Truth makes you free

Many truths on earth exist,
and appealing, they call,
but one Truth cannot be missed:
it’s THE TRUTH above them all.

Jesus Christ this title bears,
and His powers enthrall:
conquering our nightmares, -
He’s the answer for them all.

When you are convinced that death
lost on you its very grip,
Jesus, giving you His breath,
will for righteousness equip.

If you struggle from addiction,
or in sorrow you grieve,
Jesus will in all affliction
never you alone leave.

If you trust Him, He is there,
waiting patiently for you,
and before you say your prayer
He your thoughts beforehand knew.

Jesus, the incarnate Truth,
He alone makes you free
and these thoughts my soul soothe,
they liberate me.

He releases me from fear,
from a sinful inclination,
and, the Bible makes it clear,
He’s alone my salvation!

