Soothing Rain At Dawn

How weak we all might be in hours of insanity
Just wondering why it’s so awry
We wanna feel we aren’t lonesome
In times when dreams turn into none
And hope is gone
When truth is left behind

I need to break out and feel you by my side
I’m suffocating here without the reason why

I can’t foresee what there waits for me
But I believe this place is not for me

I don’t want to bleed no more –
Oh, fill my heart with soothing rain at dawn
Only need to realize it’s not all gone
For I’ve sacrificed too much

I fear it’s fading and there won’t be return
Am I awaken?
Are all the bridges burned?

If I stand until the end, I might not be down
And then I’ll feel the rain at dawn

When we’re shut in room with darkness
Fighting with the mournful hours
You can see we are in need
So, when the life us passes by
And takes away what could’ve been done
It’s so awry and ire burns inside

I need to break out for I cannot keep breathing
I’m suffocating here cause I’m misled

Oh, take me home where I will find myself
Let bleed no more, leave what should not remain

I don’t want to bleed no more –
Oh, fill my heart with soothing rain at dawn
Only need to realize it’s not all gone
For I’ve sacrificed too much

I fear it’s fading and there won’t be return
Am I awaken?
Are all the bridges burned?

If I stand until the end, I might not be down
And then I’ll feel the rain at dawn

If I stand until the end, I will not be down
And then I’ll feel soothing rain at dawn

