To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 3

Photo: Indian man on Indian Weddng in India from French video on Youtube (look likes Boshirov?)
Photo: Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 61yo, 22-23 August 2022

Monday, 29th August 2022

Urgent 2a Mason NG17 4HP - I need the confirmation letter the rent to pay to September please

 Urgent discussing rent -need confirmation how much to pay for September 2022

Indian men from Indian Wedding from India (one face look like as young Boshirov??)
my face from Luhansk Ukraine, on train, 14-09-2022 (compare to Indian faces)
me, Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 22nd-23rd August 2022, UK, selfi
me on Mason Street near 2A window in UK and my drawings by me

THE INCREASE OF RENT Tenant Agreement should be no more 5 procents
(pounds:) 399  - 5 procents   , under 5 procents  of (pounds:) 399 =  (pounds:) 19, (pounds:) 399  +  (pounds:) 19  = (pounds:) 418
Your 1st Leaders letter put (pounds:) 450
2nd email  in words  of Landlord wants (pounds:) 425 (still above (pounds:) 418 ?)
no any proper financial confirmations just discussions whom wants what so
the Tenant Agreement keeps (pounds:) 399/month
no new Tenant Agreement was issues signed as the new agreement
I am on HB benefits others with needs to inform TO SHOW A LEGAL FINANCIAL TENANT AGREEMENT  to JCP/Council/plenty others//Credit cards/etc/CAB
I was not able to read 6-7 ? smallest letters as financial agreement and as (pounds:) 450 put me in a shock me as not able not having as HB (pounds:) 350, so, I started to clean home to leave as not able to pay this. I could not find after this so stressful shocking letter where i put to read. I asked emailed me as I may use PC make any shift size comfortable to read or sent to JCP/Council no needs to scans
I contacted a lot trying to fight to increase HB from (pounds:) 350 to  (pounds:) 450 with final answer this would be impossible as
3 Mason Rent (pounds:) 0  Unoccupied-they left not able to pay to Council property in Kirkby )owners cars, working and not able to afford)
2B Mason Rent (pounds:) 0 Unoccupied , a died body of private tenant (my some Landlord's) (66+ still young man was )
so, 2a Mason ground floor HB (pounds:) 350
2 Mason  4-bedrromed rent under (pounds:) 350
this means at this moment HB (pounds:) 350 will stay till some came to live 2B, 3
I walked near open door 2B Mason(a died body find 25-26 July 2022, a property of My Landlord too, his another private tenant died 1st floor, 66+), -  no one took old smelly, a strong smeel carpet from steps making not able to walk to back door of 2a
Daniel Craigtooiu banged battry replaced and a water pour down to living room 2a. He works on My Landlord 's for years. He promised me he will repair all after, paiting, but as now he damaged a wall paper in a living room not repaied as promised
no repairs maintenences asked had been done too yet
so, my offer (pounds:) 350 with (pounds:) 0 for 2B and 3 Mason is a good enough as a died body was founded just 1st floor 2B above.
The long regular payments much security work to build a financial health situation
righter gaps between tenants with needs to clean after each
i make a regular monthly payment near 9 years never missed
i upset
my neibours said me they all pay less plenty on HB as enough to their Landlords some young Landlords do a lot repiars, looking for property, i had not this all paying more here
some males may be i had as a female woman born as a girl so a weak looking vilnarable
450 pounds rent for  properties which much better modern comfortable standards all working right upgraded while this property is not the some.
Electrician Engineer said me before all electric cables should be replaced what my Landlord ignored to do what all Council did for Council properties under EU regulation making Council-state-property in better safe conditions some.
My Landlord had not used a profit to replace out  no repairs
I paid for repairs a lock in door and windows to be safe later Leader Manager said me My Landlord must paid do for me his tenant he ignored
I asked a recommendation letter I paid  a rent to find a Council cheaper = nothing was issued for me to find more better not this rent (pounds:) 399 but as Housing Benefit level.
My Landlord had shouted on me, female, woman, on 26 July 2022 10 am+ calling to wake up me:  I was not sleeping as a police action was 25-26 July 2022, two police cars and more and white van, I sat in a garden out activity for a safe, no one warm supporting word-he shouted a police cars came waking up him at him home. He never called to me before or shouted at me his tenant. I  was not slept as HIS property HIS tenant died body was inside for nobody know how long.
He decided to up a rent after he shouted at me at 10 am call on 26th July 2022?
This was not my gilt his tenant friend known died they drunken here both before upstairs?
I find his FB profile ask to send money to Indian help, - so, all extra top on HB rent from me to him to go to Indians in India leaving me here no food no clothes in UK as a private tenant British Citizen UK?
Other people paid HB level here each surprised my Landlord greedy man not value a LIFE VALUE OF BRITISH CITIZENS UK WOMEN HUMAN RIGHTS TO STAY ALIVE LIVE HAPPY.
India is a huge poor number of population is to me to think able to help from by  JSA-UK_HB level low income???? while My Landlord asked wanted ?

Urgent discussing rent -need confirmation how much to pay for September 2022


Monday, 29th August 2022

Urgent 2a Mason NG17 4HP - I need the confirmation letter the rent to pay to September please

Monday, 29th August 2022

Urgent 2a Mason NG17 4HP - I need the confirmation letter the rent to pay to September please

in my Tenant Agreement   399  pounds/month for 1 bed-roomed flat ground floor
Housing Benefit
for NG17 4HP:
1 bed-roomed flat:  350 pounds/month
2B Mason 1st floor above :  unoccupied rent (pounds:) 0  pounds/month
(a died body finded by a police action on 25-26 July 2022)
(28.08.2022: a bad strong smell of 2B steps' carpet was not possible to walk to back door 2A here now)
3 Mason : unoccupied: rent: (pounds:) 0  pounds/month

What do you want ask for 1 bed-roomed
2A Mason ground floor? on HB  (pounds:) 350/month is would be enough for you?

"To My Landlord Dr Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana 29 08 2022" (29-August-2022)
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2022
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2022

"To My Landlord Dr Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana 29 08 2022" (29-August-2022)
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2022
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2022

Urgent discussing rent -need confirmation how much to pay for September 2022

Monday, 29th August 2022

"To My Landlord Dr Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK, 29 08 2022" (29-August-2022)

Urgent discussing rent -need confirmation how much to pay for September 2022

I add another email (see below last from 29th August 2022
I tried as i could (English is a Foreign language to me
I never walked to any English school
I never was a schoolgirl any class any English primary or Secondary school or The University in UK.
So, please excuse me my absent of knowledge a lot others may know and me not.

forget-me-not blue flowers never walked to any English school
and nothing bad for them to grow just as they are, really?

Good Day!  Good Evening! Good night!

Good morning!

Would you like me to leave? if so, I need Notice to leave 2 months + Recommend letter/ If not: read this, please:::

Would you like me to leave? if so, I need Notice to leave 2 months + Recommend letter/ If not: read this, please:::

Look:  Roman Abramovitch had not helped to British in UK and he had a huge loss.
This great to help Indian in India as Motherland
but you and your wife and your children are living in UK  ???

Other Landlord picked offers HB level.
Why should you not pick others picked HB level rent if people a low income?

From video 11:43 11:44

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshirov face here on Indian wedding in India??

Boshirov face from news::::
#Boshirov #Petrov #Salisbury #UK #Skripal #case #Simonya #news
#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshirov face here on Indian wedding in India??

I met some man which looked a Petrov whom introduced himself as British Nurse to go to work in Chechnya to Russia (during Russian-Chechen war in Russia). We had 1st Russian verbal language lesson in open public place, - a library in Duckeris Complex (Academy) Primary-Secondary School in r-New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. He offered me (pounds:) 35/1 hour of Russian verbal lesson x ? weeks. I was his so Russian Teacher making 1 lesson 1st -he had not knew a word on Russian. I refused as my husband Bob/Rob (Mr Bob Scotford) (Mr Robert Frederick Scotford, born 10th May 1952 in Stourbridge UK was 9 years older me and a really jealous sensitive man (I was a victim of domestic violence so i divorced, m.1998-2010, he said me after thanks you saved us both of worse (i was his 3rd wife, 2nd wife run he attacked her way he attacked me on 9th Feb 2001), but as our divorce saved my life and his career life, so he worked hard paid taxes as a free man. It was hard time. I could not put my life in a jealousy of my 2nd husband so i refused to be his Russian Teacher as my husband asked me this "You do not need to work, - you have me, your husband to work for us too". * Before this, I was Russian Teacher for Mr Smith, owner of factory and one one founder Holocaust Centre in UK, - i gave 1st lessons of greetings on Russian to greet Russian General freeded GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMP IN EUROPE. His American General was on The Opening Days too. I was too as a local woman (British Citizen UK , Russian Ethnic Group/Latvian Russians Ethnic Group/British Russian Ethnic group (presented in UK from 16 century or before, i had not did the full study). The Queen , Her Majesty ELIZABETH II was invited as a quest on The Opening Days of Holocaust (I attended as a guest to support Russian Guests from Russia). But unfortunate, The Queen could not came. if so, i would saw Her Majesty. But i saw from TV and Internet, as each all, so all right all.

PS:  Do you increase a rent to me on (pounds:) 100 (hundred pounds) above HB  Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350 and asked more 5 procents  increase a rent (what Tenant Agreement put no more righter 5 procents  increase of rent, the increase was  higher 5 procents   as you hate me as a 1. woman UK 2. 61 yo 3/ low income 4/ Russian Ethnic//British Russian Ethnic Group?

My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana asked to sign a petition (whom wants to sign) In FB in Internet:
PSS:  UK Govt: Stop Russian gas imports and enact an Emergency Energy Package

My response 1
The ask to hate a gas from The Artic North of Russia to UK delivered to use on a cheap regular price able help to survive in UK looked as some ask hate someone as Another Ethnic Discrimination. as if British gov really believed this, - they would reacted some similar way to any company (British too) some way. If someone hate is a normal but this a Discrimination - we are all living alive existing humans beings and each needs to survive as a human rights.

My response 2
I don't sign this competition as this way would be wrong to hate others of another Ethnic offering cheaper gas price easy survive in UK

My response 3
1933-1945 Germany, Hitler Fascists Regime rules of discriminations Ethnical Groups
asking German shops to stop to serve German Jews,  after was WWII, Hitler attacked UK, Europe, Russia, hundred billions died as murdered. This was a price to top a hate of other Ethnic Groups. Germany was in ruins in 1945.

when i am your private tenant for 9 years with a rent above HB Housing Benefit paid top on your ask a rent above HB UK level,  - is this means you had used the extra payments from British woman Russian Ethnic 2013-2022 rent to  donate to India??   HB 350 = you asked i paid 399 on +48 more. You ask me to pay 450  (HB (350) +100 as a low income 61 British woman, single, divorced, alone (I would named this as a cruelty to me as no money left after to survive).  Had you send my money to you as a rent to India?

Let's say to your wife as you (Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK-India) had offended British single twice divorced woman 55+-61, British Citizen Russian Ethnic, your private tenant 1st October 2013 - 2022 - p.d., paying  a regular monthly rent (always above HB Housing Benefit as you asked for)
in a shock and type of humiliation of woman  by this your plays words on me, a woman:

- I will marry you! Oh, I forgot this: I am a married man already! Should I divorce my old wife to marry you?
- Would you like to marry? I may help you to marry someone?

* a joke on Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK visit inspection his property with his private tenant - a single divorced woman UK

I think this a cruel.

- Would you like to have your cutted off leg back? Oh, I have forgot! This would be just  impossible:  I had threw out your cutted of leg in a bin already! Ha-ha-ha!

Any woman has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any person has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any child has his/her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any mother has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any father has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has her/his hope, dreams, fantasies.

- Would you like to be richer? Oh, I forgot! I took all your money from you above HB (Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350) already!  So, I left nothing for you already to but a food, a dress, shoes, a haircut, a drink in pub to met someone.   Should I cry i stated to be much richer taking your money from you? What do you think about?
* This is a similar to style My Landlord something  - he asked always a rent above HB Housing Benefit help so his private tenant woman left nothing on shoes, clothes, food enough, hair cut, a drink in pub to come to meet someone .

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


To show to share

My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana

is here

Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
from Mansfield

Cheedella Narayana
:::::   Last Seen 18th August 2021  :::::
Cheedella Narayana
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Consultant Psychiatrist B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.D., (General Medicine) M.R.C.Psych.,D.P.M(London) F.R.Psyc
Works at NHS
Studied at Andhra University
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
From Guntur
Joined March 2018
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture 8th September 2018  :::::

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2019  :::::

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2020  :::::

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Went to Hindu College High School, Guntur
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
From London, United Kingdom
:::::   Last Seen Public post  5th March 2022  :::::
UK Govt: Stop Russian gas imports and enact an Emergency Energy Package
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2022  :::::

And, suddenly, as a face of My Landlord in India:

Indian Wedding in India

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ

Indian Wedding in India
and as Boshirov's face here 11:43 11:44 ???

