Little Birdie

Трішечки попрактикуюсь у перекладах...

In the morning, little birdie flew to Kremlin
Blue and yellow, was the color of her beak.
Undetected, birdie landed on the gremlin,
And she did him, up the rear with giant prick.

Blue and yellow - is the color of the freedom
That has come to put an end to russian hate
It will spread a virus made to battle evil
And will help us moskaliv elimimate.

From Bandera, DNA will be inserted
In the katsap's little fetuses' genome
And the future generations will be sorted
To prevent all ill attempts of "russian world".

Final moments, of the russian federation,
God's our witness - we did not desire so,
But we have to base the safety of our nation
On the abscence of the psychopatic foe.
