better than others. 

When you meet a poor person, lower your eyes so that you don't accidentally get over him and show with all your appearance that you are not like him, but better than him.
Bless him and your blessing will be upon him.

When you meet a proud or pompous person, lower your eyes so as not to show your dislike for him and harm your heart. You don't have to bless him. God will not bless the proud.

When you see the wise person, turn your gaze to him and do not take your eyes off him. Listen to him, watch how he speaks and listen to what he says. Learn from him.
And when he leaves, look after him. You don't have to bless him either. He is already blessed.

Miracles happen on earth.
Even if no one believes in them.
A miracle will happen when everything is already indifferent, and nothing will matter anymore. The lights will go out and the oxygen will run out. Then something incredible and amazing will happen. Because you have to go down to the bottom to find the pearls.


Truly wise is the one who managed to keep what was entrusted to him.
Something entrusted to each of us.
The Garden of Eden was entrusted to me... 
I couldn't save it for you.

When I crossed the line and broke the law of God nothing seemed to have happened.
But I didn't know then that the countdown had started at that moment.
The very ticking that precedes the explosion has begun.
And then, at the most unexpected moment, a bomb explodes. Because earlier I activated this mechanism.

So-called “random” events that occur in my life have been shaped. By whom? - By me.
By my actions which I did earlie.
I have come to the situation that I created by myself.

I am infinitely to blame before you. I've lost everything. 

I was the weak link in the beautiful and harmonious picture of God's creation.

I'm kicked out of the Garden of Eden. I am an exile.

I'm here to apologize for what I did in the Garden of Eden.
I apologize for my act that turned life on this planet upside down.
I've ruined everything. I'm a loser. I've lost everything.

I kneel before future generations and ask them to forgive me.  Because I couldn't save this garden of Eden for you. And now life on earth can be so hard.

It's my fault. It's my fault.
Forgive me.


You know, if there is still hope and chances for a better life, I would like to give it to you.

This world has not yet lost all the beauty of God's creation just as the human word has not lost its power.
And when kind words are spoken, something incredible happens in the univers.

I have prepared expesially words for you. I baked them as a birthday cake in my heart. And I would like to treat them to you.

They are as simple as the sky.
They are as light as a snowflake.
They are needed like bread.

Let these words make the sun shine brighter. For you! So that all corners of your soul will be filled with light, warmth and love!

I promise you all the kindest and best!
Someone has to promise you.
Because the soul wants to hear the words of the promise.
Because it gives hope.
And you can't live without hope.

When promises come from the heart, they will definitely come true.
I promise you not episodes of happiness, but a full happy life. A life where harmony and peace reign.

I promise you that even your innermost dreams and desires will come true.
If you have been long time in difficulties, it is time to reward for everything that you have suffered.

You will have everything good and necessary in abundance.
I promise you all this because words are like strong warriors.
And they are making their way far beyond the horizon.
They come back and bring everything you need from there.


The property of the soul is to feel what is behind the words that are addressed to you.
I give you a part of myself in these words, a part of my fire, and it is impossible to resist this fire.

The cold recedes, glaciers melt, fog dissipates. The sun is rising, and a new sunrise is already coming.
Life will boil again, delight you with new events and open new turns where it will capture your spirit.

What should happen will happen.
What should come true will come true.
Dream and make wishes.
Order gifts!
Let the Sky decide for itself how to make all this a reality.

You know everything will come suddenly.
Just like rain in the middle of a hot day.
You will feel this blessed moment.
You realize that happiness has come to you so unexpectedly and has illuminated your soul with bright light.
And it became so easy and so good.

This bright flash of sudden acquisition will cover all your disappointments.
The river will change its course and will wash your feet with living water and strengthen you.

And where there was dry land, flowers of extraordinary beauty will bloom.
It will be a gift to you, from a universe in which incredible phenomena occur.
There are such colors, such power, such love that we cannot even imagine.
And a piece of all this will come closer to you, enter your soul, and you just won't be able to stand still.
You will jump for joy, you will scream with delight, because the Sky will make you happy.

Even if you doubt it, I believe it will happen in your life.
And my faith alone will be enough to make it come true for you.
Besides, the word still has the power to shake the universe, as well as to generate faith in the human heart!


Do not rush to look away from things that deserve attention.
A small detail can reveal the extraordinary features of an object or phenomenon.
But most of all, what you should look at is a person.
He's worth looking at.
Each person is a whole universe with infinite worlds and countless colors.
Everyone deserves to be surprised, and at a closer look, and admiration.
Also, in the world around us, you can see an abundance of inspiring moments.

Look closely at what seems ordinary, and you will definitely discover a new angle, a new composition, a new line, new tones.
You need all this. To encourage your spirit, to renew your mind. For the rebirth of your soul. For your advancement forward!

I drew conclusions from all the events that took place in my life.
And I tried to do the lessons that life asked me in a timely manner.
You know, good teachers are a lot of luck.
And what they told you will always be in your head. But the best teacher is your life.
If you have not done the lessons that life has asked you, then you have yet to do it.

