About the strongest fighter with the kindest heart

Literary project «1000 and one day with Poetry and Prose»

«Why is everything in life like boxing? ...and «boxing is an unnatural act». Poem by Ksenia Mira created from quotes from the movie «Million Dollar Baby» by Clint Eastwood.

About the strongest fighter with the kindest heart

Everything in life is like boxing...
...and «boxing is an unnatural act»

The better way for delivering punches –
Step away or forward, you know.
You step left – and heard a bone crunches,
You step right – it’s to the Greatest Unknown.
You don’t want smash o bite -
Dear Kindness! – but you must
Go and bite, have a fight –
It’s a human-jungle-law, J. Christ!
What for the Goodness in this «human law»?
Kind Heart, just one thing you must know:
«Always protect yourself» - it is all.
So, here we are. Now, you go!
Ksenia Mira
