Элинор Фарджон Кораблики-мечты
В пучину темноты
В неведомое плаванье
Кораблики- мечты;
Один, с цветущей реей,
На розу походил,
Один – на трель свирели,
Один – на блеск светил.
Весёлый и унылый –
На звон сердечных струн,
На колыбельку с крыльями –
Одна из крошек- шхун.
Кораблики, блуждая
Одни на глубине,
К небесному причалу
Всегда придут во сне.
Eleаnor Farjon
I set my dream-ships floating
Upon the tides of sleep.
Beneath whose moving waters
Unfathomed currents creep;
And one was made of roses
With flowering mast and spars,
And one was made of music,
And one was made of stars:
One was all joy and sorrow
Made from my own heart-strings,
And one was like a cradle
With sails like angels' wings.
O little ships that wander
All lonely on the deep,
And only come to haven
Upon the tides of sleep.
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