Speed of life

into nowhere flight
on the speed of light
the cure against the death
or cure against the life

we're arriving at the phase
where time gets changed by space
and the aim is to connect
the life kind unknown yet

may the host be polite
or we're lost in this flight?

less than a year has passed on board
but on the Earth decades
and still not even half of road
is made, the law of space

how much will take way back for crew?
will we all stay alive?
but wait, today there's something new
they couldn't hide online

invented life injection
but one of us against
we're losing connection
with Earth once again

I used the calulator
we wouldn't get in time
come on, we can't be later
till we're in our prime

it's limited edition
life posion for elite
but what's about the mission
it has to be complete!

but professor, you are mad!
when we'll find them we'll be dead
we have no other chance
but he repeated as in trance

without spikes no roses
we used anabiosis
got rid of the fanatic
ate corpse - it was last food
the drive is automatic
and all we hoped for good

red note in record book: deathcase
of one crew member, accident
we are returning back to base
to get the medcine they invent

make sure the speed is fast
and everything in order
feel like the outcast
it's just a bad forboding
the murder justified
the science is to give us life
but some for science died
blood rains are coming soon
in our sick forecast

it is no more insult
professor is new martyr
of candid science cult
it's time to cross the border

the science has two faces
and finally we land
location maybe canceled
around just dust and sand

all planet is a desert
but maybe compass lies
immediately we gathered
some soil to analyse

we must have been mistaken
or got into black hole
the planet is forsaken
there is no living soul

no human is to judge us
but judgment day is here
it's getting hard to breathe in mutilating atmosphere

the ship ran out of fuel
let's search for the remains
it seems we're getting poisoned with blood in our veins

humanity gives hope
but also dissapoints

but could it be someone's payback
for mission incomplete
or just fake news and network hack
before the great delete
and maybe we are lucky
avoided holocaust
like mirages in desert
is everyone a ghost


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →