Script rough paper!

- 1-The time of death is 7 :00 am. Cover the body.
-2- Her parents are waiting in tears. How will I say them?
- Old Wise Doctor - I will.
-1- He knows what is death. so he can speak about death in the right way.

HER END [[[a part of her face is shown as they cover the body. Thereafter, her full face will be shown at the end on her grave with WAS THE BEGINNING]]]

-OWD - Your daughter did her best, and we did. But God decided to take her.

She puts her head down. He looks at the wall in despair. She starts screaming. He shouts at her to stop.

-OWD- Your yell won't help her cry. You can consult with the psychoterapeth. We are giving you free...

-She- Noooo!
-He- Thank You, fuckin' doc! Thank You! Lets go!
[they act differently, as we can see. this makes HIM nervous]
- she - i want to see her. My daughter....Nooo...
-OWD- Yes, follow me.
He is waiting in the hall. When She is coming, He leaves the hospital. He is angry, She is empty. She calls HIM, but HE leaves her in pain alone. The sun is overflaming. The news say that it's too hot, not like usual. She is not eating, nor drinking, but laying on her bed at home and watching her daughters image and her own YOUTH. Tears.
He is on the bench. Calls his parents, and tells them about the death. Parents woefully yell something. He doesn't listens, but egoistically takes the phone from his ear. Then calls the funeral. They say that they can burry her only in two weeks. he calls the undertaker company "SURE" chief, his friend, Mr. Will. He cusses them in despair, not even understanding his own words. He falls on the grass. He will spend the night there.
 She on her bed.
 [ at this point we can see that they are similar and need each other and the wall between them...hurts.]
The next day She calls him. After four calls, He finally takes the phone.
 -he- what you need from me?
-she- Nin, nin, I...
-he-Tell me fatser!
-she- (humble and shy to say it, starts speaking about business, hoping to return him into her sentimental theme) when is our daughter buried?
- on 3rd september.
- in 10 days? (sentimentally hurt)
- why you ask me? I have no ...
He finishes the call. (she didn't say what she wished to)

She calls back. No reply.
She cries, not able to say her thing.

he is feeling even more painful now, and lies on the grass.

The sun is baking the grass, He wakes up, and sees two lovers om his bench. She gives ice cream to him, and instead of eating the icecream, he tends to kiss her, but she briskly pushes him back, they laugh and she takes his hand. They start speaking, but He hears only blurred speech. He calls to mind how many years ago, when this park was so big, he met his HER here. When the lovers leave the bench, he sits on their place and dives deep into the memory, when they were meeting in one bright MORNING (METAPHOR - IN THAT TIMES IT WAS LIGHT LIKE MORN, NOW IT'S HEAVY LIKE NIGHT)...
He buys the food they bought that time. He walks by the romantic lake till night. His wife calls him
-She- Nin, (she affectionately repeats his name, relying absolutely on him and wishing help) where are you?
- i won't come home.
- But You wanted to eat, you need to sleep, Nin, i wanted to..
- I am okay. Don't touch me, ...
- [SHE BURSTS]But you forgot about me, you are..., I met another person in the park, I did, I... Do You remember it? Do You remember me? What happened to You, no, what is with me? NIN, DO YOU NEED ME ANYMORE? [MAIN ACCENT ON THIS 'CAUSE THIS IS A MAIN STIMUL FOR A SUICIDE] Nin, I wished to say, I wished to say that
-He is silent, deep in thought, and again egoistically replies not. But here's the punishment for his egoism :
His phone falls on the floor.
SHE HEARS A BANG (THE PHONE HIT THE FLOOR)She looks at the photo of her husband with her daughter. The lid of his Nokia phone is lost in the dark. He is trying to grope it under their bench. Tears burst from his face. He bows under the bench. Someone high(BOY) passes by and sees the phone lid. BOY slowly bends to take it and sees the man crying. Thunder hits and lights HIS face. BOY recognizes someone in his face. BOY waits a bit. He is crying heavier, like the rain. The boy puts the lid on the bench, He is scared by the sound of the lid, and turns back. BOY asks Him with a tender, but sorrowful voice - Why are you crying? Do You need...
-He- Why are !YOU! crying? (BOY's face is furrowed by tears)
-BOY- I am not. Yes, i am. But I wanted
- He- You wanted a better mark? A rug, all youths are rugs (he envies the beloved ones and himself in his youth), all you don't know what is pain, what is life, all you just eat icecream and fillets(what he ate with his lady in his youth) with girls that you never care about. All you are crying like little darlings in a calm pond until You meet real grief, which will kill rugs like you, you hear me, darling? Now you are having fun with girls, then you will fuckin' sink in tears, my daughter died, do you know what means death, my wife fucked me off the house and... Why are You staring at me? wHAT, you heard of real problems?
-Boy(flamed a bit)-What was her name?
-BOY(flared with heart)-And what is your name? (he exclaims like to his father rather than to a stranger)
The man egoistically cries again: "Ya all never understand my pains!" [the following contradicts it]
 The boy hesitates in unknown to him feelings, then rushes at Him, and hugs Him, but rather falls on him, and hot rivers of salty bitter tears flow out of BOY.
The man FEELS THE BOY. He(MAN) got up from egoistic thoughts.
- He- You, yOU know her?
The first rain of the season  begun. Their bunch is uncovered, they get completely wet.
The boy cries.
-BOY- she loved when we call her Yunni. CRYYYY
-HE- Okay, don't cry. Was she Your friend? Your ... (he thinks about lovers)
- Boy - yes, yes, I love her, we once ate iccream, and fillets, and we once entered this pond, and the policeman screamed at us because it has a very deep hole close to this bank, and we were lying on the grass (like HE and SHE did), and we... CRIES...
-He- How you entered the pond? A deep hole in it? She is sick, cold water is too dangerous for her, and..
- and she wanted to be free... from all..
- He- Free? She never told me... [he understands why- because he was a bad father, and took her freedom, so she didn't speak with her abuser]
They cry together, the rain gets heavier. Thunder expresses their inner yells, the lake storms, no one is outside, pain hits the boiling point.
Mystic music, like everything is the background, and we are concentrated on the feelings. He sees a lady entering the pond. He recognises his wife. He runs like mad, the boy falls on the floors, and watches the pond in rain and tears. Everything is blur and hazy, we are concentrated not on the action, but on the feels. He runs for her. She jumps the lake faster, seeing his[the freedom-taker], He jumps to her.
--Underwater, deep coldness, the scary THE END concept, cold death, THEN AN ARDENT, HOT HAND TAKES THE HIM[HE HOLDS HIS WIFE], AND PULLS THEM FAST,---

