The road to happiness
bright, appealing like flowers...
What we want from life? A spouse?
Children? Money? Glorious hours?
Since our childhood desires
our wishes daily grow,
but when human body dies
all we've dreamt for melts as snow.
Think: what for your hopes linger,
if one day all disappears?
God can flick just with a finger
our plans and leave in tears.
In what things are you investing,
if one day you death will find?
All we have it is for testing
human soul, heart, and mind.
Toil knowing and strife,
setting oft elusive goals,
do we ask: what for is life?
What awaits our souls?
Not by fortune, fun, or fame
roads to happiness are paved.
If your life is a game,
then your heart is still depraved.
For without Christ all roads
will end up in an impasse.
To your life He knows all codes!
Don’t follow the mass.
Satan uses all seduction.
For your life he doesn’t care!
Wide are roads of destruction,
many chose them unaware.
If you make a fatal choice
sticking to your old behaviour,
if you block the Father’s voice,
to repent, who then can save you?
Who can rescue from the pit,
from the darkness of damnation,
if you scoff at, God forbid,
at the Lord and His salvation?
If your heart is like a stone,
God will soften it with tears.
Who can save but Christ alone?
He will take away your fears.
To appeal to God is wisdom.
Don’t be by fears haunted!
In the God’s eternal Kingdom
any prodigal is wanted.
“I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep...” John 10:9-11
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