Paul Grayson, 25 years The Nurse, jailed 12 years
Paul Grayson, 25 years The Nurse, jailed 12 years in UK
sky news/ 11 May 2022
Yorkshire nurse who filmed unconscious patients in hospital jailed for 12 years
Yorkshire nurse who filmed unconscious patients in hospital jailed for 12 years
Paul Grayson, 51,
was also found to have
secretly filmed staff in toilets
while he was working
at Sheffield's Royal Hallamshire Hospital.
The judge has ordered him to serve an extended licence period of four years
after he is released.
Amar Mehta
News reporter @Amarjournalist_
Tuesday 10 May 2022 18:40, UK
Undated handout photo issued
by South Yorkshire Police of
Paul Grayson
who filmed up
the gowns of unconscious women patients
and recorded staff
using the toilet
at a large teaching hospital
has been jailed for 12 years.
Issue date: Tuesday May 10, 2022.
Paul Grayson has been jailed for 12 years
Sky News
A hospital nurse who filmed up the gowns of unconscious patients
and recorded staff using the toilet
at Sheffield's Royal Hallamshire Hospital
has been jailed for 12 years.
Paul Grayson, 51, "brought shame on an honourable profession",
according to Judge Jeremy Richardson QC
and was told he must serve an extended licence period of four years when he is released.
Mr Richardson, sitting at Sheffield Crown Court,
four patients
who were recovering from surgery
were targeted by Grayson
at the Yorkshire hospital
and one of the patients
was never been identified from footage.
The court heard how the charge
with over 25 years' experience,
also pleaded guilty
to filming
five nurses
using a toilet at the hospital.
He also videoed
two other young women
who were not connected to the hospital
hidden cameras.
"You have betrayed every ounce of trust reposed in you," Mr Richardson QC said.
"You have already been stripped of your status as a nurse by your professional body. So you should be.
"You have brought shame on an honourable professional by your egregious criminal conduct."
Victim secretly filmed
in the shower
for years
Earlier this week the court heard that
one victim was secretly filmed in the shower by Grayson for a number of years.
She appeared in court and told him his "sick and disgusting perversions" and "evil actions"
were crimes that "have torn me into pieces".
The woman's suspicions led her to conduct an investigation, where she found a stash of computer files, "curated" into folders.
One victim was unconscious after an eye operation when Grayson filmed her up her own gown and could be seen moving her underwear, the court heard.
She told police she had "put her trust in staff at the hospital to keep her safe" and said that she has since been due to have an operation at another hospital but she "can't bring myself to go".
Nurse 'humiliated' after being filmed in the toilet
Prosecutors said one nurse was filmed in the toilet at the hospital and said she had been left "mortified, embarrassed and humiliated".
Grayson, of Woodstock Road, Sheffield, pleaded guilty to 14 charges of voyeurism, three sexual assaults, one charge of upskirting, one of taking indecent images of a child, one of installing recording equipment for the purposes of sexual gratification and three of possessing indecent images of children.
The offences in the hospital took place between 2017 and 2020, but there was evidence the defendant had been filming women since 2012, the court was told.
Professor Chris Morley, chief nurse at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: "What Paul Grayson did was truly despicable and the fact that he deliberately abused the trust he was given as a nurse and work colleague is unforgivable.
"We have worked tirelessly with the police on the investigation and whilst today's sentence will not make what happened any less distressing for those women he abused, I hope it goes some way to deliver justice on their behalf."
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South Yorkshire
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Photo of Mr Paul Grayson, The Nurse, 25 yo The Nurse, York/Sheffield Hospital, UK, jailed for 12 years in UK, face from SKY NEWS on line. Hm.. similar to my face but my eyes are brown colour eyes.
I saw some my genetic cousins having "Grey" Gray"
from Irish places of Ireland in FF FTDNA
not as a closed relatives or relatives
as with a distance in a time for a common shared relative.
I am from Siberian ancestors, Siberian geographic places sounds
Irkuts - Ir,Cut,Sky = Ircutsky = Icutsk = Irkutsk (Siberia, Russia)
Ir, Ira, Irina, Irisha - compare Irish, Irland (Land of Ir)
River Angara (Siberia, Russia) - Angara, Anhara A'Hara, Harrison
So, some ancient old travel roots way of Irish ancient men from Siberia
linked Ireland and Siberia lands,
some by genetic study links steppe of Ukraine/Russia decedents from Siberia
and they as ancestors of some Irish men of Ireland, Wales, England, UK, Celts tribes.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
The man has a rare dark grey colour of his eyes and looked like a safe trustful personality type, some French touching type
worked as The Nurse for 25 years
using to film patients, staff, visitors of side, gowns, underwear, shower or toilet users.)
