Pirates are alive. Song to soundtrack Davy Jones

Literary project “1000 and one day with Poetry and Prose” and “Poems in two languages”.
Литературный проект «1000 и один день с Поэзией и Прозой» и «Стихотворения на разных языках».

“The pirates are alive”. Song by Ksenia Mira in 2007 to music by Hans Zimmer "Davy Jones".
«Пираты живы». Песня Ксении Миры 2007 года на музыку Ханса Циммера «Дэйви Джонс».

The pirates are alive

Pirates not alive, but they lived -
This tale is known to my heart and breath.
Knowledge lives in our mind:
The pirates are alive.

Pirates had the lion heart
And they had a heroic life -
Live or die, escape revenge -
They lived in the epic age.

Pirates lived in fights but scared -
Their way is also hard.
Knowledge lives in our heart:
The pirates are still alive.
Ksenia Mira ©
