
Herr Putin was lost.
Stuck neck-deep in the green swamp,
Shoigu heard him shout.

But he pretended not to hear the cry.

So he became a great hero of Russia.

Владимир Максимов 5   27.03.2023 13:43     Заявить о нарушении
Actually they both are epic heroes worth to be remembered forever for having dug one deep grave for this country. Both represent the worst of the Russian leaders ever. Hundreds of ordinary men died and became crippled while the Reindeer Breeder’s Mongolian daughter were having a good time abroad. What a shame.

Thanks for reading this verse and writing a review.

Владимир Петрович Янченко   27.03.2023 14:52   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.