
Long days and nights
Of blessings and vehicles
Which were the sun
And all the other planets...
A spectacular approach to the reality
Was made of his sacred molecules.

How he craved for his feelings not to be disposed of
Or too much disclosed!

His ambiguity was accompanied
By a heroic nature -
He was strong yet fragile.

He's been playing with all the sacred elements,
Praying for love to go on -
An unusual feeling on unity with the nature,

So powerful he used to be
He seemed to be absorbing an endless string of long and hard
Tulasi seeds.

Then he turned from a horrendously strong spirit
Into a demigod whose ability had no limit,
And all the distant stars in his look
Took to the fabulous heights of the
Celestial spheres -

His mind appeared to have more clarity
And sanity than some people's -
He was inclined
To save the nature,
And in his wild smile
Numerous blurring and stirring sparks
Would collide.

* * *

Instincts and the mind
Are not divided anymore.

He had a dreadful chore
Of confronting his lower states
With a luminous nature.

His tragic yet witty passions
Reveal some higher intentions.

* Hanuman is one of the legendary creatures who were and in many regions of the world  are worshipped by Hindu believers and pundits (the saints). He was a heroic ape, witty enough to master several elements of the nature and his own biological component. A symbol of grace, determination and a keen mind, for several days in a year he is venerated by the brahmins and regular believers in Indian temples. Special mantras are chanted in order to celebrate him.

Мариночка, верю, что это бесконечно талантливо!!! Весеннего настроения!!! Улыбаюсь...

Татьяна Корбут   29.04.2022 16:18     Заявить о нарушении