Petrov and Boshirov are two Russian men involving "Novichock" case, Skripal case, Salisbury case (2016?2017?) in UK

#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshirov face here on Indian wedding in India??
* as my Landlord)'s relative or himself younger) 's wedding in India
on Indian girl ???

Boshirov face from news::::
#Boshirov #Petrov #Salisbury #UK #Skripal #case #Simonya #news
#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding

I have some Petrov name as my genetic cousins 4th-Remote
Boshoriv prounanced and may be written as Bashiriv Borshorov Bashiroff Boshiroff
Boss   - Bosh - Bush ,
Bass - Bash - Bah
"bashli"  = "money" (in Asian language)
and "Leader" "Khan" (Tsar, King, Khan, Boss, Boshli Bashli, Money).

Bah is a classic genius German Compositor of old Germany.

++  I think i may met a man named "Petrov"
in UK as a man named himself as
British Red Cross staff Nurse
on a contract to serve in Chechnya Caucasian region in Russia.
We had open public meeting in Duceris Complex school library
in Bouton, New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire area
meeting open public point,
he offered me (pounds:) 35/hour for each Russian verbal lesson
for his work in Russia region.

My husband said me to refuse this as he had worries
this man may do not honest way,
and he said me i had him-my husband
Mr Bob Scotford, Mr Robert Frederick Scotford (birth 10th May 1982 in Stourbridge, UK)
to him to work to support me as his wife financially.
I am born 8th July 1961.
Rob/Bob was 9 years older me
and a man looking "Petrov" was younger me look,
so, I accepted jealous worries of my husband to followed his advice
and refused from this offer as my husband asked me to do this.

I was shocked British news named him "Russian man"
as he named himself "British Nurse of British Red Cross to mission to work in Russia
in Chechnya on a time Russian-Chechen war here duty".

Or,  I may mistaken in face and shapes of bodies
ody recognising as plenty time passed away.

This man left me his CV which I saved before in computer/stick in case he asked if loss
later I deleted all my archives as to be a homeless so worries .

I am not 100 procents  sure here at all. But i think the face of Russian Petrov might be this British man with English surname name as British Nurse of British Red Cross.

if so, he return in UK on tasks from UK.
But if he do - someone in UK knew this better me.

Or I mistaken as some type just.

+++ in side out of theme

So, My Landlord  Dr  Cheedella Narayana  is an active mind man
making plenty Internet activity, opinions, friends, relatives,

I had not friend not one as another social group
to make not troubles but a comfort
and as a woman, too not to do any discomfort for wives any
as I am a single  divorced woman
so I  had not checked other people account
just I will save this in my memory to see photos
whom I knew I know

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Went to Hindu College High School, Guntur
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
From London, United Kingdom
:::::   Last Seen Public post  5th March 2022  :::::
UK Govt: Stop Russian gas imports and enact an Emergency Energy Package
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2022  :::::

Oh, I am confusing
to read a post of Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
against "Russian gas import"
as this sounded for me

1. Hate Russian Ethnic in UK
as Russian/British Russian/Latvian Russians/Ukrainian Russian Ethnic Groups
/British Russian Ethnic Group UK where is me myself
a private tenant paying a regular rent near 9 years to My Landlord
Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana   and he looked started to dislike my money and me
his private tenant of  British Russian Ethnic
* not react on my report to make repairs  of 1 of 20 his properties he let to rent
* increased a rent to a low income 61 yo woman British Citizen UK /Russian Ethnic/British Russian Ethnic above HB Housing Benefit , asked to pay (pounds:) 450 rent knowing HB level (pounds:) 350 just making minus 100 pounds (minus hundred pounds)
* on Russian [STA:R] STA Sta =100=Hundred ~ [Khan Red],  Khan Rent , Khan Red,
-  Stalin as Hundred / Khan Red /Khan Rent
link or
Starling Star Ling or
Starling (a bird Staling,,
making "Stalin" link to English England Great Britain UK,
- Russian Khan Tsar King Hun Stalin lived one time in UK,
left his Artur son of his English or British mother
as a connection Stalin and United Kingdom.
* Russian "Tsar" "King" Stalin was famous by killing Russian Ethnic by Hundreds, making his memory of rule in Russia in USSR as a cruel time no democratisy so UK Politicians blamed Stalin for Stalin Regine in USSR no freedom of opinions and choices and a dominant political power type.
* While another hand, each put Stalin victory on Hitler regime in Germany as a greatest success victory May 1945 historic date.
* 50 billions of Soviet people USSR (Russian Ethnic a lot) had been killed during WWII time, civilians, women, children, man, 23 billions of soldiers in battles
* this was a hidden secret fact of number of killed USSR civilians and military till 21 century generations passed to grow
* the open of this historical fact changed Russian official military Doctrine from "WE never attack others 1st till they attack us" to "We accept any military action on any country if we would feel any military dangerous they may attack as as a precaution of this (as we  had a loss of 50 millions own civilians and 23 millions military soldiers during WWII and we do not want to have the some over as  a genocide of Russian and other Ethnic groups and languages"
*****  This means if USSR had not attacked UK on The Cold War declaration in May 1945 and had a ruined economic and collapsed state as a result, - new time modern military people replaced Russian Doctrine on WE HAVE RIGHTS TO DO THIS - we loss 50 billions of civilians and 23 billions of soldiers during WWII and ruined economic state collapse to not existing any more country state USSR since 1991-1992 as a result "We never attack 1st!" replaced "We have our rights to attack to do what we think needed any" which is a similar some to American military Doctrine "WE have rights to do what we think we need to do and to attack any country too"
*****  This means Churchull might started The Cold War on USSR/Russia as ex-allies USSR/Russia during WWII time without any really consequences as USSR/Russia had not attacked or used The Nuclear bombing UK 1945-1991 prefer to collapse rigter to fight military with UK  but new modern time people named this as a mistake making a collapse USSR state and USSR allies where India was too making a betray own allies friends states countries to USSR. This all men as any modern British PM/Politicians as British PM Teresa May / British MP Boris Johnson / British MP (possible) Liz Trust/British MP (any) may create the military response on UK land righter a Nuclear Bombing UK land to stop UK Politicians hate Russia and Russian Ethnic righter a straight military attack UK to solve "English mind hate us problems"
I had not listen such ideas before but some started said this "all our country us problems we leaved whom hated us not touching May 1945 - 2022 not reacting military to stop this".  Modern Russia have Russian Fascists, Russian Nazi as youngest active groups which similar thinking as German Fascists 1933-1945, some just on Russian language, -- Hitler army attacked UK land, European countries, Ukraine, Russia as to predict the activity of the Fascists regime military attacks all each they hate.
***  I feel a dangerous of activity of British MP UK  modern British PM/Politicians as British PM Teresa May / British MP Boris Johnson / British MP (possible) Liz Trust making open public hate of Russia and Russian Ethnic Groups (UK supported a genocide of Ukrainian Citizen of Russian Ethnic (Scottish /English descendent mix with local Russians genes as Russian Ethnic locals of Ukraine.
Plenty British schoolchildren know plenty American Citizens USA have British/English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh Ethnic ancestry. Rare British schoolchild knows some to Russian Ethnic of Russian Impair/USSR/Russia and so not knowing  that modern British PM/Politicians as British PM Teresa May / British MP Boris Johnson / British MP (possible) Liz Trust  declared a hate to mix genes decedents of British Impair whom come to stay in Russian Impair to work to survive to live to mix as MIGRANTS OF BRITISH IMPAIR TO RUSSIAN IMPAIR as plenty Russian Nobles and Russian rich families employed English-speaking native birth Teachers, staff, servants, porters, horsemen, jokkeys , Majordom of Home, Nannies, etc. One of Russian Royalty female staff looking for Russian Royal Princes and Princess was born in Ireland Irish Ethnic woman.
The life is a life, some women were a pregnant, some men left their official or unofficial children each was Russian Ethnic Russian Citizen of Russian Impair born here after.
Plenty killed Russian Ethnic of Eastern Ukraine in Ukraine while Russian Ethnic but decedents of UK area and USA area for centuries, - Luhansk town was founded by Scottish man Charles Gaiscoin and his English-Scottish-European relatives and friends and knowns. So, 1st Dale (Dahle's Dale's) Russian words meaning Dictionary was written published by Dale (Dahle) born in Luhansk (Museum of him here).
Some mix genes decedents of UK/USA area was from
1. military spies working this area and having local women USSR as adult men
2. soldiers and officers see British tanks of 1919 in Luhansk as a memory  British soldiers presence during WWI and so they left children of local woman of Russia/Ukraine/USSR/Russian Impair area while some might had not left their children if never returned back to UK area (if they was died, badly wounded, borders closure 1917 making not able return back to UK too or to write to UK inform they were alive not able return back as 1917 The Iron Steel Border closure to travel or write letters abroad was.
3. So, you see plenty local names whom never returned back to UK from WWI battles fields in Russian Impair/USSR area too, - some stayed , some could not as borders closure 1917+, some died , but some their blood children might left of them as Russian Ethnic/Ukrainian Ethnic,  ... their decedents of their blood, -- -  this fact worries of heritage started of some "official decedents UK", possible.
What to do if some blood decedents fact open? to pass a heritage of their ancestors (fathers/parent of parent)  or not? as some British titles heritage or rich families heritage worries here too.
I think no one British Judge would pass or replaced changed things which was done already.
So, all worries of this the empty places just.
So, just worries of open public scandals to know your blood relatives are Russian Ethnic or Ukrainian Ethnic born in Russia or Ukraine or Kazakhstan as a sensitive shock to open any adult may have own adult life and choices and some sins too.
WE all may accept so sort worries as we know English Ethnic/British Ethnic is a really delicate sensitive emotional  on moments adults sex choices of adults.
But i doubt we must accept the following hate to kill Ukrainian/Russian Ethnic in Ukraine/Russian/Kazakhstan etc "as my ancestor left a child here of these local woman!" ???
This we must not accept. And decedents of some men of different women the some which so common theme to UK land.
3. tourists, voyagers, visitor, whom worked left their possible decedents in Ukraine/Russia too

Germans accepted Latvian Lettish Ethnic as a "dirty mix German Ethnic men and local Latvian Lettish females in Latvia and so Hitler Fascists Regime German Army had not killed Latvians.

See a difference to Great Britain United Kingdom as cruel more Hitler Fascists Regime of Germany to own blood genes left alive abroad as mixed with locals.

I will repeat:  more cruel to own blood genes decedents British soldiers left during WWI battles in Ukraine/Russia as attempt to kill children of another women from some men ancestor -
- plenty British people had some problem here in UK as official blood decedents and unofficial blood decedents and a hate women their competitors as a jealous hate.

So, if we not stop this, this will grow to copy attack inside UK.

I would never knew this just I did my DNA tests 2009-2022 to e surprised to find some things
so I picked surnames ancestry of my genetic cousins and checked The Church / Cemetery / Archives surnames names to find some "missed or died during WWI time surnames" of my genetic cousins surname of locals.

My attempt to be united failed straight as "Russian Ethnic", making if someone some soldier had been killed outside UK not leaving official children or leaving official and unofficial children in UK,  -- his decedents of other mothers would out to be accepted in UK< WHICH AS TO KILL THESE British soldiers TWICE and by own native hands of own ancestors. Sore!

Sore! Plenty had not left own official children as soldiers as own state POlitics ordered to go to a war outside UK area. and when British soldiers died in battles leaving just children of local women abroad
their blood genes may not accepted in UK to stay happy comfort  but in "Left back to where you had came in UK!" way. Which sore as a betray of British Soldiers USED by richest British Politician's Ambitions to a career in UK

No one British Teacher said:
- See plenty British soldiers WWI, WWII never return back to UK from battles abroad. So, some left their decedents were they stayed lived as your own possible sister brother just talking another language.

German Fascists had not touched Latvian Lettish Ethnic mix of local women and Germans
refer as "dirty" genes type but still mix with Germans.

British Politicians had not named themselves as Fascists open publicly
but they acted cruelty righter Germans of Hitler regime of Fascists in Germany as mind thinking.

But this was may be a dangerous way to safety UK
making all as "different of goals UK TO STAYSAFE IN UK"

I read Russian news articles of Russia with Medvedev was not  with Putin names article.
Medvedev had been named as a soft delicate Liberal man not created for wars.

