Sonnet 23

One drop of soap has housed in it
The marvelous scent of Agros rose
And with this scent, it housed our meet
In Agros as we sat so close.
One glass of water from the mounts
Where God set Agros and us two
With lovely miracles abounds
And gives love's strength with every dew.
(And gives what none of drinks can do
And strengthens like no drink can do)
And when fresh night gleams up on me
With sheeny stars, in fair quiet,
I sense myself in Agros' sea
Of true Love's virtue, peace and light./:
  This magic gleams the paradise
  Of clean true Love, unseen with eyes.

  This magic gleams the heaven of,
  Seen not with eyes, unearthly Love.

2 thoughts :
- how do you feel virtue, peace and light under NIGHT??
-how a SCENT housed a meet when we sat close ?

This roses, waters, stars just gleam
  Love's spanless good, with eyes unseen.

  True Love's clear shine, with eyes unseen!

This magic gleams the heaven of,
Unseen with eyes, true shining love

One drop of soap has housed in it
The marvelous scent of Agros rose,
And with this scent it housed our meet
In Agros as we sat so close.
One glass of water from the mounts
Where God set Agros and us two
With lovely miracles abounds
And strengthens like no drink can do...
And when fresh night gleams up on me
With sheeny stars, in fair quiet,
I sense myself in Agros' sea
Of true Love's virtue, awe and might:
  This magic gleams the paradise
  Of clean true Love, unseen with eyes.
