У нас никогда не было шанса

Кавер на бжм We Never Had a chance

Ты так давно
Но будь
Побудь собой, ведь это так легко
Не забывай, то что было прошло

И даже могут предать

Но я не врал, когда сказал тебе

Закрой глаза, ищи там меня, и ты увидишь все
Поймёшь потом, что время прошло

Быть может щас ты дашь мне шанс

Может щас

И может щас ты поймёшь это всё,
Ты посмотришь мне в глаза, чтобы знать

You feel a love
Well you better love yourself
Be careful now
Because love is against the law
Just so high you could give a fucking shit about the law
It's with your blood, sweat and tears to be living at all
You fight the lies
Everybody tries to tell you you're dead
It flashed before your eyes before anybody had said
The motherfuckers never stop drilling holes in your head
You want life
Oh but then you die so slow
Hands up drop the gun
Shots you dead and that's the hole in the law
You close your eyes to look at the lies
But then you seen it all

They say love is everywhere and that's the damned disdain
В твоих глазах
And butterflies are part of everything
The cloudy skies
The fog in your eyes
The will that lets you see
A chance to fall
And hear the call
And grab the magic ring
Don't be surprised when you wake up and they tell you you're dead
I find that hope is the same as nothing a all
The motherfuckers never stop drilling holes in your head
And maybe now as you're starting to sink
You wake up and remember the words to this song
Maybe now as it's starting to sink
You wake up to discover you're singing along