Кто выглядит как Петров похоже встратился со мной как сотрудник Британского  Красного Креста. Предлагал 35 фунтов в час за уроки русского языка, нужные ему для работы в Чечне в России от Британского Красного Креста. Встреча была в библиотеке публично школы в Баутоне-Оллетоне Дюкерис Академия. Говорил на английском только. Я отказалась, сочла неуютно и неудобно (подумала парень слишком сексапилен и станет использовать знание русского языка приставать к месным россиянам в Чечне - чеченкам и русским, склонять на секс в офисном помещении или вообще. А шутки такого рода с чеченцами и в Чечне слишком опасны. И я не захотела брать на себя ответственность за действия потом "моего ученика как учительницы русского языка" ЕСЛИ Я ЕГО НАУЧУ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ, Потом я забыла. Мой муж тоже так посоветовал, отрекомендовав того как не совсем порядочного мужчину и человека: он волновался я его жена могу ему всё же измненить, но и просто ненавидел того чисто по мужски: просто так и всё. (мой муж имел опыт был геем по молодости, потом стал жить с женщинами, кто в итоге разводились расставались как не мужчины: нападал внезапно в присутпе который неконтролировал, было страшно). Я его запомнила и думала потом: КАК ОН В Чечне в миссии Британского Красного Креста?  НЕ ОБИЖАЛ МЕСтных девушек и женщин чеченок? надеюсь?  Петров есть у меня генетические кузены. в тоже Мой ДНК в FF FTDNA Geni My Heritage Genotek Genebase был в 23andMe удалила, сейчас жалеюю Здоровый образ жизни и питание это анализ ДНК индивидуально для подбора питаниия и всего. Кстати.

#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshorov face here on Indian wedding in India??
* as my Landlord)'s relative or himself younger) 's wedding in India
on Indian girl ???

Boshirov face from news::::
#Boshirov #Petrov #Salisbury #UK #Skripal #case #Simonya #news
#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ

Британсие законы разрешают иметь 1-2-3-4 гражданства как наследование владение связи и родня.

Кто побогаче меня, у тех иначе.

Просто система. кто богат тем всё
кто нет то не вылезть никак вверх-топят и сстема топит. вышибает.

Я  к  чему?  британцы МОГУТ ИМЕТЬ  1-2-3-4 гражданства.
И выбирать какое из 1-2-3-4 озвучить то или то.

Петрова я вот помню как британца кто предлагал мне британке работу
учитель русского языка британцам работающим на Британский Красный Крест в Чечне в России (во время Русско-Чеченской войны конфликта),   35 фунтов в час за урок русского разговорного языка для общения, предлагалось.

Мы встретились публично в зале библиотеки британской школы Дюкерикс в  Баутоне (Бьютоне)-Оллетоне, Ноттингемшире, Англия,.

Я была тогда Миссис Инна Скорфорд, жена Боба Скотфорда (Роберта Фредерика Скорфорда, др 10 мая 1952, Стоурбридж, Англия).  Мой муж был крайне эмоционально ревнив подозрителен и отговорил мне идти работать

1. учителем русского языка у мистера Смита (владелец фабрики сладости печенья тортики делают в Баутоне и благотворитель Холокост Центра  в Англии). (Его жена китаянка и мать 3х детей нечто сказала так: думала я была любовница её мужа: нет, никогда. Уроки русского языка разговорного приветствие при приёме делегации с России - Генерал, освободивший Освенцим:  чтобы сказать ему приятно  приветствие при встрече и перевод корреспондеции приглашения приехать на открытие Холокост Центра в Англии и сидела за их столиком: группа поддержки, местная, говорю на русском и они на русском все. Это я как волонтёр. Денег не взяла.

* я приходила на работу бухгалтера устраиваться. он взял не меня: китаянку: она потом и его жена и мать трёх детей стала. Очень яркая огневая активная женщина девушка, британцу просто повезло уговорить такую в жёны и матери свох детей забрать.

2. Предлагали уроки русского языка давать британским подводникам: отказала муж бы не выдержал, он ревнивый был очень.

3. На Петрова похож. 35 фунтов в час за 1 урок разговорного русского языка сотруднику Британского Красного Креста для работы в Чечне в России во время Русско-Чеченская война. Отказала как неудобно: молод и сексапилен: а муж мой на 9 лет старше меня и он бы не снёс этого в его фантазиях ревности и паранои ревности: он (мой муж) и отговорил меня отказаться. Сказал, "непорядный мужчина может быть. А тебе работать не надо: у тебя есть я, твой муж, работать."

У меня Петров в генетических кузенах есть.
I have (unknown whom as not contacted) my genetic cousin Petrov in DNA genetic tests
Ivanov , Medvedev, Petrov - each unknown never contacted


Saturday,  28-08-2022  about till 15:43
Mr  Daniel Craitoiu, Contractor of My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield UK
worked on side 2B Mason Street Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG17 4HP.

It was a bang! sound in area of living room 2a but above from 2B.

The coloured water liquid of brown-dark cherry brown-red mix liquid looked like as water mix of something started to pour from a celling on a wall under wall paper and bang! banged dropped water out.

I called to Mr Daniel Craitoiu attention, he said me to replaced old batteries on 2B and this was a water from old batteries 'es inside.

Mr  Daniel Craitoiu send me he worked 2B side to finish and he plan after to make repairs of 2A wall he damaged by not taking a water of old batteries 1st to replace batteries.

I do trust Mr Daniel Craitoiu 's word promise
but I do a report asking to add a paid job to take a water from batteries out if case to replace batteries
and I do report to control Mr Daniel Craitoiu will repair to My Landlord to shoulder this
and other maintenance repairs if this possible too.

the old glue stick border out on a corner to refresh this
the corner borders floor+ with gaps usually they closed silicone to re-fresh
the front door from the street had gaps to replace or refresh
the wooden fence 2 panels need repairs or replacements but this problem connected another side whom lived damaged a fence putting their metallic others staff closed to a fence, -to ask them to take out of fence 1st as impossible to repair this without that
Utility room roof need to be checked safe to tidy and fill gaps - this work need a ladder step as a high level roof level, a screwdriver need, possible, to fix tidy and  a lenter of fix for gaps
the utility room door, windows would be better replace on a shoulder as water inside as so old out warranty and the inner isolation inside (some people may fix the isolation back to open a windows, take water out and crew back but rare do this properly so all advice replace windows s better solution cheap at end.
bathroom  some job before on a maintenance refresh, gaps to cover by silicone or another fixer
more worse of this a wooden fence which go to ruins as neibours used to push on a fence
i do not know which number of house of Mansfield Road to go complain as to move out
and i am a woman they might offend me, so i am not able to sort this.

Mr Daniel Craitoiu worked all days on 2B Mason
as a hard working man what i respect and so said

He noticed me upstairs to see 2B Mason in repairs he done and he said me this was a hard work to clean all he done already part.     I never was on 2B, but I could not came inside - the old carpet on steps had a strongest heavy smell, -  usually all caperts should taken away so cleaners working on side missed this and missed to clean wash steps too.  I report this making a chance to My Landlord to complain job was not one in full.

I had not reply on my ask what My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield
what me to do????

To  leave  2a Mason as a low income 61 yo woman??????????
as NOT ABLE TO PAY A RENT HE ASKED ME rigter (pounds:) 450 or (pounds:) 425 each about HB (pounds:) 350/m
and each increased more 5 procents  which damaged Tenant Agreement words "any increase a rent yearly must be NO MORE RIGTHER 5 procents    (0 procents -5 procents  RANGE NOT ESPECIALLY 5 procents  AS MAY BE 0 procents  INCREASE A RENT).

I offered options:

if My Landlord really wants more rent so this would be not me on low income HB Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350/m, -  so i look i need to leave and my Landlord picked some richer me.
But there are NOT INDIA with Indian laws "Go away!" "I find someone else better!"
There are UK British Laws area with Tenant Agreement i paid for 9 years near already a rent covered MY RIGHTS AS TENNAT PAYING MONEY MY MONEY TOO near 9 years on regular monthly way not missed any payment
To cover my rights as payee rent money to Landlord and Agency, My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield should give me:

Notice to leave 2 months
A refferal letter, a recomendation letter "whom would ask" (not named)  that I was his private tenant from 1st October 2013 till (month of writing date or end of month date) always regular pay rent.

1/. to show to Ashfield Council to be in Band 1 as now I am Band 5
2/  to show on any offer of property to me to owner of property - Landlord

As now I applied during 2 years + never 1st as Band 5
and I do not see how i may apply a bungalow /1 bed roomed flat with a garden
if to be on Band 5 as this is not work, really,
I applied applied still not having any
and all as if My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield
wanted a richer me to let this
he need to a working someone
as any on benefits would be some problem as I have HB is not covered a rent.

a long term (credit card, mortgage) payments usually more reduced low prices
so 9 years of regular monthly payments created a profit no gaps but each month payments.
as a financial partner side of My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana so would be me
while some plenty people rent for more but just 1-2-3 months and left if builders

I give options OFFERS CHOICES to MY Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield:

If he wants me to leave having no ability pay 450 or 425 pounds rent on HB 350  and low income, - he need issues Notice to leave 2 month + referral letter  1st
I may offer to pay a rent pn HB Housing Benefit level  (pounds:) 350/month with increase this if HB increase to level HB      as  the way i have less food, no money on food, drinks, clothes, shoes, haircuts, a drink in pub to find someone as an adult is a CRUEL
My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana had not money for 9 years to make repairs replacements maintenance on side what asked and a man did this "i have not money enough fo this and all" way. as his side.
This means he opened me to say "Sorry, I have just (pounds:) 350/month HB to offer to you as a rent I may pay.
to pay 48 pounds minis of minimal surviving Living expenses Benefit/monthly
make minus 800  pounds per year
and see me - a single divorced no money on haircut (making myself as i could), no family as any visit in pub a dress + shoes + nails + Haircut
This means My  Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana TOOK MY PERSONNEL FEMALE ADULT LIFE HAPPINESS - so, just My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana's daughters have rights in UK to wear nice dresses and to be marry???

May I pay    HB (pounds:) 350  Housing Benefit  level rent to you,
dear   Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana ????????????

If you disagree
please issue me Notice to Leave and recommendation letter
to show whom will accept me on HB Housing Benefit level rent.

(pounds:) 399 rent on (pounds:) 48 pounds above HB (pounds:) 350 monthly
making me  (pounds:) 48 x 12 =  (pounds:) 576 /year less of low minimal surviving level
But I have as you put me  a rent above HB ???!!!!!!!!!!!

I had offered to keep (pounds:) 399/month till I find a Council/private flat/bungalow before
But Electricity-gas bills up a lot making not able to save of Living expenses
to pay a rent to you

and as  You IGNORED my asks of repairs maintenance WHILE Tenant Agreement
you took money including this

making me to save my money to pay for repairs
to Locksmith x 2 twice repeared  a lock in window and a door.

Leader Agency said you, my dear Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana should paid this
taking my money of me, but I said and SO I NEED MY MONEY MAKING SAVINGS


So,  what me do do you want me to do?

You want me to leave? Please issue Notice and  a recommendation to find another place to stay/

You want me to stay? if so, i offer (pounds:) 350 /m

Let's say to your wife as you (Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK-India) had offended British single twice divorced woman 55+-61, British Citizen Russian Ethnic, your private tenant 1st October 2013 - 2022 - p.d., paying  a regular monthly rent (always above HB Housing Benefit as you asked for)
in a shock and type of humiliation of woman  by this your plays words on me, a woman:

- I will marry you! Oh, I forgot this: I am a married man already! Should I divorce my old wife to marry you?
- Would you like to marry? I may help you to marry someone?

* a joke on Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK visit inspection his property with his private tenant - a single divorced woman UK

I think this a cruel.

- Would you like to have your cutted off leg back? Oh, I have forgot! This would be just  impossible:  I had threw out your cutted of leg in a bin already! Ha-ha-ha!

Any woman has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any person has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any child has his/her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any mother has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any father has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has her/his hope, dreams, fantasies.

- Would you like to be richer? Oh, i forgot! I took all your money from you above HB (Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350) already!  So, I left nothing for you already to but a food, a dress, shoes, a haircut, a drink in pub to met someone.   Should I cry i stated to be much richer taking your money from you? What do you think about?
* This is a similar to style My Landlord something  - he asked always a rent above HB Housing Benefit help so his private tenant woman left nothing on shoes, clothes, food enough, hair cut, a drink in pub to come to meet someone .

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Let's say to your wife as you (Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK-India) had offended British single twice divorced woman 55+-61, British Citizen Russian Ethnic, your private tenant 1st October 2013 - 2022 - p.d., paying  a regular monthly rent (always above HB Housing Benefit as you asked for)
in a shock and type of humiliation of woman  by this your plays words on me, a woman:

- I will marry you! Oh, I forgot this: I am a married man already! Should I divorce my old wife to marry you?
- Would you like to marry? I may help you to marry someone?

* a joke on Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK visit inspection his property with his private tenant - a single divorced woman UK

I think this a cruel.

