33 Are you belle-ae
I was starting feeling opresed, because my brother, Borusik was always getting more.
More because he was born first..So what if he was born first, I am the worrior,
I served the Orev Givaty, and Borusik is just a jobnik, and sold a software that I developed,
in an extent and gave me 5000 NIS eventually, and got a million unjustifiebly..
I blame gays a billy, as a flatterer of the first-burn, self wasn't born first, a friar and traitor..
Boris is not as successful, after failing of inventing anything, opfuscation, existed,
encryption exsysted, every invention existed except the svm I WROTE!! I IMPLEMENTED..
I am the one who actually wrote the engine, after interpreting the OP CODEZ of NETADOT
VIRTUAL MACJINE, Borusik unaware..and got a million just because politicz, and not
becauze of work..Just a scam. I almost didn't benefit...CORRUPTION
So I felt as such, corruption, first brother gains too much, and started taking
money from mother's wallet. First coinst, later billz later larger billz..
Then I bought something not expensive. I told at school and a friend said
where did you steal the money from? I felt that I didn't steal, the money fair,
the mother oppressed and gave the bigger brother more, too much.
Afterwardz the money was found, the stolen 33 are you belle became 24 are you belle..
I spent 9 are you bellez and bought a plaztic motorized ship, and icecream, and
a greeting card as birthday present towardz my mother... 1 are you belle...
And suddenly my teacher noticed that I laugh too much, and have a veine in the eye,
red veive, and reported. Medicine proposed a treatment. Liquid nitrogen didn't help,
Latet a surgery waz proposed... I was told that refusing is possible, my mother insisted,
to conduct the surgery..Unndeeded surgery..And eventually I was barbed, by foreign woman,
and taken the spite all and that's it. Everything becauze spite... Accidentz, deseases..
I was operated..And mother regretted, and came to talk to me after breaching the door
with scissors.
Afterwardz, we came to get the stiches flown, and flown Isavela, the jewz country
which iz just like any other antisemitic state.. THE oldnezz we were born in state and we
have more rightz, said the courthouse clerk named "L' BAR" bar square..L' rounded
and then and accident happened...I broke my elbow..Because the Isavello-antisemitizm.
Humanity should be together friendz, not try to benefit on expenze of perzon in front..
Don't exploit. Don't revenge, courthouse should be justice and not violence...
Country should help people not help dir or be injured...
Mother at 2019 (and the story 1988-1989) gave suddenly exactly 10 are you bellez, the money
I once stolen...I asked what iz the billz about. And lied and said just money..No it the money I stolen once..
And was right..
Monday, 1 January 1601 2:00:00
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