Good morning world

When sun is raised and rooster sings his song,
and a ray of sun just glides across my bed.
I'm waking up with feeling I belong
to whom the prayers sound in my head.

I go to the window and I see
the lawn of green grass near of my home
and in the distance blueness of the sea.
Good morning world! Good morning and shalom!

The birds sing just like angels. Honey bees
collect the honey from the blossom flowers.
My lungs are filled  with cool and fresh sea breeze
I would stand by and breathe the breeze for hours.

I am happy and I want to share with you
this brilliant, sunny, joyful morning view.

2022 Seattle

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Елена Георгиевна   14.10.2024 07:05     Заявить о нарушении
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