- Would you like to have your cutted off leg back? Oh, I have forgot! This would be just  impossible:  I had threw out your cutted of leg in a bin already! Ha-ha-ha!

Any woman has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any person has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any child has his/her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any mother has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any father has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has her/his hope, dreams, fantasies.

- Would you like to be richer? Oh, I forgot! I took all your money from you above HB (Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350) already!  So, I left nothing for you already to but a food, a dress, shoes, a haircut, a drink in pub to met someone.   Should I cry I stated to be much richer taking your money from you? What do you think about?
* This is a similar to style My Landlord something  - he asked always a rent above HB Housing Benefit help so his private tenant woman left nothing on shoes, clothes, food enough, hair cut, a drink in pub to come to meet someone .

Would you like me to leave? if so, I need Notice to leave 2 months + Recommend letter/ If not: read this, please:::

Look:  Roman Abamovich had not helped to British in UK and he had a huge loss.
This great to help Indian in India as Motherland
but you and your wife and your children are living in UK  ???

Other Landlord picked offers HB level.
Why should you not pick others picked HB level rent if people a low income?

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


Good morning
I am living in UK a low income British Citizen UK, female, 61 yo, born in Khabarovsk Russia in 8th July 1961, lived since 2 month old in Gaysin (Gaysin/Gaisin/Haysin/Hiesin/HISIN?Haisin/) in Ukraine 1961-1966, in Uzbekistan in Tashkent and Sergeli, in Siberia in Novosibirsk with my grandmother (mother's mother)  Nina Stepanovna Kurushina (1914-1992, Novosibirsk), a widow of Viktor Sergeevich Kurushin (1909, Saratov (Saratow), Russian Impair - 1941, summer, WWII battle field wounded , died in hospital). I am so Russian Ethnic, lived in Russia as 1st with my grandmother Nina and after with my parents (in Kuibyshev, Tolyatti, in Chita Province closed to  China border for 6 years and after in Riga, Latvia 1973-1998 and after in UK in Nottinghamshire 12th Feb 1998 - present day 2022 August 28th.  I am 61 yo woman, mother of two, divorced twice, a single, alone,
another Ethnic Group - British Russian Ethnic Group.

It was not easy life in UK for me as to another Ethnic Group woman 1998-2022 always
as making much harder load and abilities to survive  in UK
especially in this time of UK-Russia Political disagreements time
when plenty loyal patriotic brainwashed cowards had troubles for British Citizen Russian Ethnic to survive.

Some British men were fast to run from me soon they knew my Ethnic Group is Russian or language is a native or if i talked or singing songs on Russian was a pressure of knowing at door:

- Immediately stop this singing on Russian in UK! Here is not your Russia but England! for you to talk not on Russian here!
*Some old colonial style of attitude British Colony stopped staying away.

While British Laws are against a discrimination Ethnic Groups
language culture

British BBC have Russian BBC news on Russian
Indian Pakistani Polish etc languages of Ethnic Groups UK some Russian Ethnic.

I try to use just English outside of home
but i use my native language my mother and mother's mother used singing Russian songs to me since my childhood.

Some hate this for this difference
But British Laws warrantee rights
Indian Ethnic people UK have their traditional dresses, songs, TV channels
as the example.

I feel my Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana as pro-patriotic man to do all British Gov said as to hate Russia and Russian Ethnic might confused with me British Citizen Russian Ethnic, "Russian Ethnic" to attack

as My  Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield
is a man of Another Indian Ethnic himself with huge family so worries
and he might confused his private tenant for 9 years Russian Ethnic
which he knew

as some joked with him to say I am Ukrainian Citizen of Ukraine and Ukrainian Ethnic
and British Government forced ask be friendly polite take Ukrainians with extra pay on hospitality to Landlords for this,

so,  My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana may think and worried he might earn some extra money and he named me Ukrainian woman , Ukrainian Ethnic.

I have juridical rights to apply for Ukrainian Citizenship but a huge  way and money to pass all was and no money was after a sale of my property in UK to me to be able to buy a flat-home in Ukraine.
I have this rights as
My mother and me lived 25 Pershego Travnya Street Gaisin Ukraine 1961++ 5 years in Ukraine, Ukrainian Laws permit Ukrainian Citizenship grant to me. I just not able to afford this all not having savings enough to travel to Ukraine to Gaisin Document 119 form archive needed before juridical work start as on this.
My mother's father photo from Kharkiv Border College 1932 was and letter here 1938+ so lived in Kharkiv, Ukraine before WWII time.
Genetic test connections to a village closed to Kiev and Ukrainians Borshc (Ukraine) (Ukrainian traditional soup of raspberry beetroot colour borsch, Labudda (Ukraine) (L Budda, labuda = talk a lot, Malinovski Polish-Ukraine) (Raspberry) but not as a closed genetic cousins be honest.
My Genealogy Tree is with some relatives of Novosibirsk tree relative stayed in Ukraine too.
This all do not doo me closed in contacts with someone or Ukrainian Citizen or Ukrainian Ethnic.
But my 1st language was Ukrainian for 5 years of my life 1961-1966. Ido not remember this, replaced to talk on Russian language since 6yo age.
Latvia used Russian and Latvian Lettish and Polish and German and English and French in proportion some knew 1 language some 2 some 3-4-5-6-7
UK base language is English, but some range extra top languages on top of this.
Indian man is British Citizen of Indian Ethnic Group as My Landlord
I am a woman 61 yo , British Citizen of Russian Ethnic Group

Russians and Indians were as sisters brothers as Indian Sanskrit old base of Russian old Slavonic Languages. So, plenty Russians think as  a fashion to know Sanskrit Indian language.

We had not any hate other Ethnic Groups as inhabitants of "The Impair" "USSR"
and we loved Indians a lot named "our brothers and sisters".

USSR spent a lot of budget to India, Indians and never attacked with a war to hate Russians.

But some people may like love be loyal just to whom whom took your country in wars to rule here and to others be slaves.

India was a British Colony and Indians flighted for the independence
as  educated privileges top elite of British Impair had not accepted other Ethnic
and English-talking Impair collapsed some as USSR Impair collapsed.

I was shocked My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana , Indian man in UK asked to sign a petition against a cheap Russian gas in UK and so what? Me as his private tenant would stay on high level prices on gas or to be a cold?

My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana took my money from me, - British Citizen Russian Ethnic during 9 years and was satisfied glad to have  a regular  monthly rent payment from me,
British Citizen of Russian Ethnic

and to me to find after he, My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana, may be hated or hate me?
as another Ethnic? Russian Ethnic? or as I am a woman?

So, if i would not read this, i would not started, just cried in tears alone and this all.
as what can I do?

I think and feel this not loyal financial partner, this man, Indian man,
My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
talking a rent of Russian Ethnic UK woman me during near 9 years
to blame Russian after publicly
so to me read this.

I am paying money
they my money were accepted during 9 years
so wish a respect .

But if My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
felt his out to respect my feelings
I may pay the some
asking him to accept a rent on Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350/month level
as I am low income but he put a rent above (pounds:) 350
347 to 399  on HB (pounds:) 350/m
after to 450,425  while HB (pounds:) 350/m/

so all needs of biological object my age group.

My Landlord took over HB level
this means out a minimal surviving Living Element to buy a food, ...

Bills for Electricity gas increased making less of Living Element of others needs too.

Mortgige credit in UK for properties some level by years
this mean we may hope a rent would stay some level for a long too.

I do not ask someone to react just inform to show a life in UK.
and a question to British Government/JCP/Council

in a comfort as 60+ age
to have less money to buy a food
as Landlord asked  a  rent above HB Housing Benefit???
no food enough, no warm house enough in age, no cloethes shoes haircuts, travel, socialization, no money to travel

Why had British Laws not put as LAWS SAID border rule of rent under HB Housing Benefit level???
ir if not this - wh
y had Council left this not worryinh as "whom are they? really? for Council to worry about?

I would name this as a cruelty to women UK^

pension age up frpm 60 till 66 67 75
some died before just as tired/

I live in UK. I am a British Citizen I wish UK as good kind human state or society

belong enclosed
below as attachment
Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 1

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 2

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 3

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 4

* To Compare two faces:::
an Indian man on Indian wedding in India ["Boshirov"]
to compare to
my face of me, Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin photo from a train, in Luhansk, Ukraine at 14 September 2010, the train Kiev-Luhansk

* Для сравнения, две фотографии:
индийский мужчика с индийской свадьбы в Индии (снималли французы, видео на Ютюбе)
и моё лицо - (женщины урождённой лицо женского пола) Инна Александровна Бальзин (1961гр) (61 год сейчас в 2022,  в 2010 фото мне 2010 -1961 = 49 лет), Мисс Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин. М? А похожи?


To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana

By Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, UK

                28th August 2022, UK, Nottinghamshire

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana

Good morning!

Would you like me to leave? if so, I need Notice to leave 2 months + Recommend letter/ If not: read this, please:::

Would you like me to leave? if so, I need Notice to leave 2 months + Recommend letter/ If not: read this, please:::

Look:  Roman Abamovich had not helped to British in UK and he had a huge loss.
This great to help Indian in India as Motherland
but you and your wife and your children are living in UK  ???

Other Landlord picked offers HB level.
Why should you not pick others picked HB level rent if people a low income?

From video 11:43 11:44

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshirov face here on Indian wedding in India??

Boshirov face from news::::
#Boshirov #Petrov #Salisbury #UK #Skripal #case #Simonya #news
#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshirov face here on Indian wedding in India??

I met some man which looked a Petrov whom introduced himself as British Nurse to go to work in Chechnya to Russia (during Russian-Chechen war in Russia). We had 1st Russian verbal language lesson in open public place, - a library in Duckeris Complex (Academy) Primary-Secondary School in r-New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire. He offered me ;35/1 hour of Russian verbal lesson x ? weeks. I was his so Russian Teacher making 1 lesson 1st -he had not knew a word on Russian. I refused as my husband Bob/Rob (Mr Bob Scotford) (Mr Robert Frederick Scotford, born 10th May 1952 in Stourbridge UK was 9 years older me and a really jealous sensitive man (I was a victim of domestic violence so I divorced, m.1998-2010, he said me after thanks you saved us both of worse (I was his 3rd wife, 2nd wife run he attacked her way he attacked me on 9th Feb 2001), but as our divorce saved my life and his career life, so he worked hard paid taxes as a free man. It was hard time. I could not put my life in a jealousy of my 2nd husband so I refused to be his Russian Teacher as my husband asked me this "You do not need to work, - you have me, your husband to work for us too". * Before this, I was Russian Teacher for Mr Smith, owner of factory and one one founder Holocaust Centre in UK, - I gave 1st lessons of greetings on Russian to greet Russian General freeded the GERMAN CONCENTRATION CAMP IN EUROPE. His American General was on The Opening Days too. I was too as a local woman (British Citizen UK , Russian Ethnic Group/Latvian Russians Ethnic Group/British Russian Ethnic group (presented in UK from 16 century or before, I had not did the full study). The Queen , Her Majesty ELIZABETH II was invited as a quest on The Opening Days of Holocaust (I attended as a guest to support Russian Guests from Russia). But unfortunate, The Queen could not came. if so, i would saw Her Majesty. But i saw from TV and Internet, as each all, so all right all.

PS:  Do you increase a rent to me on ;100 (hundred pounds) above HB  Housing Benefit ;350 and asked more 5 procents  increase a rent (what Tenant Agreement put no more righter 5 procents  increase of rent, the increase was  higher 5 procents   as you hate me as a 1. woman UK 2. 61 yo 3/ low income 4/ Russian Ethnic//British Russian Ethnic Group?

My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana asked to sign a petition (whom wants to sign) In FB in Internet:
PSS:  UK Govt: Stop Russian gas imports and enact an Emergency Energy Package

My response 1
The ask to hate a gas from The Artic North of Russia to UK delivered to use on a cheap regular price able help to survive in UK looked as some ask hate someone as Another Ethnic Discrimination. as if British gov really believed this, - they would reacted some similar way to any company (British too) some way. If someone hate is a normal but this a Discrimination - we are all living alive existing humans beings and each needs to survive as a human rights.

My response 2
I don't sign this competition as this way would be wrong to hate others of another Ethnic offering cheaper gas price easy survive in UK

My response 3
1933-1945 Germany, Hitler Fascists Regime rules of discriminations Ethnical Groups
asking German shops to stop to serve German Jews,  after was WWII, Hitler attacked UK, Europe, Russia, hundred billions died as murdered. This was a price to top a hate of other Ethnic Groups. Germany was in ruins in 1945.

when i am your private tenant for 9 years with a rent above HB Housing Benefit paid top on your ask a rent above HB UK level,  - is this means you had used the extra payments from British woman Russian Ethnic 2013-2022 rent to  donate to India??   HB 350 = you asked i paid 399 on +48 more. You ask me to pay 450  (HB (350) +100 as a low income 61 British woman, single, divorced, alone (I would named this as a cruelty to me as no money left after to survive).  Had you send my money to you as a rent to India?

