Introduction. Uri Matthew Runtu and his dramas
A nine magnificent slavic plays and one more delightful play of the muslim topics, offered for acquaintance of a reader's audience, in a complex represent a wonderful, mysterious, bewitching and unique Theatre Runtu created by Uri Matthew Runtu (born in 1949) - by this remarkable english-french-russian writer and playwright from Australia, the great representative of russian culture of the far abroad of the end of the XX - of the first quarter of XXI century's.
A many innovations of the Berholt Brecht's epic & political theatre, of the Jean Anouilh's intellectual drama and of the Jean Giraudoux's & Jean Cocteau's theatrical avant-guard, of Alfred Jarry's linguistical stylistics for his pataphysical dramatic art and of Eugen Ionescu's aesthetics for his theatre of the absurdity were synthesised and have intertwined in a dramaturgic palette of the author of the plays in a very natural and logical manner. U.M.Runtu's theatrical space is characterised by an improbable and tremendous dynamics of his topic and his composition, by the narrative polyphonics, by the semantic and axiological density of a discourses, by an abundance of a cultural-historical and literary chronotopes, by the fantastic mixture of the real and irreal characters. A various art genres and forms, a various heroes and a characters co-exist in the Runtu's Dramaturgic Universe in a friendly and united fashion: the music and the dance, a mysteries and a buffooneries, the theatre and the cinema, a masks and a marionettes, the tragedy and the comedy, a portraits and a mock-ups…
• «THE WIFE AND MOTHER: SACRED ALEXANDRA AND NICHOLAS II»: the imperceptible instants of the happiness and the love before a bloody tragedy… a life and a destiny of the last russian Emperor and his Family.
• «A HELL FOR SERGE YESSENIN & ISADORA DUNCAN»: between a life and a death … between the West and the East… a sad history of the enchanting love of the russian poet and the american dancer.
• «ON LUBYANKA OF VLADIMIR MAYAKOVSKY & LILY BRIKH»: the infernal love in a bolshevist paradise… along a traces of the mysterious suicide of the poet-herald of the russian revolution.
• «THE SECRET OF ALEXANDER BLOKH»: a shine and a poverty of the human souls in the kingdom of Antichrist… what disappears behind the letter "i"?.. the dramatic convulsions of a destiny of the russian poet-symbolist.
• «THE PROPHET MOHAMMAD AND HADIDJA»: to find the “better half” in this life - is not present the more pleasure in this world! … an ideal love, a fidelity each other - right up till the death … what else is necessary for the human happiness?.
• «A MATTHEW'S LIFE»: this is a touching history of the family love which occurs on a dramatic background of the Stalin reprisals and the Second World War, a post-war ruin and a poverty, a crash of the soviet "empire of evil" and the first shy steps of new Russia on a way to democracy.
• «A DEATH OF THE CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT»: a tragical destruction of the architectural "pearl" of the Russian North - in Karelia, one of the main orthodox temples has been blown up by the soviet authorities after an obvious devil instigation … how it occurred - every day, every hour, every minute - you read without fail about it in the dramatic chronicle of this terrible crime of the russian communistic regime.
• «BORIS PASTERNAKH AS RUSSIAN SALIERI»: he has presented to her a rope on which she was hung up subsequently … the tragical history of a creative mutual relations of the pragmatic literary nobeliate from the USSR and the talented russian poetess with gentle and quivering soul.
• «THE KARAMAZOV BROTHERS AS ADOPTED CHILDREN»: the rich landowner - this old debauchee - is killed… but who the true murderer out of its four sons: the religionist Alex?. or the revolutionaries John & Demetry?. or, perhaps, the gay a Paul?. this is absolutely new look on a Theodore Dostoevsky's classical novel, a literary oracle of the old Russia.
• «THE CHILDREN & DESCENDANTS OF THE KARAMAZOV BROTHERS»: a phantasmagoric travels to the deads: the she-devil-puppet, and the infernal conveyer of the recent history of a Russia, greedy to the human blood … the unenviable destiny of three convicts - Paul, Demetry and John Karamazov… their brother, a priest Alex Karamazov as russian Methuselah… the alternative ending of a scandalous epopee of Theodore Dostoevsky.
Свидетельство о публикации №122102806150
Книги Австралийского автора из Канберры : Рюнтю, Юри Мэттью : Россия - Москва : Библиотека Иностранной Литературы : XX век и XXI век/ / 2021
2021 Каталог Библиотеки Иностранной Литературы Москва Россия : 2021 Media TV Radio Celebrities Russia / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / / Uri Runtu: English / Canberra ACT Australia Telegram : 2021
Мировое интеллектуальное наследие Юри Мэттью Рюнтю: Россия - XXI век : Электронный ресурс.
Место издания - Сидней
Издательство - Международная академия информатизации
Дата издания - 2004
Язык : Русский - Английский - Французский - Латынь
Тематика : Культура
Предметная рубрика : Западное и Русское Искусство - 21 век : История - Религия - Политика - Литература
Русское искусство : Персоналии Деятелей Искусства : более 400
Русское Литературоведение : История Литературы - 20 век - Персоналии писателей
Источник : Основной Фонд : 62 книги на Двух Электрон. Опт. Дисках
2021 : Tiktok : Runtu, Uri Telegram : Canberra ACT Australia / / 2021
2004 - 2021 : ЭКЗЕМПЛЯРЫ ---- ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ---- ДОСТУП : 2021 - 2004 / Media TV Radio Celebrities Russia / Iouri Runtu: French / Юри Рюнтю : Russian / / Uri Runtu: English / Canberra ACT Australia Telegram : 2021 .
автор Рюнтю, Юри Мэттью
Параллельное заглавие - " The world Yuri Matthew Ryuntyu intellectual heritage: Russia - XXI century "
Сведения об ответственности : Юри Мэттью Рюнтю
Место издания : Сидней
Издательство : Международная Академия Информатизации
Дата издания : 2004
Язык : Русский - Английский - Французский - Латынь
Объём : 2 ( два ) электрон. опт. диска ( DVD - 1 ) и ( DVD - 2 )
Аннотация : Электрон. опт. диска ( DVD - 1 : содержит 35 книг ) и ( DVD - 2 : содержит 27 книг )
Примечания : Содержание : 150 AUDIO : Единая биография РСФСР и СССР ( AUDIO : 213 мин.); Воспоминания из Ватикана ( AUDIO : 90 мин.); Воспоминания из Парижа и Харбина ( AUDIO : 107 мин. ); и др. ;
Тематика : Культура
Предметная рубрика : Русское Искусство 20 век. , Русское искусство - Персоналии Деятелей Искусства . Русское Литературоведение - История Литературы - 20 век. Персоналии Писателей
Источник Основной фонд
Носитель СD / DVD / / 2021
Юри Рюнтю 15.02.2023 03:34 Заявить о нарушении
Your friend George.
Георгий Георгиевич Ларин 21.02.2023 03:13 Заявить о нарушении