International Stinckhx

   Нисходят капли
из глазниц ,
 с щек щебни в
нёрвоз  ,

   падают оттвесно - hit
 nax пыльнy dust ,  by drops
   Which cannot stay as moisture-d  H20

 this is the stand - up ?
 Because you sit at the Parliament

  - Dear , we no got any money   :
  No Yenas , No Yuan , No franks , No Wongi ,  euros , rubles   .. .
 -   i'm very  disappointed  that you lie   -  und   -   Bye !
 -  I told u U get a something - to not be got , to not be touched    !
 -  Load 'em - in prison tell u u'll get it - the best Italian's the songs
    I never want to get instead  to change y-ors   place

