The peace is not on the horyzon

The peace is farther every day
There are two empyres
Murykanya IngullyK->0*N I
With it's puppet etats
T->0 I W->0 *N
I s->0 v ->0 L
K->0 S->OU V->0
And reusya
With the D->0 IN THE ASS
L, you are GUN
PRE D->O S->T R->0 victory I

Puppet state are good flattery state
The peace state
The lean and the empyre right wyng
The leftie etatz provyncez
And make the empyre calm and happy
Empyrez protect their puppetz
And if pupet insalted
Both empyrez escalate until 1 leading perzon
His feelingz are the "future"
Escalated meaning
