
Hello, Adnan! I accidently read Your messages again, half a year after we finished our conversation about Diana. Thank You for the wise words.
After I finished the poem (the final version is much bigger), I asked Diana if we can be friends again, and after she refused, I sent her my poem confession.
She read it and said " You don't know me well enough, I'm not like this. Forget me, and move on! "
I was trying to forget her again, but it didn't work. It was getting harder and harder to hold the situation.
My feeling grew bigger and deeper,
But no attention from her I received -
It was tought and with days got more bitter
But one miracle made me revived :
Alone in one uprising morning,
In the hall where yesterday I've seen
This star Diana on her training
My feelings got so strong, immense, so keen :
Without her I felt so prostrate in dry yearning,
Like if the day when she refused me wasn't turning,
Like if that pain heat is still inside my heart -
I felt defective missing mine dear and own part...
And in this moment I felt something great :
And this great something gave a calming word -
"She will come to you, but now you need to wait",
And I believe this words belong to Lord...
So You were right, and as You said,
"That perfect day will once arrive,
And now you only have to wait
But not like holding all your life"

So thank You very much for Your advice;;;
Here You can see the final version of my confession poem:

Hey Michael i know its too hard for u
I know i cant understand the pain, the patient, the suffering....
But what i know is ur pure affection,
Well idk what can i suggest , since I m not into it, not have experienced yet.

God is seeing everything, be patient and calm move forward buddy, life is full of amazing and fucking surprises and uncertainty.

So god will decide what to happen, seeing ur hardship daily.

Try to focus on ur daily , practice for tournaments and give some time to urself and also make beautiful poems like this
Фото профиля _pathan_mimicboy_
U r brave Michael
Proud of u buddy