And if you have not yet come to conclusions based on what life has shown you, then you will do it.
And then what you didn't believe in will become a part of your life.

Life will give you privileged opportunities, because you were a good student and did the lessons she asked you in a timely manner.


We're getting old.
The soul is still young and the body has already aged. 
And this is a consequence of the well-known events that I have already mentioned.
But don't be afraid to grow old because age is experience, it's wisdom, it's a sober view of the world.
Do not regret that time is passing quickly. Don't be afraid to get old. Every age has its own charm.

I'm almost an old man now.
My face is wrinkled. And gray hair – like the inevitable snow in a harsh autumn.
And fortunately I realize that I am no longer a youngster,
who has not seen a lot of things.
My eyes have seen so much that I'm not surprised at anything anymore.
Sometimes I see through everything.
And I understand the course of things and the essence of objects.
And there is such a fullness of sensations that no young man has.

I'm not in a hurry anymore.
I reveal everything that the outer shell conceals, and I never cease to be surprised that every detail matters.
Every detail testifies to something. And I give thanks to the Creator for this world.

I'm not throwing words around.
Because I understand their value. And I feel their power.
I need more now than before.
I need quality food for my soul and for my mind. For only inner invisible achievements give complete satisfaction.

And I'm subconsciously looking for new challenges. I'm going to meet the fight.
I'm walking into the darkness. I'm going to meet obstacles.
Because moving forward into the unknown is now my bread. And my salt. And this path adds experience and wisdom to each person.

The choice wasn't just there in the Garden of Eden.
Periodically, we make certain choices.
And they give results.
And each of you may have the main choice.
Everyone will have their own tree in front of which you will stop.
And perhaps you will even hear the insinuating voices of detractors who will want to bring you to hell.
You will hear the words that so caress your ears.
Do not rush to make a decision then. 
Just take a break.
Look as if from the outside at what is happening.
If this picture resembles what happened in the Garden of Eden, turn around and leave.

And walk away from this place. Run from there.
Run to where God is. Under His protection.
And tell Him honestly everything that you care about.
And even if you have already crossed the fatal line, go back to Him.

Don't justify yourself. Do not shift your blame to circumstances. Do not blame other people for your sins.

When you have sinned, there is no need to prove or explain anything.
Just put your head down and stand still. Silently. No more words.
Because you should have done it earlier.
And it was necessary to act competently.
But you didn't succeed...
Well, then admit defeat.
Accept this reality.

God needs our pure heart.
And a pure heart is an admission of guilt and remorse.
When you purify your heart, you are immediately filled with strength and confidence. You immediately become attractive.
Therefore, everyone wants only one thing to see your inner strength.

The Garden of Eden is where God is.
And there is always harmony, there is satisfaction and peace.
And we find it by walking along the dusty roads of this world.
We'll stop at his gate one day.
And we will understand that we have been coming here all our lives.

And all our aspirations and desires are connected with him.
Because we've always wanted to return to this lost paradise.
Well. I lost it. And you will find it.
Someone has to lose, so that someone has to gain.

And maybe God will forgive me too.
And we will live together with you in a new garden where no tragedies will ever happen!


God, I'm not asking You for anything anymore. Let life flow according to Your Providence and Your will is fulfilled day after day.
May the temptations of Your people not be so heavy and the sadness so deep.
Let the heart remain still kind, no matter what. Let our faith not weaken under the pressure of life circumstances.
And when we wake up and meet a new day, let our first thoughts be about You.

And during the day we will find an opportunity to say a few words in order to praise You and glorify You!”


The best day. Today. He was weird. Unpredictable. And there would be enough events and emotions in this day for a lifetime. And everything that is done today will be imprinted there in heaven. And everything that is heard today will be fixed forever in our hearts.

What didn't work out today will work out tomorrow.
For tomorrow there will be new chances and new opportunities.
Tomorrow there will be a new blank sheet of paper where we will draw a new sketch from the bright colors of inspiration and joy.
Yes, that's right!

We admit to the Creator that this world is beautiful
And for all that we received from him today, we say "thank you very much" to Him, with a bow and gratitude from the bottom of our heart.


Any words of a person end. And there comes again a pause of several miniuts or several millennia.

When there are no words, it's not bad either. There are moments when words are not needed. Let there be silence.
Let it indicate the significance of what was said earlier.
Let silent enhance the effect of those last words.

Don't rush to break the silence.
Silence can sometimes say more than words. Silence doesn't lie.
It is always sincere.

Silence is the beginning of perfection.
Because only in silence can you hear yourself.
Silence is the beginning of holiness.
Because only in silence can you hear God.

There are too many sounds on this planet distracting attention from the main thing.

Hurry to hide in silence. 
That to put your thoughts in order and restore your Divine image.

And start the path to perfection.
And perhaps to holiness.