Let's say to your wife as you (Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK-India) had offended British single twice divorced woman 55+-61, British Citizen Russian Ethnic, your private tenant 1st October 2013 - 2022 - p.d., paying  a regular monthly rent (always above HB Housing Benefit as you asked for)
in a shock and type of humiliation of woman  by this your plays words on me, a woman:

- I will marry you! Oh, I forgot this: I am a married man already! Should I divorce my old wife to marry you?
- Would you like to marry? I may help you to marry someone?

* a joke on Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK visit inspection his property with his private tenant - a single divorced woman UK

I think this a cruel.

- Would you like to have your cutted off leg back? Oh, I have forgot! This would be just  impossible:  I had threw out your cutted of leg in a bin already! Ha-ha-ha!

Any woman has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any person has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any child has his/her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any mother has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any father has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has her/his hope, dreams, fantasies.

- Would you like to be richer? Oh, i forgot! I took all your money from you above HB (Housing Benefit ;350) already!  So, i left nothing for you already to but a food, a dress, shoes, a haircut, a drink in pub to met someone.   Should I cry i stated to be much richer taking your money from you? What do you think about?
* This is a similar to style My Landlord something  - he asked always a rent above HB Housing Benefit help so his private tenant woman left nothing on shoes, clothes, food enough, hair cut, a drink in pub to come to meet someone .

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


To show to share

My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana

is here

Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
from Mansfield

Cheedella Narayana
:::::   Last Seen 18th August 2021  :::::
Cheedella Narayana
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Consultant Psychiatrist B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.D., (General Medicine) M.R.C.Psych.,D.P.M(London) F.R.Psyc
Works at NHS
Studied at Andhra University
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
From Guntur
Joined March 2018
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture 8th September 2018  :::::

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2019  :::::

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2020  :::::

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Went to Hindu College High School, Guntur
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
From London, United Kingdom
:::::   Last Seen Public post  5th March 2022  :::::
UK Govt: Stop Russian gas imports and enact an Emergency Energy Package
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2022  :::::

And, suddenly, as a face of My Landlord in India:

Indian Wedding in India

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* Indian Wedding in India
* and as Boshirov's face here 11:43 11:44 ???
*  Petrov and Boshirov are two Russian men involving "Novichock" case, Skripal case, Sailisbury case (2016?2017?) in UK

#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshirov face here on Indian wedding in India??
* as my Landlord)'s relative or himself younger) 's wedding in India
on Indian girl ???

Boshirov face from news::::
#Boshirov #Petrov #Salisbury #UK #Skripal #case #Simonya #news
#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding

I have some Petrov name as my genetic cousins 4th-Remote
Boshoriv prounanced and may be written as Bashiriv Borshorov Bashiroff Boshiroff
Boss   - Bosh - Bush ,
Bass - Bash - Bah
"bashli"  = "Money" (in Asian language)
and "Leader" "Khan" (Tsar, King, Khan, Boss, Boshli Bashli, Money).

Bah is a classic genius German Compositor of old Germany.

++  I think I may met a man named "Petrov"
in UK as a man named himself as
British Red Cross staff Nurse
on a contract to serve in Chechnia Caucasian region in Russia.
We had open public meeting in Duceris Complex school library
in Bouton, New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire area
meeting open public point,
he offered me ;35/hour for each Russian verbal lesson
for his work in Russia region.

My husband said me to refuse this as he had worries
this man may do not honest way,
and he said me i had him-my husband
Mr Bob Scotford, Mr Robert Frederick Scotford (birth 10th May 1982 in Stourbridge, UK)
to him to work to support me as his wife financially.
I am born 8th July 1961.
Rob/Bob was 9 years older me
and a man looking "Petrov" was younger me look,
so, i accepted jealose worries of my husband to followed his advice
and refused from this offer as my husband asked me to do this.

I was shocked British news named him "Russian man"
as he named himself "British Nurse of British Red Cross to mission to work in Russia
in Chechnia on a time Russian-Chechen war here duty".

Or,  I may mistaken in face shaes of face bodies by a  recognising as plenty time passed away.

This man left me his CV which i saved before in computer/stick in case he asked if loss
later i deleted all my archives as to be a homeless so worries .

I am not 100 procents  sure here at all. But i think the face of Russian Petrov might be this British man with English surname name as British Nurse of Bitish Red Cross.

if so, he return in UK on tasks from UK.
But if he do - someone in UK knew this better me.

Or I was a mistaken as some type just.

+++ in side out of theme

So, My Landlord  Dr  Cheedella Narayana  is an active mind man
making plenty Internet activity, opinions, friends, relatives,

I had not friend not one as another social group
to make not troubles but a comfort
and as a woman, too not to do any discomfort for wives any
as I am a single  divorced woman
so I had not checked other people account
just I will save this in my memory to see photos
whom I knew I know

Cheedella Narayana
Cheedella Narayana
Went to Hindu College High School, Guntur
Lives in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
From London, United Kingdom
:::::   Last Seen Public post  5th March 2022  :::::
UK Govt: Stop Russian gas imports and enact an Emergency Energy Package
:::::   Last Update His Profile Picture  5th March 2022  :::::

Oh, I am confusing
to read a post of Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
against "Russian gas import"
as this sounded for me

1. Hate Russian Ethnic in UK
as Russian/British Russian/Latvian Russians/Ukrainian Russian Ethnic Groups
/British Russian Ethnic Group UK where is me myself
a private tenant paying a regular rent near 9 years to My Landlord
Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana   and he looked started to dislike my money and me
his private tenant of  British Russian Ethnic
* not react on my report to make repairs  of 1 of 20 his properties he let to rent
* increased a rent to a low income 61 yo woman British Citizen UK /Russian Ethnic/British Russian Ethnic above HB Housing Benefit , asked to pay ;450 rent knowing HB level ;350 just making minus 100 pounds (minus hundred pounds)
* on Russian Sta [Star]= 100 = Hundred ~ [Khan Rent], Stalin as Hundred link or Starling Star Ling or Starling (a bird Staling,, making "Stalin" link to English England Great Britain UK, - Russian Khan Tsar King Hun Stalin lived one time in UK, left his Artur son of his English or British mother as a connection Stalin and United Kingdom.
* Russian "Tsar" "King" Stalin was famous by killing Russian Ethnic by Hundreds, making his memory of rule in Russia in USSR as a cruel time no democracy so UK Politicians blamed Stalin for Stalin Regine in USSR no freedom of opinions and choices and a dominant political power type.
* While another hand, each put Stalin victory on Hitler regime in Germany as a greatest success victory May 1945 historic date.
* 50 billions of Soviet people USSR (Russian Ethnic a lot) had been killed during WWII time, civilians, women, children, man, 23 billions of soldiers in battles
* this was a hidden secret fact of number of killed USSR civilians and military till 21 century generations passed to grow
* the open of this historical fact changed Russian official military Doctrine from "WE never attack others 1st till they attack us" to "We accept any military action on any country if we would feel any military dangerous they may attack as as a precaution of this (as we  had a loss of 50 millions own civilians and 23 millions military soldiers during WWII and we do not want to have the some over as  a genocide of Russian and other Ethnic groups and languages"
*****  This means if USSR had not attacked UK on The Cold War declaration in May 1945 and had a ruined economic and collapsed state as a result, - new time modern military people replaced Russian Doctrine on WE HAVE RIGHTS TO DO THIS - we loss 50 billions of civilians and 23 billions of soldiers during WWII and ruined economic state collapse to not existing any more country state USSR since 1991-1992 as a result "We never attack 1st!" replaced "We have our rights to attack to do what we think needed any" which is a similar some to American military Doctrine "WE have rights to do what we think we need to do and to attack any country too"
*****  This means Churchill might started The Cold War on USSR/Russia as ex-allies USSR/Russia during WWII time without any really consequences as USSR/Russia had not attacked or used The Nuclear bombing UK 1945-1991 prefer to collapse righter to fight military with UK  but new modern time people named this as a mistake making a collapse USSR state and USSR allies where India was too making a betray own allies friends states countries to USSR. This all means any modern British PM/Politicians as British PM Teresa May / British MP Boris Johnson / British MP (possible) Liz Trust/British MP (any) may create the military response on UK land righter a Nuclear Bombing UK land to stop UK Politicians hate Russia and Russian Ethnic righter a straight military attack UK to solve "English mind hate us problems"
I had not listen such ideas before but some started said this "all our country us problems we leaved whom hated us not touching May 1945 - 2022 not reacting military to stop this".  Modern Russia have Russian Fascists, Russian Nazi as youngest active groups which similar thinking as German Fascists 1933-1945, some just on Russian language, -- Hitler army attacked UK land, European countries, Ukraine, Russia as to predict the activity of the Fascists regime military attacks all each they hate.
***  I feel a dangerous of activity of British MP UK  modern British PM/Politicians as British PM Teresa May / British MP Boris Johnson / British MP (possible) Liz Trust making open public hate of Russia and Russian Ethnic Groups (UK supported a genocide of Ukrainian Citizen of Russian Ethnic (Scottish /English descendents mix with local Russians genes as Russian Ethnic locals of Ukraine.
Plenty British schoolchildren know plenty American Citizens USA have British/English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh Ethnic ancestry. Rare British schoolchild knows some to Russian Ethnic of Russian Impair/USSR/Russia and so not knowing  that modern British PM/Politicians as British PM Teresa May / British MP Boris Johnson / British MP (possible) Liz Trust  declared a hate to mix genes decedents of British Impair whom come to stay in Russian Impair to work to survive to live to mix as MIGRANTS OF BRITISH IMPAIR TO RUSSIAN IMPAIR as plenty Russian Nobles and Russian rich families employed English-speaking native birth Teachers, staff, servants, porters, horsemen, jokkeys , Magerdom of Home, Nannies, etc. One of Russian Royalty female staff looking for Russian Royal Princes and Princess was born in Ireland Irish Ethnic woman.
The life is a life, some women were a pregnant, somemen left their official or unofficial children each was Russian Ethnic Russian Citizen of Russian Impair born here after.
Plenty killed Russian Ethnic of Eastern Ukraine in Ukraine while Russian Ethnic but decedents of UK area and USA area for centuries, - Luhansk town was founded by Scottish man Charles Gaiscoin and his English-Scottish-European relatives and friends and knowns. So, 1st Dale (Dahle's Dale's) Russian words meaning Dictionary was written published by Dale (Dahle) born in Luhansk (Museum of him here).
Some mix genes decedents of UK/USA area was from
1. military spies working this area and having local women USSR as adult men
2. soldiers and officers see British tanks of 1919 in Luhansk as a memory  British soldiers presence during WWI and so they left children of local woman of Russia/Ukraine/USSR/Russian Impair area while some might had not left their children if never returned back to UK area (if they was died, badly wounded, borders closure 1917 making not able return back to UK too or to write to UK inform they were alive not able return back as 1917 The Iron Steel Border closure to travel or write letters abroad was.
3. So, you see plenty local names whom never returned back to UK from WWI battles fields in Russian Impair/USSR area too, - some stayed , some could not as borders closure 1917+, some died , but some their blood children might left of them as Russian Ethnic/Ukrainian Ethnic,  ... their decedents of their blood, -- -  this fact worries of heritage started of some "official decedents UK", possible.
What to do if some blood decedents fact open? to pass a heritage of their ancestors (fathers/parent of parent)  or not? as some British titles heritage or rich families heritage worries here too.
I think no one British Judge would pass or replaced changed things which was done already.
So, all worries of this the empty places just.
So, just worries of open public scandals to know your blood relatives are Russian Ethnic or Ukrainian Ethnic born in Russia or Ukraine or Kazakhstan as a sensitive shock to open any adult may have own adult life and choices and some sins too.
WE all may accept so sort worries as we know English Ethnic/British Ethnic is a really delicate sensitive emotions  on moments adults sex choices of adults.
But i doubt we must accept the following hate to kill Ukrainian/Russian Ethnic in Ukraine/Russian/Kazakhstan etc "as my ancestor left a child here of these local woman!" ???
This we must not accept. And decedents of some men of different women theseme which so common theme to UK land.
3. tourists, voagers, visitor, whom worked left their possible decedents in Ukraine/Russia too

Germans accepted Latvian Lettish Ethnic as a "dirty mix German Ethnic men and local Latvian Lettish females in Latvia and so Hitler Fascists Regime German Army had not killed Latvians.

See a difference to Great Britain United Kingdom as cruel more Hitler Fascists Regime of Germany to own blood genes left alive abroad as mixed with locals.

