Characters rough paper

A very sentimental lady, and namely this often makes her show the opposite. She is absolutely relying on her husband (HE), but since HE is parting with his wife, she is so weak with no support. Yet she keeps her loyalty still, and this gives even more pain [but she will be rewarded in the end for her loyalty]. Namely because of her sentimental heart, she never stopped her husband screaming, and always let him say(or often belch) his word.
The idea of her suicide in the lake delivers a thought that when she considered that her loyalty has taken her to THE END, a new, surprising, fresh, unpredictable BEGINNING rose, with the rays of the sun. The change of the suns role to a kinder character shows that their poles in life have changed, now the things that hurt them are no more so.
She loves her daughter, Yun, and immediately beloved her boyfriend.
  Her outwear shows her character - she always cares about herself, wears white, loyal colours, but never a fancy or open dress, she is modest and hiding sorrow to fuel other with happiness!

HE - Deep in heart has the flame of love and understanding, and he cares for it, and for this almost always hides it. By the mask of his anger, the hottest tears shed from his sorrowful eyes. But often he forgets himself in anger, but then regrets for it. He loved his wife, but there was a kinda wall between them; now knowing their characters, we can see that the wall was kept by the two together because of a bad position each by other(mutual misunderstandings that stem all the wall), but not because of a deep, ill conflict. Deep in heart they were young lovers [this will be revealed in the eros scene]. That is why HE was so ardently cussing BOY, and She was recalling her in yputh and her daughter. So to change that bad position and shake off the misunderstanding, a bang, a shake, an extreme was needed.
Low height, sorrowful face, glistering, lively and able-to-talk eyes. A hunched back, weary t-shirts that he barely cares about, a small beard that he also reluctantly shaves. He not hides anything except his good flame that he even shies but truly cares about, apart that, lets himself be what he is.

***The youths are more fair and chaste than their parents, because they see the issues and mistakes of their parents and seek to avoid them in their relationship.***

BOY - High. eLEGANT, BUT unconfident, a bit queer, but all this is a result of the depth of his character. He is ME. Despite his age, he is serious, and romantic, but rather seriously romantic. He is a man's nature in the shape of a boy's psychology. His high body shows this, while his unconfident and awkward movements deliver the idea that he is still in the shape of a teenager. So his outlook is a metaphor, basically just as HIS and HER.
His eyes are dark, deep and glistering, like dark ocean's abyss by the vivid moonbeam. All this stems from his fairly loving, deep, understanding and fond character, this abyss reflects the depth of his light bosom. The pain he bears, so well beared by the love such a young character bears, makes him so fond, kind and understanding. Like Adnan. This makes him dear to Him, and very similar too.
His hair is short 'cause he doesn't want to give much time for his style, but it has nothing to do with a sloppy and undisciplined character - on the contrary - he is too disciplined to have a loud hairstyle.
His face is always deep, thoughtful, and modest, HE SPEAKS RARELY, BUT STRAIGHT AND VERY WELL, but he would not be silent when he should speak, though he will hesitate a bit.
His Lord is Love, and he is a very good soldier and slave, despite his age and awkwardness... No, better to say, this awkwardness partly results from his love. He is a man of mind and feeling, with feeling having a bigger rule, and the mind very brisk and intelligent in a natural way.
He would cry not much, but his tears would be very heavy, bitter, and as all what hems and fills him, deep.
His soul is трепетный. He is ready to sacrifice himself for his fellows anytime.

BOY'S RELATIONSHIP WITH LIZZY - Lizzy was weak, Boy was the strong man role, who cared so much about her, lulled her in caresses, and made her life very bright. Their love is for eternity. That is why after Lizzy's end on Earth, BOY comes to some "certain feeling of hope, even KNOWING that they will meet somewhere after his death" from despair, which is actually the "BEGINNING".

LIZZY - The mystic, metaphor girl. She mirrors her parents, she makes the beginning with her end, she pushes her boyfriend to save the family. ACTUALLY, SHE IS THE STEM OF ALL THE ACTION IN THE MOVIE, AND NAMELY SHE PUSHED THE FAMILY TO REUNION EVEN WITH HER BOYFRIEND!
She is very deep and sentimental, like her mother. So she and the BOY were in very close bonds and had a firm, and tender relationship.
Her face is metaphoric too.

WILL SURE - The undertaker
