Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academ
Diary News/ Saturday, 13.08.2022
Diary news
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
British Military Academy expelled Saudi cadets for luxury lifestyle
17:46, August 13, 2022. World
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
British Military Academy expelled Saudi cadets for luxury lifestyle
The Royal Military Academy of Great Britain in Sandhurst expelled seven cadets from Sadovskaya Arabia for the luxurious lifestyle they led during their studies.
This was reported by the British Internet portal Gmail.
As specified, students belonging to the Saudi royal gave expensive gifts to their instructors:
BMW and Mercedes cars,
watches and trips to elite resorts.
The deduction was made by Major General Duncan Capps,
instructors who accepted gifts received disciplinary penalties.
Earlier, The Telegraph columnist Jeremy Warner wrote that
Saudi Arabia prevents Western countries from "strangling" Russia with sanctions.
According to him, the energy embargo is a difficult, economically painful and diplomatically difficult step even for the UK, which is not as much dependent on imports from Russia as other states.
Author: Nikolay Chigasov
17:46, August 13, 2022. World
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
British Military Academy expelled Saudi cadets for luxury lifestyle
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Seven Sandhurst cadets and instructors from the UAE are expelled in scandal
PUBLISHED: 23:38, 12 August 2022 | UPDATED: 07:28, 13 August 2022
"The Sovereign's Parade concluded in traditional manner at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst yesterday, albeit in the Queen's absence.
But I can reveal that the parade-ground pomp and splendour masked a deeply embarrassing chapter in Sandhurst's history.
Only days ago, its Commandant, Major General Duncan Capps, felt obliged to expel no fewer than seven overseas cadets — all of them from the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
'The cadets' instructors got the boot too,' my man on parade tells me. 'It was because of what are described as 'disciplinary incidents'.'
Oil-rich countries pay handsomely for their links with Sandhurst; the UAE recently built a new accommodation block there, the Zayed Building, at a cost of ;15 million.
At Sandhurst, there can be cultural differences between Arab princelings and British officer cadets.
At one point, the problem became so severe that the military police investigated allegations of 'huge bribes' — BMWs and Mercedes cars, Rolexes and foreign holidays — being offered to Sandhurst instructors."
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Seven Sandhurst cadets and instructors from the UAE are expelled in scandal
PUBLISHED: 23:38, 12 August 2022 | UPDATED: 07:28, 13 August 2022
Саудовских курсантов исключили из британской военной академии за роскошь
Британская военная академия исключила саудовских курсантов за роскошный образ жизни
17:46, 13 августа 2022. Мир
Саудовских курсантов исключили из британской военной академии за роскошь
Британская военная академия исключила саудовских курсантов за роскошный образ жизни
Королевская военная академия Великобритании в Сандхерсте отчислила семерых курсантов из Садовской Аравии за роскошный образ жизни, который они вели во время обучения.
Об этом сообщил британский интернет-портал DailyMail.
Как уточняется, принадлежащие к саудовским королевским студенты дарили дорогие подарки своим инструкторам:
автомобили BMW и Mercedes,
часы Rolex
и путешествия на элитные курорты.
Отчисление произвел генерал-майор Дункан Кэппс,
инструкторы, принимавшие подарки, получили дисциплинарные взыскания.
Ранее обозреватель The Telegraph Джереми Уорнер написал, что
Саудовская Аравия мешает западным странам «задушить» Россию санкциями.
По его словам, энергетическое эмбарго является сложным, экономически болезненным и дипломатически трудным шагом даже для Великобритании, которая не так сильно, как остальные государства, зависит от импорта из РФ.
Автор: Николай Чигасов
17:46, 13 августа 2022. Мир
Саудовских курсантов исключили из британской военной академии за роскошь
Британская военная академия исключила саудовских курсантов за роскошный образ жизни
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
British Military Academy expelled Saudi cadets for luxury lifestyle
17:46, August 13, 2022. World
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
British Military Academy expelled Saudi cadets for luxury lifestyle
The Royal Military Academy of Great Britain in Sandhurst expelled seven cadets from Sadovskaya Arabia for the luxurious lifestyle they led during their studies.
This was reported by the British Internet portal Gmail.
As specified, students belonging to the Saudi royal gave expensive gifts to their instructors:
BMW and Mercedes cars,
watches and trips to elite resorts.
The deduction was made by Major General Duncan Capps,
instructors who accepted gifts received disciplinary penalties.
Earlier, The Telegraph columnist Jeremy Warner wrote that
Saudi Arabia prevents Western countries from "strangling" Russia with sanctions.
According to him, the energy embargo is a difficult, economically painful and diplomatically difficult step even for the UK, which is not as much dependent on imports from Russia as other states.
Author: Nikolay Chigasov
17:46, August 13, 2022. World
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
British Military Academy expelled Saudi cadets for luxury lifestyle
Diary News/ Saturday, 13.08.2022
Saudi cadets expelled from British Military Academy for luxury
Diary News
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