I will repeat:  more cruel to own blood genes decedents British soldiers left during WWI battles in Ukraine/Russia as attempt to kill children of another women from some men ancestor -
- plenty British people had some problem here in UK as official blood decedents and unofficial blood decedents and a hate women their competitors as a jealous hate.

So, if we not stop this, this will grow to copy attack inside UK.

I would never knew this just I did my DNA tests 2009-2022 to e surprised to find some things
so i picked surnames ancestry of my genetic cousins and checked The Church/Cemetery/Archives surnames names to find some "missed or died during WWI time surnames" of my genetic cousins surname of locals.

My attempt to be united failed straight as "Russian Ethnic", making if someone some soldier had been killed outside UK not leaving official children or leaving official and unofficial children in UK,  -- his decedents of other mothers would out to be accepted in UK< WHICH AS TO KILL THESE British soldiers TWICE and by own native hands of own ancestors. Sore!

Sore! Plenty had not left own official children as soldiers as own state Politics ordered to go to a war outside UK area. and when British soldiers died in battles leaving just children of local women abroad
their blood genes may not accepted in UK to stay happy comfort  but in "Left back to where you had came in UK!" way. Which sore as a betray of British Soldiers USED by richest British Politician's Ambitions to a career in UK

No one British Teacher said:
- See plenty British soldiers WWI, WWII never return back to UK from battles abroad. So, some left their decedents were they stayed lived as your own possible sister brother just talking another language.

German Fascists had not touched Latvian Lettish Ethnic mix of local women and Germans
refer as "dirty" genes type but still mix with Germans.

British Politicians had not named themselves as Fascists open publicly
but they acted cruelty righter Germans of Hitler regime of Fascists in Germany as mind thinking.

But this was may be a dangerous way to safety UK
making all as "different of goals UK TO STAYSAFE IN UK"

I read Russian news articles of Russia with Medvedev was not  with Putin names article.
Medvedev had been named as a soft delicate Liberal man not created for wars.

Кто выглядит как Петров похоже встратился со мной как сотрудник Британского  Красного Креста. Предлагал 35 фунтов в час за уроки русского языка, нужные ему для работы в Чечне в России от Британского Красного Креста. Встреча была в библиотеке публично школы в Баутоне-Оллетоне Дюкерис Академия. Говорил на английском только. Я отказалась, сочла неуютно и неудобно (подумала парень слишком сексапилен и станет использовать знание русского языка приставать к месным россиянам в Чечне - чеченкам и русским, склонять на секс в офисном помещении или вообще. А шутки такого рода с чеченцами и в Чечне слишком опасны. И я не захотела брать на себя ответственность за действия потом "моего ученика как учительницы русского языка" ЕСЛИ Я ЕГО НАУЧУ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ, Потом я забыла. Мой муж тоже так посоветовал, отрекомендовав того как не совсем порядочного мужчину и человека: он волновался я его жена могу ему всё же измненить, но и просто ненавидел того чисто по мужски: просто так и всё. (мой муж имел опыт был геем по молодости, потом стал жить с женщинами, кто в итоге разводились расставались как не мужчины: нападал внезапно в присутпе который неконтролировал, было страшно). Я его запомнила и думала потом: КАК ОН В Чечне в миссии Британского Красного Креста?  НЕ ОБИЖАЛ МЕСтных девушек и женщин чеченок? надеюсь?  Петров есть у меня генетические кузены. в тоже Мой ДНК в FF FTDNA Geni My Heritage Genotek Genebase был в 23andMe удалила, сейчас жалеюю Здоровый образ жизни и питание это анализ ДНК индивидуально для подбора питаниия и всего. Кстати.

#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ
* 11:43 11:44  as Boshorov face here on Indian wedding in India??
* as my Landlord)'s relative or himself younger) 's wedding in India
on Indian girl ???

Boshirov face from news::::
#Boshirov #Petrov #Salisbury #UK #Skripal #case #Simonya #news
#Боширов #Петров #Симонян #Лондон #Солсбери

#India   #свадьба #Индия  #Боширов? #Boshirov? #wedding
* как Боширова лицо там ? 11:43 11:44 ?  2_rSKRTyNlQ

Британсие законы разрешают иметь 1-2-3-4 гражданства как наследование владение связи и родня.

Кто побогаче меня, у тех иначе.

Просто система. кто богат тем всё
кто нет то не вылезть никак вверх-топят и сстема топит. вышибает.

Я  к  чему?  британцы МОГУТ ИМЕТЬ  1-2-3-4 гражданства.
И выбирать какое из 1-2-3-4 озвучить то или то.

Петрова я вот помню как британца кто предлагал мне британке работу
учитель русского языка британцам работающим на Британский Красный Крест в Чечне в России (во время Русско-Чеченской войны конфликта),   35 фунтов в час за урок русского разговорного языка для общения, предлагалось.

Мы встретились публично в зале библиотеки британской школы Дюкерикс в  Баутоне (Бьютоне)-Оллетоне, Ноттингемшире, Англия,.

Я была тогда Миссис Инна Скорфорд, жена Боба Скотфорда (Роберта Фредерика Скорфорда, др 10 мая 1952, Стоурбридж, Англия).  Мой муж был крайне эмоционально ревнив подозрителен и отговорил мне идти работать

1. учителем русского языка у мистера Смита (владелец фабрики сладости печенья тортики делают в Баутоне и благотворитель Холокост Центра  в Англии). (Его жена китаянка и мать 3х детей нечто сказала так: думала я была любовница её мужа: нет, никогда. Уроки русского языка разговорного приветствие при приёме делегации с России - Генерал, освободивший Освенцим:  чтобы сказать ему приятно  приветствие при встрече и перевод корреспондеции приглашения приехать на открытие Холокост Центра в Англии и сидела за их столиком: группа поддержки, местная, говорю на русском и они на русском все. Это я как волонтёр. Денег не взяла.

* я приходила на работу бухгалтера устраиваться. он взял не меня: китаянку: она потом и его жена и мать трёх детей стала. Очень яркая огневая активная женщина девушка, британцу просто повезло уговорить такую в жёны и матери свох детей забрать.

2. Предлагали уроки русского языка давать британским подводникам: отказала муж бы не выдержал, он ревнивый был очень.

3. На Петрова похож. 35 фунтов в час за 1 урок разговорного русского языка сотруднику Британского Красного Креста для работы в Чечне в России во время Русско-Чеченская война. Отказала как неудобно: молод и сексапилен: а муж мой на 9 лет старше меня и он бы не снёс этого в его фантазиях ревности и паранои ревности: он (мой муж) и отговорил меня отказаться. Сказал, "непорядный мужчина может быть. А тебе работать не надо: у тебя есть я, твой муж, работать."

У меня Петров в генетических кузенах есть.
I have (unknown whom as not contacted) my genetic cousin Petrov in DNA genetic tests
Ivanov , Medvedev, Petrov - each unknown never contacted


Saturday,  28-08-2022  about till 15:43
Mr  Daniel Craitoiu, Contractor of My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield UK
worked on side 2B Mason Street Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG17 4HP.

It was a bang! sound in area of living room 2a but above from 2B.

The coloured water liquid of brown-dark cherry brown-red mix liquid looked like as water mix of something started to pour from a celling on a wall under wall paper and bang! banged dropped water out.

I called to Mr Daniel Craitoiu attention, he said me to replaced old batteries on 2B and this was a water from old batteries'es inside.

Mr  Daniel Craitoiu send me he worked 2B side to finish and he plan after to make repairs of 2A wall he damaged by not taking a water of old batteries 1st to replace batteries.

I do trust Mr Daniel Craitoiu 's word promise
but i do a report asking to add a paid job to take a water from batteries out if case to replace batteries
and i do report to control Mr Daniel Craitoiu will repair to My Landlord to shouled this
and other maintenance repairs if this possible too.

the old glue stick border out on a corder to refresh this
the corner borders floor+ with gaps usually they closed silicone to re-fresh
the front door from the street had gaps to replace or refresh
the wooden fence 2 panels need repairs or replacements but this problem connected another side whom lived damaged a fence putting their mettallic othhers staff closed to a fence, -to ask them to take out of fence 1st as impossible to repair this without that
Utility room roof need to be checked safe to tidy and fill gaps - this work need a ladder step as a high level roof level, a screwdriver need, possible, to fix tidy and  let to fix for gaps
the utility room door, windows would be better replace on a shoulder as water inside as so old out warranty and the inner isolation inside (some people may fix the isolation back to open a windows, take water out and crew back but rare do this properly so all advice replace windows s better solution cheap at end.
bathroom  some job before on a maintenance refresh, gaps to cover by silicone or another fixer
more worse of this a wooden fence which go to ruins as neibours used to push on a fence
i do not know which number of house of Mansfield Road to go complain as to move out
and i am a woman they might offend me, so i am not able to sort this.

Mr Daniel Craitoiu worked all days on 2B Mason
as a hard working man what I respect and so said

He noticed me upstairs to see 2B Mason in repairs he done and he said me this was a hard work to clean all he done already part.     I never was on 2B, but i could not came inside - the old carpet on steps had a strongest heavy smell, -  usually all carpets should taken away so cleaners working on side missed this and missed to clean wash steps too.  I report this making a chance to My Landlord to complain job was not one in full.

I had not reply on my ask what My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield
what me to do????

To  leave  2a Mason as a low income 61 yo woman??????????
as NOT ABLE TO PAY A RENT HE ASKED ME righter ;450 or ;425 each about HB ;350/m
and each increased more 5 procents  which damaged Tenant Agreement words "any increase a rent yearly must be NO MORE RIGTHER 5 procents    (0 procents -5 procents  RANGE NOT ESPECIALLY 5 procents  AS MAY BE 0 procents  INCREASE A RENT).

I offered options:

if My Landlord really wants more rent so this would be not me on low income HB Housing Benefit ;350/m, -  so i look i need to leave and my Landlord picked some richer me.
But there are NOT INDIA with Indian laws "Go away!" "I find someone else better!"
There are UK British Laws area with Tenant Agreement i paid for 9 years near already a rent covered MY RIGHTS AS TENNAT PAYING MONEY MY MONEY TOO near 9 years on regular monthly way not missed any payment
To cover my rights as payee rent money to Landlord and Agency, My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield should give me:

Notice to leave 2 months
A referral recommendation letter "whom would ask" (not named)  that i was his private tenant from 1st October 2013 till (month of writing date or end of month date) always regular pay rent.

1/. to show to Ashfield Council to be in Band 1 as now I am Band 5
2/  to show on any offer of property to me to owner of property - Landlord

As now i applied during 2 years + never 1st as Band 5
and i do not see how i may apply a bungalo/1 bed roomed flat with a garden
if to be on Band 5 as this is not work, really,
i applied applied still not having any
and all as if My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield
wanted a richer me to let this
he need to a working someone
as any on benefits would be some problem as i have HB is not covered a rent.

a long term (credit card, mortgige) payments usually more reduced low prices
so 9 years of regular monthly payments created a profit no gaps but each month payments.
as a financial partner side of My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana so would be me
while some plenty people rent for more but just 1-2-3 months and left if builders

I give options OFFERS CHOICES to MY Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield:

If he wants me to leave having no ability pay 450 or 425 pounds rent on HB 350  and low income, - he need issues Notice to leave 2 month + referral letter  1st
I may offer to pay a rent on HB Housing Benefit level 350 pounds/month with increase this if HB increase to level HB      as  the way I have less food, no money on food, drinks, clothes, shoes, haircuts, a drink in pub to find someone as an adult is a CRUEL
My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana had not money for 9 years to make repairs replacements maintenance on side what asked and a man did this "I have not money enough to this and all" way. as his side.
This means he opened me to say "Sorry, I have just 350 pounds/month HB to offer to you as a rent I may pay.
to pay 48 pounds minis of minimal surviving Living expenses Benefit/monthly
would be a loss of 800  pounds per year
and see me - a single divorced no money on haircut (making myself as i could), no family as any visit in pub a dress + shoes + nails  + Haircut
This means My  Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana TOOK MY PERSONNEL FEMALE ADULT LIFE HAPPINESS - so, just My Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana's daughters have rights in UK to wear nice dresses and to be marry???

May I pay    HB ;350  Housing Benefit  level rent to you,
dear   Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana ????????????

If you disagree
please issue me Notice to Leave and recommendation letter
to show whom will accept me on HB Housing Benefit level rent.

;399 rent on ;48 pounds above HB ;350 monthly
making me  ;48 x 12 =  ;576 /year less of low minimal surviving level
But I have as you put me  a rent above HB ???!!!!!!!!!!!

I had offered to keep ;399/month till I find a Council/private flat/bungalow before  But Electricity-gas bills up a lot making not able to save of Living expenses  to pay a rent to you

and as  You IGNORED my asks of repairs maintenance WHILE Tenant Agreement
you took money including this

making me to save my money to pay for repairs
to Locksmith x 2 twice repeated  a lock in a window and a door.