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
He looks like some French Private Detective Officer Actor role
from some French film and so hard to lean to read this all news to be upset -
Whom are we able to trust after, having this here in UK? as a break the trust?
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
I do not feel we know all about this story in full and what was here.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Artists are attracted and fascinated by shapes, lines
and express the expression of feelings from what they see in the drawings.
But there are also professional artists, not amateurs, but for earnings,
who transform photos into paintings for sale.
Was there or was Mr Paul Grayson
there not a British artist as well? Who knows?
On Russian
* Британская медсестра с 25-летним стажем работы в госпиталях Йорка и Шеффилда, Англия, получила тюремный срок в Англии за подглядывание и фотосъёмку и видеосъёмку
беззащитных пациентов британского здравоохранения NHS госпитали втайне (в халатах, нижнем белье, без него), также и молодых сотрудниц коллег и посетиетлей. За нарушение доверия по доказанным случаям (клиенты сервиса пациентки, коллеги, посетительницы)
и по компьютерным файлам и архивам, британец Поль Грейсон (Паул Грайсон) был осуждён на 12 лет тюрьмы в Англии за подглядывание, вуаризм и нарушение доверия.
Это с новостей Sky News
Его лицо по прпорция похоже на моё (нос-глаза).
Среди генетических кузенов моих по FF FTDNA есть группа с Ирландии фамилиями Gray
(не как близкая родня и родственники, но как кто имели общего пра-предка для них и для меня).
Я публиковала подборку сравнения моего ДНК и ДНК Ирладнии, Англии (древних),
там были территория Ирландия и Англия (в том числе, как не только это).
Я публиковала, древние ирландцы часть (потомки и кельты и ирландцы часть) это потомки
живших в степях Украина-Россия и потомки более древних людей с Сибири (что Россия сейчас).
Я публиковала пересечения географических названий и слов:
Ирландия - Ireland = Земля Ир или Ии-лэнд (Ирландия) Айре лэнд Айэ лэнд
Ирландский - Irish Айриш Ириш -
имя Ириша Irisha, Ира Ira, Ирина Irina (русские имена и жены Ярослава Мудрого)
Иркутск - Ikutsk - Ircuts , Ir Cut Sky - Ир Режет Небо (на полосы? белые? летает по небу?)
Ir Cut Sky - Ircutsky - Ircutsk - Irkutsk - Иркутск (Сибирь, Россия)
town Irkutsk in Siberia, in Russia, Ireland --------- Siberia (in Russia)
River Angara (Siberia)
Angara Angar Anhara Hara O'Hara Harrison Angara Anhara (Irish sugrname Angara is a name of
Siberian River in Russia)
Ангара Ангар Ангара Анхара Хара Харрисон Ангара Анхара Анкара
Меня лично эти все древние люди корни пугают, так честно: выживание и голод,
пещеры, людоедство по всей Европе, Дании, просто часть бытия выживания,
жестокости и жестокость правителей и мужчин и женщин.
Христианство принесло оливковую веточку новое спасения души человека
и новую ступень развития. И я не знаю иного пути стать человеком, не имея молитв,
учиться Заветам Христа и учению Христа, чтобы жить лучше, в мире, который добрее,
гуманистичен, комфортнее.
Генетики показали связи Сибирь - степи Украины-России - Ирландия острова - кельты остова Англия, кельты, Уэльс, Йорк. А почему языки такие разные то у всех? А потому что так сложилось. Языки разные, люди внешне с разных стран мира похожи, а языки и национальность разные.
Нет, нет, Поль Грейсон или Пауль Грайсон никак не мой близкий родственник:
в генетических тестах такого нет у меня. Но сами черты лиц форм у нас от наших пра-предков: и тут: часть: общих пра-предков людям разных стран мира.
Лично я не люблю подглядывать.
Но, помню, девушкой 16-17 лет, мы с подругой лежали в купальниках на пляже, в Юрмале Латвия, загорали и рисовали карандашами в блокнотиках формы, фигуры и очертания
фигур людей вокруг нас, девушек и мужчин,
как художницы. Эти безымянные наброски фигурок людей кругом, после заполнения блокнотика, полежав некое время, уничтожались, никому не показывались: мы просто так учились рисовать тела людей на натуре пляжа. Было ли это вуаризм? Глядеть вокруг себя?
Так и британский мужчина мог быть британский художник?
Художники привлекаются и очаровываются формами, линиями
и выражают экспресию чувств от увиденного в рисунках.
Но есть и профи художники, не любители, а для заработка,
кто трансформируют фотки в картины на продажу.
Был или не был британец ещё и художник? Кто знает?
"Paul Grayson, 25 years The Nurse, jailed 12 years in UK", story
* diary - on - line
* дневник-он-лайн (новости с Англии Скай Ньюс)
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