Faded noise and white smoke from the barrel


I was the machine grenade launcher, during service at "The pumpkin outpist",
south boyz land..And we usually were shooting at all directions, just to
frighten the terroriztz. The his bollae ere crawling the mountain,
and hiding at little forest, and I shoot grenadez at advice of the radar people...
The radar workz during normal weather, and rain and fog cauze the
movement radar not to work..Then additional guarz were appointed to guard
the doorz of the outpost...And then we started training, and I as usual
shoot from the machine grenade launcher and suddenly a faded noise and
white smoke from the barrel. I immideately remembered the lesson of the couse,
during the bootcamp..It meanz that there is a stuck grenade and another shooting
will explode the barrel...Musn't shoot..And I called the commander, vice company
commander, and said, the grenade launcher is not to be worked with, due
a grenade stuck->barrel...And said..Continue shooting as usual, you are talking
nonsense..I never heard of such a situation..And I said... NO!!!!I won't shoot!!!
And said..Some solidierz refuze commanz..And went complaining..The chief,
said, I alzo didn't hear about any faded noise and white smoke, take,
the grenade launcher and find out..Make sure. And took and found the grenade...
And said, you can't command anymore, solidier waz right and you wrong...
And the officer waz thrown..And then stood in the middle - base and cursed..
Thoze reussyanz, alwayz smartazzez...Couldn't just shoot and die...And then
a soldier aimed at me, pulled the trigger and said, stand off my bed, young!!!
I didn't report, later I became the vice commander of the navigation squad...