Leader Agency said you, my dear Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana should paid this
taking my money of me, but i said and SO I NEED MY MONEY MAKING SAVINGS


So,  what me do do you want me to do?

You want me to leave? Please issue Notice and  a recommendation to find another place to stay/

You want me to stay? if so, i offer ;350 /m

Let's say to your wife as you (Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK-India) had offended British single twice divorced woman 55+-61, British Citizen Russian Ethnic, your private tenant 1st October 2013 - 2022 - p.d., paying  a regular monthly rent (always above HB Housing Benefit as you asked for)
in a shock and type of humiliation of woman  by this your plays words on me, a woman:

- I will marry you! Oh, I forgot this: I am a married man already! Should I divorce my old wife to marry you?
- Would you like to marry? I may help you to marry someone?

* a joke on Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK visit inspection his property with his private tenant - a single divorced woman UK

I think this a cruel.

- Would you like to have your cuted off leg back? Oh, I have forgot! This would be just  impossible:  I had threw out your cuted of leg in a bin already! Ha-ha-ha!

Any woman has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any person has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any child has his/her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any mother has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any father has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has her/his hope, dreams, fantasies.

- Would you like to be richer? Oh, i forgot! I took all your money from you above HB (Housing Benefit ;350) already!  So, i left nothing for you already to but a food, a dress, shoes, a haircut, a drink in pub to met someone.   Should I cry i stated to be much richer taking your money from you? What do you think about?
* This is a similar to style My Landlord something  - he asked always a rent above HB Housing Benefit help so his private tenant woman left nothing on shoes, clothes, food enough, hair cut, a drink in pub to come to meet someone .

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Let's say to your wife as you (Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK-India) had offended British single twice divorced woman 55+-61, British Citizen Russian Ethnic, your private tenant 1st October 2013 - 2022 - p.d., paying  a regular monthly rent (always above HB Housing Benefit as you asked for)
in a shock and type of humiliation of woman  by this your plays words on me, a woman:

- I will marry you! Oh, I forgot this: I am a married man already! Should I divorce my old wife to marry you?
- Would you like to marry? I may help you to marry someone?

* a joke on Landlord DR Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana, UK visit inspection his property with his private tenant - a single divorced woman UK

I think this a cruel.

- Would you like to have your cuted off leg back? Oh, I have forgot! This would be just  impossible:  I had threw out your cuted of leg in a bin already! Ha-ha-ha!

Any woman has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any person has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any child has his/her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any mother has her hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any father has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has his hope, dreams, fantasies.
Any man has her/his hope, dreams, fantasies.

- Would you like to be richer? Oh, I forgot! I took all your money from you above HB (Housing Benefit ;350) already!  So, I left nothing for you already to but a food, a dress, shoes, a haircut, a drink in pub to met someone.   Should I cry I started to be much richer taking your money from you? What do you think about?
* This is a similar to style My Landlord something  - he asked always a rent above HB Housing Benefit help so his private tenant woman left nothing on shoes, clothes, food enough, hair cut, a drink in pub to come to meet someone .

Would you like me to leave? if so, I need Notice to leave 2 months + Recommend letter/ If not: read this, please:::

Look:  Roman Aramovich had not helped to British in UK and he had a huge loss.
This great to help Indian in India as Motherland
but you and your wife and your children are living in UK  ???

Other Landlord picked offers HB level.
Why should you not pick others picked HB level rent if people a low income?

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


Good morning
I am living in UK a low income British Citizen UK, female, 61 yo, born in Khabarovsk Russia in 8th July 1961, lived since 2 month old in Gaysin (Gaysin/Gaisin/Haysin/Hiesin/HISIN?Haisin/) in Ukraine 1961-1966, in Uzbekistan in Tashkent and Sergeli, in Siberia in Novosibirsk with my grandmother (mother's mother)  Nina Stepanovna Kurushina (1914-1992, Novosibirsk), a widow of Viktor Sergeevich Kurushin (1909, Saratov (Saratow), Russian Impair - 1941, summer, WWII battle field wounded , died in hospital). I am so Russian Ethnic, lived in Russia as 1st with my grandmother Nina and after with my parents (in Kuibyshev, Tolyatti, in Chita Province closed to  China border for 6 years and after in Riga, Latvia 1973-1998 and after in UK in Nottinghamshire 12th Feb 1998 - present day 2022 August 28th.  I am 61 yo woman, mother of two, divorced twice, a single, alone,
another Ethnic Group - British Russian Ethnic Group.

It was not easy life in UK for me as to another Ethnic Group woman 1998-2022 always
as making much harder load and abilities to survive  in UK
especially in this time of UK-Russia Political disagreements time
when plenty loyal patriotic brainwashed cowards had troubles for British Citizen Russian Ethnic to survive.

Some British men were fast to run from me soon they knew my Ethnic Group is Russian or language is a native or if i talked or singing songs on Russian was a pressure of knowing at door:

- Immediately stop this singing on Russian in UK! Here is not your Russia but England! for you to talk not on Russian here!
*Some old colonial style of attitude British Colony stopped staying away.

While British Laws are against a discrimination Ethnic Groups
language culture

British BBC have Russian BBC news on Russian
Indian Pakistani Polish etc languages of Ethnic Groups UK some Russian Ethnic.

I try to use just English outside of home
but i use my native language my mother and mother's mother used singing Russian songs to me since my childhood.

Some hate this for this difference
But British Laws warrantee rights
Indian Ethnic people UK have their traditional dresses, songs, TV channels
as the example.

I feel my Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana as pro-patriotic man to do all British Gov said as to hate Russia and Russian Ethnic might confused with me British Citizen Russian Ethnic, "Russian Ethnic" to attack

as My  Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana of Mansfield
is a man of Another Indian Ethnic himself with huge family so worries
and he might confused his private tenant for 9 years Russian Ethnic
which he knew

as some joked with him to say I am Ukrainian Citizen of Ukraine and Ukrainian Ethnic
and British Government forced ask be friendly polite take Ukrainians with extra pay on hospitality to Landlords for this,

so,  My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana may think and worried he might earn some extra money and he named me Ukrainian woman , Ukrainian Ethnic.

I have juridical rights to apply for Ukrainian Citizenship but a huge  way and money to pass all was and no money was after a sale of my property in UK to me to be able to buy a flat-home in Ukraine.
I have this rights as
My mother and me lived 25 Pershego Travnya Street Gaisin Ukraine 1961++ 5 years in Ukraine, Ukrainian Laws permit Ukrainian Citizenship grant to me. I just not able to afford this all not having savings enough to travel to Ukraine to Gaisin Document 119 form archive needed before juridical work start as on this.
My mother's father photo from Kharkiv Border College 1932 was and letter here 1938+ so lived in Kharkiv, Ukraine before WWII time.
Genetic test connections to a village closed to Kiev and Ukrainians Borshc (Ukraine) (Ukrainian traditional soup of rassberry beetroot colour borsch, Labudda (Ukraine) (L Budda, labuda = talk a lot, Malinovski Polish-Ukraine) (Raspberry) but not as a closed genetic cousins be honest.
My Genealogy Tree is with some relatives of Novosibirsk tree relative stayed in Ukraine too.
This all do not doo me closed in contacts with someone or Ukrainian Citizen or Ukrainian Ethnic.
But my 1st language was Ukrainian for 5 years of my life 1961-1966. I do not remember this, replaced to talk on Russian language since 6yo age.
Latvia used Russian and Latvian Lettish and Polish and German and English and French in proportion some knew 1 language some 2 some 3-4-5-6-7
UK base language is English, but some range extra top languages on top of this.
Indian man is British Citizen of Indian Ethnic Group as My Landlord
I am a woman 61 yo , British Citizen of Russian Ethnic Group

Russians and Indians were as sisters brothers as Indian Sanskrit old base of Russian old Slavonic Languages. So, plenty Russians think as  a fashion to lean Sanskrit Indian language/

We had not any hate other Ethnic Groups as inhabitants of "The Impair" "USSR"
and we loved Indians a lot named "our brothers and sisters".

USSR spent a lot of budget to India, Indians and never attacked with a war to hate Russians.

But some people may like love be loyal just to whom whom took your country in wars to rule here and to others be slaves.

India was a British Colony and Indians flighted for the independence
as  educated privileges top elite of British Impair had not accepted other Ethnic
and English-talking Impair collapsed some as USSR Impair collapsed.

I was shocked My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana , Indian man in UK asked to sign a petition against a cheap Russian gas in UK and so what? Me as his private tenant would stay on high level prices on gas or to be a cold?

My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana took my money from me, - British Citizen Russian Ethnic during 9 years and was satisfied glad to have  a regular  monthly rent payment from me,
British Citizen of Russian Ethnic

and to me to find after he, My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana, may be hated or hate me?
as another Ethnic? Russian Ethnic? or as I am a woman?

So, if i would not read this, i would not started, just cried in tears alone and this all.
as what can I do?

I think and feel this not loyal financial partner, this man, Indian man,
My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
talking a rent of Russian Ethnic UK woman me during near 9 years
to blame Russian after publicly
so to me read this.

I am paying money
they my money were accepted during 9 years
so wish a respect .

But if My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana
felt his out to respect my feelings
I may pay the some
asking him to accept a rent on Housing Benefit ;350/month level
as I am low income but he put a rent above ;350
347 to 399  on HB ;350/m
after to 450,425  while HB ;350/m/

so all needs of biological object my age group.

My Landlord took over HB level
this means out a minimal surviving Living Element to buy a food, ...

Bills for Electricity gas increased making less of Living Element of others needs too.

Mortgige credit in UK for properties some level by years
this mean we may hope a rent would stay some level for a long too.

I do not ask someone to react just inform to show a life in UK.
and a question to British Government/JCP/Council

in a comfort as 60+ age
to have less money to buy a food
as Landlord asked  a  rent above HB Housing Benefit???
no food enough, no warm house enough in age, no clothes shoes haircuts, travel, socialization, no money to travel

Why had British Laws not put as LAWS SAID border rule of rent under HB Housing Benefit level???
if it is not this - what which why what how
Why had Council left this not worrying as "whom are they? really? for Council to worry about?

I would name this as a cruelty to women UK^

pension age up from 60 till 66 67 75
some died before just as tired/

I live in UK. I am a British Citizen I wish UK as good kind human state or society

belong enclosed
below as attachment
Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 1

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 2

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 3

To Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana - photo 4

* To Compare two faces:::
an Indian man on Indian wedding in India ["Boshirov"]
to compare to
my face of me, Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin photo from a train, in Luhansk, Ukraine at 14 September 2010, the train Kiev-Luhansk

* To Compare two faces:::
an Indian man on Indian wedding in India ["Boshirov"]
to compare to
my face of me, Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin photo from a train, in Luhansk, Ukraine at 14 September 2010, the train Kiev-Luhansk

* Для сравнения, две фотографии:
индийский мужчика с индийской свадьбы в Индии (снималли французы, видео на Ютюбе)
и моё лицо - (женщины урождённой лицо женского пола) Инна Александровна Бальзин (1961гр) (61 год сейчас в 2022,  в 2010 фото мне 2010 -1961 = 49 лет), Мисс Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин. М? А похожи?

Monday, 29th August 2022

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
2A Mason Street
NG17  4HP
Urgent discusstinng rent -need confirmation how much to pay for September 2022

Private Tenant:
Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
DOB  08/07/1961  (61yo) (female)(British Citizen, British Russian Ethnic)(in UK since 12-02-1998)
mobile  07469622740
Social status 1: a single, a divorced woman
Social financial status 2:  a private Tesco pensioner since 55 yo, pension (pounds:) 174/year or ~(pounds:) 3/week income1
Social financial status 2 since 2013 on 1st date of tenancy: 1st October 2013:
unemployed low income JSA and Housing Benefic and Council Tax benefit: was accepted
CLEAN DBS  no criminal records, no smoker, a single
Social financial status 3 2022:  Unemployed, UC (Universal Credit with including Housing Benefit), Council Tax Benefit.

The Financial situation for NG17 4HP

Housing Benefit
for 1 bed-roomed flat i
n area NG17 4HP:
(pounds:) 350/month

Current rent
for 1 bed-roomed flat
2A Mason Street NG17 4HP:
(pounds:) 399/month,
this would be
minus (pounds:) 48 of HB Housing benefit (pounds:) 350/m for NG17 4HP.

