
 Sometimes need i
avoid investigation

 2 tourists in Maiami

 Тупые ниггерс
тут и сям - request
 your DNI , carne

 Cтаруха-ё б-нулл-ась
вперед  -  какие
 турникеты - Маугли

 Сын Джанглz ,
 потомок - Айноф , Майори

 And that - appeared Nicolson
as eagle above the  Mexicano's desert
 und ask - why do you sitting
  here in this fucking bar - ?
- Look here up , Mister !
I'm staying here after the job hours
- Let see Shouter how all will end !
 - Better you see - after yourself
  not give me chance be would regret abt.
- С каких-то пор стал говорить ты - по-Шекспиару ?
  Since from you start to speak as William's
-  It must not disturb you , 1st-line , dear !

 - - - - -

What after happened all of you i hoped had known .. .

 The tears are suffocating Shooter , but all in vane .. .
