Just dance, my demon!

Just dance, blazing demon of mine,
And shine like a polished knife.
Tonight I will do you fine,
But beg you, don't take my life!

You make me behave this way
By giving your glance of a lash.
You prompt me the words to say,
All praises I have to splash.

I beg you, just take my heart,
My efforts were seldom lost.
Though loving her was an art,
My soul was as much it cost.

Just dance, tender demon of mine
And look at my flying soul,
That left it's somatic shrine,
Lamenting it's somber role.

While dancing, your arms are tight,
Embracing my open neck.
Like shadows that  blur at night,
They make me a nervous wreck.

With her, I am all at sea.
But making the storm just fine,
I beg you, take mercy on me,
Just dance, sultry demon of mine!

; Kamal Ibragimov.
Translated by Evgeny Rodin

*Вольный перевод одного из моих стихотворений на английский язык выполнил Евгений Родин - профессиональный переводчик и творческий человек, разбирающийся в поэзии и вовсе не чуждый ей.