Market Price asking by Landlord
for 1 bed roomed flats in Sutton-in-Ashfield:
:  (pounds:) 450/months adverts as "wanted by Landlords"
:  no numbers how many "was accepted making "wanted" a "realistic market price"

Mason Street
2B Mason Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, NG17 4HP,
1 bed roomed 1st floor flat:
a private tenant's died body was finded on 25-26 July 2022 by a police team search.
a reason of a possible death: unknown, a possible heart attack, no in local news
property unoccupied under cleaning-refuraging process,
as i knew as i passed phono of Landlord, someone already interested to rent this
no known rent size
3Mason Street
opposite property, ground and 1st floor house
Landlord up the rent and the family moved to Council House to Kirkby-in-Ashfield just
the property 3 Mason Street, a terraced house,  - unoccupied
2 Mason Street
4 bedroomed house
1 (one) private tenant  Mr Steve West (66+, ex-owner renting a property he sold
on a special conditions as a frozen low rent level
which less i pay to rent for 1 bed-roomed 2A Mason flat next door.

2B Mason  Street, 1 bed roomed flat 1st floor - unoccupied
3    Mason  Street, a house  - unoccupied
2    Mason   Street, 4 bed-roomed house with a big garden^
occupied, 1 private tenant, a rent < less HB for 1 bed roomed flat (pounds:) 350/m

Unoccupied means:   no rent , no one pay a rent, a rent  (pounds:) 0/month

2B Mason  Street, 1 bed roomed flat 1st floor - unoccupied. Rent paid (pounds:) 0/month
3    Mason  Street, a house  - unoccupied.  Rent paid:  (pounds:) 0/month
2    Mason   Street, 4 bed-roomed house with a big garden^
occupied, 1 private tenant, a rent < less HB for 1 bed roomed flat (pounds:) 350/m

This means
the offer
2A  Mason Street, 1 bed roomed flat ground floor:   HB (pounds:) 350/month (level of Housing Benefit for 1 bed roomed flat for NG17 4HP   is sounding reasobable much high (pounds:) 0/month (pounds:) 0/month and more rent of 2 Mason 4 bed-roomed flat

I advice you to agree with this at this moment with following increase rent after when HB will increase as this making no gaps regular payments and a security financial no worry easy make plans.

Universal Credit extracted (pounds:) 20 off while prices just up.
This means plenty whom paid to private Landlord will move to Council properties less rent.

Some, whom worked they had a job but moved.

Yes, you may find someone just as they had not yet live here to find things they may not accept
a poor sound isolation 2A and 2 and 2B   Mason 3 flats properties making impossible personnel private comfortable adults life at home.
the electrical cables had not updated while Council updated before on EU rules
the outdated electrical cables produce poisoned chemicals to make a cancer in limbs-throught of humans and so to kill early still painfully and sad loss of life.
property built in 1894 in a damp having a hole with a water underground water as Severn Trent before said this which up-down and a long 9 years of a living warms dry a property which may ruins back if unoccupied.
the door with a glass windows was not replaced since 1st October 2013 1st rent (pounds:) 325/month 1st month, 2022 - 2013 = 9 years some visual problem on way to rent (pounds:) 325/month so look
the windows and door in Utility Room some roof were not replaced too as you said me you had not money asked me to wait
So,  and you may wait HB must up to increase a rent up too.
As what you asked from me - you may try to accept for you in return
as a curtasy.

I paid  a lot to warm a home
and to keep this as all prices up, i need money

Old Russians words was about someone
"His Great Greediness Had Killed Him Himself"

I sure a rent from Unemployed low income on HB level is a stable regular so security financial safe way of payments:   no needs to leave, - no gaps: safe financially.

People whom rent just for 1 month pay more but some left a mess and unpaid
while whom lives for a long as I am looking for the property better.

There are NO any new working places for people having a work to want to rent someone expensive.

If people on benefit: they would be some as I am on a Housing Benefit (pounds:) 350/month.

So, while (pounds:) 350 looked not a dreamed billions pounds dream
but this a honest planned security financial stable good way to accept
as a realistic way.

This way may work for you too:
I may buy news dresses to meat someone coming to a pub
and it to make a pair, i add (pounds:) 50/month to rent.

But I would not advice dream about this.
Better to accept me as I am, a single divorced alone low income on benefit 61 yo age.

You are not a small boy yourself to hate me to be 61 yo woman, i hope for?


i WORRY HERE 29th August 2022, Monday, i would ready to pay to you for the next September month already, while this discussions is still continue betweenus 3 sides - you, My Landlord, Agency Leaders in Mansfield office, me.
So, as we discussed and i had not response WHAT ME TO DO TO LEAVE on 30-31 August 2022 or to stay?   But  if to leave, - you need issues THE NOTICE TO LEAVE " MONTHS as a length of contract near 9 years tenancy no gaps to respect me as a payee a rent for near 9 years to you.
Today 29th, i do not know, no reply was from you or Agency to me, no letters too, no emails.
The Tenant Agreement is a FINANCIAL DOCUMENT and I have Housing Benefit by prove show this Tenant Agreement with words of rent level HERE.
Now I have OLD Tenant Agreement just
Leaders had not sent me any another
their letter smallest 6-7 font was not readable what they printed by smallest dots symbols as a financial docoment. I ASKED AND ASK more readable OR EMAILING and i may do any comfortable shrift size.
NOTE  Dear Landlord Dr. Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana, you had not signed NO ONE  TENANT Agreement via Leaders Agency 2013-2022 for 9 years.  This put me to worry to ask IS THIS PROPERTY  2A Mason Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 4HP is a REALLY BELONG TO YOU AS THE OWNER THIS???   As  may be not and so YOU HAVE NOT A RIGHT TO SIGN TENANT AGREEMENT as 2a Mason is NOT YOUR PROPERTY TO LET TO RENT????   if so, whom is the owner? please?? If YOU are THE OWNER WHY had you not sign Tenant Agreement by your sign?  MAY BE SOME HIDDEN THINGS HERE?   Or you are not the owner but on behaulf of owner?
Why you never signed this paper Tenant Agreement?
I paid my money to you under Tenant Agreement 2013 -2022
But as you had not signed by your sign, this is making unvalid in total???
This means i had not do any MUST ?
This means i may change my mind and ask all my money back from you i paid 2013-2022? for 9 years? You had not signed so i paid a voluntary?
You sign would declared YOU as THE OWNER of 2a Mason (you bought/you built a land and built it/your heritage passed you).
BUT as you NEVER SIGNED  this means:
you never declared yourself having juridical rights to sign, so?
And this confused me
Here is Monday,  29th August 2022 day. If you and agency Leader would be cooperative in a discussion of a possible rent payment on 31st August 2022 or today if we have the undestanding agreement, i paid on 29th (My 1st ex husband and 1st daughter birthday was 29th,, my 1st mother-in-law wedding was on 29th), so i was thinking to pay a rent today if we agree if not we continue a discussion.
(a) stable financial regular payments no gaps so for longer possible too may be: HB Housing Benefit level (pounds:) 350/month. This would be what plenty Landlords and Council accept as a rent of Housing Benefit fo low income people.
(b) old rent (pounds:) 399 as in Tenant Agreement (this hard to me to accept as low 48 pounds of food supply monthly so a torture of 61 yo woman in UK each month)(tortures is illegal in UK by British Laws)
(c) (pounds:) 425/month as you asked BUT YOU HAD NOT WORK AS LANDLORD TO MAKE REAPEAS MAINTENANCE I ASKED FOR and so flats on offer this having much better modern style which this old flat have not as you saved your money not refresh or replace all, and just i tried save my savings to use to do what you must. If you up a rent i could not do this .  So, this price would be a nice looking if HB would increase to (pounds:) 425 or (pounds:) 450 for NG17 4HP
we have here for 2a Mason 1 bedromed flat this locals values of neighbours:::

2B Mason  Street, 1 bed roomed flat 1st floor - unoccupied
3    Mason  Street, a house  - unoccupied
2    Mason   Street, 4 bed-roomed house with a big garden^
occupied, 1 private tenant, a rent < less HB for 1 bed roomed flat (pounds:) 350/m

Unoccupied means:   no rent , no one pay a rent, a rent  (pounds:) 0/month

2B Mason  Street, 1 bed roomed flat 1st floor - unoccupied. Rent paid (pounds:) 0/month
3    Mason  Street, a house  - unoccupied.  Rent paid:  (pounds:) 0/month
2    Mason   Street, 4 bed-roomed house with a big garden^
occupied, 1 private tenant, a rent < less HB for 1 bed roomed flat (pounds:) 350/m

This means a current Market Value of 2 A  Mason
2B Mason  Street, 1 bed roomed flat 1st floor - unoccupied. Rent paid (pounds:) 0/month
a private tenant's died body was founded here by a police on 25-26 July 2022
which making a market value 2B and 2A less rent on a moment
3    Mason  Street, a house  - unoccupied.  Rent paid:  (pounds:) 0/month
a working family moved to a council property less rent as their response on increase a rent to a working family having the income and cars

2    Mason   Street
4 bed-roomed house with a big garden occupied,
1 private tenant, a rent < less LESS  HB for 1 bed roomed flat (pounds:) 350/m

This means the offer  (pounds:) 350/month (Housing Benefit level for NG17 4HP)
is a honest solid safe financially offer MUCH HIGH LEVEL  of (pounds:) 0/month for 2B and 3 mason
and MORE  righter  for 2 Mason 4-bedroomed house with garden, too.

BUT any way any rent is a FINANCIAL AGREEMENT
as we contacted via LEADERS AGENCY
signed electronically by you and me both

No emails
no new tenant agreement new rent here
no proper financial document to me to show to JCP/Council/...

PLUS any increase of rent should be UNDER 5 procents  ((pounds:) 19  so)
(pounds:) 399 + (pounds:) 19 = (pounds:)       418   
By Tenant Agreement


i LOOKED Market Value Properties (pounds:) 450/month for 1 bed roomed flat
they are more high comfort value/modern/updated
i would mark this property level 2.5  - 3 stars or 1-3 stars value
of old not updated electric cables
not installed sockets
some faults list 2013 : not replaced a wooden door with damaged glass windows promised me 9 years back and not done: no money as so expensive.
some unfixed utility roof not repairs and maintenance
not solid walls but cheapest gypsocarbon
a poor sound isolation

The Police finded a died body on 2B Mason 25th-26th July
the dirty smelly carpet left not taking from steps
to offer to rent
I walked to back door 2A, and a really strong bad smell was of a door 2B from old carpet:
a private tenant died body was somewhere here and no one cleaned left a carpet on steps
to offer to rent someone.

The Council Properties cleaning works are including all each old carpet must be taken out.
Now a Covid 19 was and my neighbour weared a mask always and he died after.

This condition of 2B smelly carpet in a corridors steps is not nice as on a way to back door
of utility room of 2a.

The Daniel Craitoiu replaced old batteries of 2B upstaise and he had not emptied a water of batteries 1st, probably, it was a bangs sounds and a water came of  2B Mason (a room died body was???)  down to 2A  living room wall.

Daniel Craitoui saw all said he will repair after finish a work on 2B
so, Contractor of My Landlord Dr Cheedella Lakshmi Narayana Mr Daniel Craitoiu
while he a nice hard working man
but he was a lazy man to empty a battery out a water 1st before to take of to replace it.

He had not yet repeated his work damaged another property of My Landlord 2a Mason

How i may so to listen something to increase a rent words having all this? stressed?

PS My children yet on a holiday out ability to contact to discuss all.

If we make the agreement
I would be glad and willing to pay today 29th August 2022
a rent for September 2022 for 2a Mason

i need a proper financial document to look as a printed paper or emailed
as i will need to show this prove how much a rent to JCP/Council/any body/Credit Card /any applying winter fuel grant too

Miss Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

Note1: Council Tenants pay rent never more righter HB Housing Benefit does not matter they work or unemployed or on pensions this means Council Tenants fully covered by HB ,
some pay less HB
Note 2:  Council Tenants pay a rent (equal or low HB Housing Benefit) 48 of 52 weeks in year, making 4 weeks "warranty holiday on paying rent".
Note 3: some case, Council Tenants had a "holiday" not paying a rent if in a financial living difficulties

Monday, 29th August 2022

Urgent 2a Mason NG17 4HP - I need the confirmation letter the rent to pay to September please

in my Tenant Agreement   399  pounds/month for 1 bed-roomed flat ground floor
Housing Benefit
for NG17 4HP:
1 bed-roomed flat:  350 pounds/month
2B Mason 1st floor above :  unoccupied rent (pounds:) 0  pounds/month
(a died body finded by a police action on 25-26 July 2022)
(28.08.2022: a bad strong smell of 2B steps' carpet was not possible to walk to back door 2A here now)
3 Mason : unoccupied: rent: (pounds:) 0  pounds/month

What do you want ask for 1 bed-roomed
2A Mason ground floor? on HB  (pounds:) 350/month is would be enough for you?
Urgent discussing rent -need confirmation how much to pay for September 2022

"To My Landlord Dr Cheedela Lakshmi Narayana 29 08 2022" (29-August-2022)
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2022
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2022

