Yearly Commute of A Gussar

(Back Home Then Back To Work Every Year, Not every day :))

FYI: From

I loved this post. It reminded me about that wonderful period of my life years ago when I was doing the same

I was doing it, literally, every year for over a decade. I would arrive to The Bay Area in September, take a dev. contract, work till about April-May then go back home for the summer

Since my Birth Day is in the middle of May, it was a rather convenient arrangement

The funniest thing is that my mom and my sister who I lived with back in Moscow, got used to this cycle quickly, and started sponsoring it to even a bigger degree than myself :)

(Although, it is a different subject, which should be in a separate post :))

Below, I assembled couple of comments, which I made on the original post from Ranjith.


Thank you for sharing,
yet what you want may not work,
sorry :(
Traveling to India, and spending
what you have earned in the US
Has worked for me in the past,
although I was going to the place
Were I was borne and raised,
my motherland - Russia-Ukraine

This game is rotten,
the puppeteers will make you choose:
Be washed away and loose
Sponsor their lies while living
That boring lifestyle they prescribe for us
Every day the lie gets bigger
You will be forced to choose
To "fight for freedom"
(the way they see it),
For example would you consider
A noble fight with the disease -
COVID-19, three years battling
As a result - a bill for the vaccine,
Which you have brought to help them?


you will be washed away,
Not promoted, and bluntly
Pursued as someone who scares
The shit out of these obnoxious
Stupid MoFos who
Rule this part of the world, yet
Want more than just being involved
As the other countries/nations 
They want to own to exploit,
Not to grow and to share
As it was in the place were
I was born and where
we were happy, and
I imagine, - were you in your homeland
The place is called Soviet Union, my friend

While you are na;ve, of course,
Enjoy and travel!
It is a privilege,
We all have dreamed
about this lifestyle:
The swimming pool
in the apartment complex,
The washer and the dryer,
a humongous fridge!!!,
and - a healthy appetite,
just a few to admire :)
Of course, you have deserved it
With your hard work,
Enjoy it while it lasts!
Remember, one day you may
Indeed have to choose
To either become a ПИДАРАС
Who sells his people's future
For the comfort of his own ass,


Be washed away and suffer
Like it happened to myself,
and many others unknown fighters
for the common sense, and Justice,
so we can all be free of monsters
Who just keep lying more and more
about what they never look upon as obligation
They are above the law
Who pushed this nation to the WAR,
Which was the only choice for them
Starting from Yugoslavia, Kuwait,
Libya, and so on
You can continue the list if you want,
Yet, now it's my motherland - Russia-Ukraine

#Russia #India
