The antisemitic etat Isavel


Isavel is not the jewish etat
Isavel new "nationnulity"
Murykanya-like country
The new najnnullity
Is childbirth en etat
And the immigrants despite being jewz are not en club
And alzo we weren't born en etat
En reuzya we at least were born en etat
Murykanya prezzurez Isavel to strenthen the etat
And then the birth raccyzm alzo ztrong
Isavel must notice the Reuzyan jewz muzt survive
BAD*N came Isavela and cauzed mizfortune
And the jdjdjhouse helped and cursed
And cauzed an injury
Very serious
And becauze
I wasn't born et etat
Bad*N teachez "bad"
Isavel becomez cruel towarz minoritiez
Bad*N bad influence
Let etat be independent
Don't advice
