It is my first love letter sent to you 2

It is my first love letter sent to you
I was extremely happy and obsessed
Had I an envelope – I’d braid it blue
My life had two main parts: you and the rest

But you left no response to my love letter
I dedicated self to those lines
What happened in “Morskoy camp”, did it matter?
Relationship full of romantic signs

When you didn’t respond to my first letter
I thought that you just haven’t spot it yet
If this turned true, I’d start this story better:
The moment, for example, when we met

I called it then “Beginning of beginnings”
So you would feel importance of this time.
You promised me your heart all full with feelings
Instead of giving yours, you've stolen mine

I sent the second letter to you later
I added to it also gentle kiss
A sign below said: “From your tired water”
But letter said “I’m tired of all this”

No answer I received as I expected
The letter didn’t reach and words have burned
My promise was to love you and I kept it
I’ve given you so much and nothing earned

When you replied, you answered with excuses
You had no time, was sleeping, lost your phone
So many lies  masterfully uses
Kept me away from being all alone

The time has come to send him the third letter
I thought he’d bring some light into my life
But he has left. My life got even sadder
Instead of roses, he was holding knife.
