An Alien

- Who is an alien? - The Tree asked the emerging Dragon.
- You are, - the Dragon answered calmly and began to read the morning clouds.
The Tree feigned bewilderment by changing its leaves to the Dragon's favorite cheese clusters and salamanders, which immediately started melting the delicacy - and cheese rain dripped on the Dragon.
- "Once God presented a crow with a head of cheese…”, - the Dragon thought aloud and, being in the epicenter of the rain, drank the cheese with pleasure.
- Who or what is a god? - asked The Tree.
- An alien is any of us. You happen in a completely different elemental plain and so in mine - you are an alien. When I'm somewhere else, I'm in a foreign element. - said the Dragon and added: - From your own experience, you know - this is not good and not bad, it's just different.
The Tree thoughtfully wove the salamanders into a wreath and sent them to glow next to the terracotta sun.
- I didn't think of it in those terms, - it admitted quietly. - I've rooted myself where I feel good. But you're talking about alienation…
- Don't worry about it, - the Dragon waved away, - the uniformity of textures leads to diffusion and total loss of individuality.

(русский вариант
