Good news
По миллиону в год
Мышара-19 как бы в прошлом,
Макако-леопёрд грядёт
Минздрав и ВОЗ всегда на страже
Минобр программный код куёт
А мы опять втыкаем?
И ничего нас не клюёт?
Втыкаем, сегодня
мы в контэнт втыкаем
И завтра мы в контэнт
втыкаем...и послезавтра мы воткнем!
dear Yandex, pls translate the above mentioned text.
look, everything is under total control.
a free network? а yа serious? remember funny 80 th and Smiths -
"this joke is not funny anymore". creative devils
with foaming at the mouth are fucking in the comments in their secret hope for a rollback, but they don't really care
about the events taking place. moreover, they don't
understand what's going on. it is very important
to know how to hide a secret leaf of a real tree in the spam forest, because no one will pay much attention to it among the muddy stream of motley info stuff.we need to periodically merge genuine information - this is the cosmic law, smafa, entering this slippery path, remember the main thing: a real
propagand(on)ist must clearly correspond to the well-known expression-stuck like a bath birch leaf to the ass
and you must always be the "master of discourse"...
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