Birthplace of astronauts
local anesthesia
Lilliputian campaign
feed bag
torn teeth
preparation for disappearance
birthplace of astronauts
the only summer of Russian anarchy
language that defines thinking
clowning words on
small homeland of astronauts
local anesthesia
scissors cutting the sky
fingerprints on the moon
rhinotherius in the parking lot and
snails in torn rubber
boots near horse heads
lighting towers like dragonflies
around the pop-eyed owl
under local anesthesia
embryos tense
watching us from within
warm up on a respectful
distance, looking at the legs,
big shaggy morning
cup and beautifully bald
passionately kissing
chronons tempt with immortality,
the sweet and sour taste of time
Lilliputian campaign
new tactic of holy wars -
large battalions of sacred goats
When will evil triumph over evil?
Will a tight application of forceps help?
the cat has adapted to walk in a bag
around the dental chair
feed bag
statue petrified by kisses
the smell of urine invigorates historical
at this time underground factories
endlessly clone random mouse ...
presidents dog friendly
waving power -
they are mentioned in the wills
along with dishwasher
and a bag of feed
torn teeth
aspiration of a fat piano
slippers levitate at night
surrounded by broken teeth
...destroy the border
between right and left
between top and bottom!
and the meatballs are fried
ever smaller...
preparation for disappearance
ordinary revolution - come on!
...difficult purchase procedure
last night
Socratic intonation: very hard "te"
and unusually soft "ale"
erotic avant-garde denies
the presence of a navel
coitus is based on a contradiction!
need as thorough as possible
preparation for disappearance
subjunctive mood
vending machine confuses,
inflatable furniture inflates
God's concubines with tattoo thongs -
participants in the latest sex uprising
pissed off angels...
Uncle Joe smiles out of the corner of his mouth.
the past is now in the subjunctive
inclination, he knows
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