Italy and India

The temptation of wisdom,
A brusque bruise of the wind,
A prophetic songs that swirls within ...

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From that very scene with long rays of the stars, constellations et alI
A storyline of endeavours so nicely-kniT
Aspires of the invention of a priceless harmonious fabulA
Realistically remaining stilL
Ensuring the gravity of eternal frailtY

*    *      *

We've witnessed the immersion into the plane of the other curriculI
With catacombs of trucks and tracks revolving above a rack of  hot rolling rameN,
Water blessed by divination energies is an affluent liquiD
And the absence of grittinI
Resembles the rarity of the other qualiA.

© Maryna Tchianova

Based on stories involving Italian and Indian culinary traditions and their spices.