[hyper emotional music, very poignant and sharp, but not for the action, but for the deeper thing- huge feeling behind the action]They are on the ground already. The man takes his lady on his hands, puts her on the grass, the grass where they lied years ago in sunrays and day. Now it's cold night, heavy rain. He shakes his wife, she comes to life back. he erotically kisses her for loong minutes, eros reaches the boiling point, she pushes him back, but he says FORGIVE ME, and they connect so well. They all together, with the boy too, lie on the wet grass. But the boy pays no attention on this stuffs.When we show him, innocent music is playing. he is looking at the lake[RAIN IS A METAPHOR CAUSE THEY WERE WAITING FOR RAIN, AND RAIN WAS THE SAVER FROM THE HEAT, SO WHEN THE BOY CAME, RAIN BEGUN, MEANS THE BOY WAS THE SAVER - HE IS WHO SAVED THE MAN FROM HATE, AND THEN SAVED HIM PHYSICALLY - PUSHED HIM OUT OF THE LAKE, THOUGH ALREADY WITH HIS LADY , BCS HE ALREADY MADE HIM LOVE HIS LADY]
Sunrise. They sit together, like a family
-SHE- who is he?
She understands, and hugs him.
They take him home, eat together, and after 9 days meet at the funeral.
When Yun is in the ground, they put the soil on her. And some fresh, wet plant grows on this soil, while the background is the lake(timelaps for days until the next act where BOY comes)[metaphor with the WET SHOOT DROWING FROM THE BURIAL SOIL OF THE DAUGHTER again].
In the night BOY comes to her grave place, and says, God, if You are, let us be together in Heaven. After he prayed, he saw the undertaker's sign on the grave : Sure, Will. The rain begun. First time we see him smiling and laughing.
His phone rings, he replies with no egoism but with chaste respect to Him and Her. They call him for supper. He says : sure, will [laughs].
-she - why are you laughing? is it raining? Come home! [showing care of a MOTHER]
- yes, sure, will [he laughs]
 his phone slips off his hand, he briskly catches it, and his hand is just by her burial photo[we see her first time, to strengthen the compare of the plant with her] by that shoot, that already became a plant.

Now her face is shown again, and the title continues - WAS THE BEGINNING.
[[[the ultimate metaphor is that in the first part(THE END) she was dead, while now, in the part2 (WAS THE BEGINNING), she is...alive! ]]]
the lake is storming, but in a bright and happy manner!
 [the He came there every night, and literally became the son oF well connected HER and HIM. ]

they will meet not on the funeral. But in the park.
