That altered in coffin тутанхамона. перевод страни
- Hours by midnight, and where жа this подлец = bad man? -Петька has not understood at first, that has sung сухонькая старушка. = old woman NN4.. P/s. All in illustrations on page 139_142!
Владимир Is red Солнышко, Юрий Долгорукий- it is names with an epithet, certain word, that explain an image. -Монгни, Монгаьти, Монготимо Hawk коготь, we perceive as a nickname
It is the chapter is worked in " to Secret гробницы empress Тии ". Nevertheless I shall bring on memory:
-Дашуратта, king Top Митании consults(copes) the Daughter, and Sister, that lived in гареме, both Аменхотепа 3, and Эхнатона. I shall bring on memory:
-О, the Master of Egypt, writes to you, remember a Name, or Title " Nebmmat - ra " А. further standard, and for the modern letter. " Prosperities to you, your wives, children, Army and everything, than you own " in дворцах. At me all is good as "! It is a standard cap at all letters Дашуратты, but Питри has written, as though having a presentiment a certain Discrepancy. It after a word " about the King of Egypt Небмматра / Аменхотеп 3 " that is, husband empress Тии, and what has put it Аменхотеп 3 a Mark of a question? As, it is a Title, and what To adhere a name particularly, it is necessary to disassemble nane, what not индифицирован, and Девисом. For example, in one place it has written, and it is very important for me: it(he) has given figure two картушей = names, that first was exact, картуш Аменхотепа 3, it(he) is known on much стелам, I resulted, and that Девис to figure has written it " it names Аменхотепа 3 " and, there was Second картуш "Небмаатры"! And, it is Second картуш empress - фараона, Ттйи. I am long And вроспринимал a Title "Небмаатра", as a Nickname, like "Долгорукого" though it, and there was an answer, that has connected a name of king " Небмаатра, and Second саркофаг Тутанхамона! "
КАРТУШ ТУТАНХАМОНА by HIM(IT) In the BEGINNING " Neb -Ra "!!! See figure, there all is clear?
P/s. It Is possible in Russian, and Greek, with which up to us the Names have reached.
Эхнатон, it approximately sounds as " Эхн -Йот! " Птолемей, Клеопатра- it is necessary to tell it still Соответстует to Sounding, but about " Egyptian and инострангое a name ".
1. All Names from the letter _Т: in the beginning -Тии, Тти =это of the Letter, and Egyptian Imperial name = it Symbols, Детермативы. " A Name Небмаатра. This name with the name, Rearranged in the end, of the god Ра. Under the Order a name: Неб-Маат- Ра goes so: a circle - ра the god, -nb/neb-Чаша without the handle Authority, и_Maat-goddess of the truth!
2. That is, Дошуратта it wrote to Небмаатре, and it name, Second name Тии, well to Empress - фараону
3. Fragment of text on 2 саркофаге, Тутанхамона? Altered name "Небмаатра". Not картуш Тутанхамона! HIEROGLYPH - nb_Чаша, from End on a beginning And, фараону IS REARRANGED, give - put them == TWO! This so is simple! Регенту, and ONE картуша for eyes has sufficed! Second картуш "Небмаатра" did (it), king, or empress -фараоном. It already could, as a matter of fact, be the Widow Аменхотепа 3 - empress Тии, н Introduction her(it) in the status Carrying a Solar name the process in гробнице Хюйи is shown, and there in one Solar картуше there is a Combination: from Ра, received Власть_ a Hook фараона, и_ Authority above Horizons Атона-_ by All countries of the Egyptian empire.
- A circle and Чаша go by First, and after _ Скарабей! That should be Перед_ the Sun! That is, _Скарабей the Sun Will not roll, and was rested in Чашу_ Cup_Sense is lost! Such mistake is difficult for presenting!
-Василий Иваныч! - завопил fairly захмелевший Петька! - so second coffin, time the name Тутанхамона begins of a name Небмат! Хр! Ху, Бл.. I! - Петке Чапай has not given to tell a name the one who Небматра, and подошедшие has written Western спецы, including Питри, as book " Таблички from Амарны " so, and has not understood, what per 19202212 years held the answer in hands. But, Питри, also did not know, that, in all books the term, both on Russian, and on английско was applied: "регент" at little Тутанхамоне. Then is small coffin from tomb empress Тутанхамона, that attribute why that to empress Тии. It is a Basis of film in Ютубе, it is easy it( see from 2011, and conclusions? Are included in the report of 2012 of the Russian WOUNDS, what the analysis ДНК of two mummies of the babies in the age of from one half-year up to one year, is to kinderТутанхамона? In the report and фильмке there is a phrase, more than foggy " There there was a lock of a Red hair, that in tomb have put, as (it), empresses Тии, Тутанхамон. That is, Lock empress Тии. ". The ringlet of hair could be though itself Тутанхамона, and name empress Тии on саркофаге- does not need To be looked, I yet have not met! A provisional conclusion
1. Variants Two. Or "Небмаатра" Вдовстующая, but in a rank Empress Фараон, also is empress
Тии/ Ттйи?
2. Or any woman from гарема, Second wife, though the completely not clear wife Аменхотепа 4,
On a name Кии? And, the authority could be entered by wives of three brothers empress Тии, and Картер considered in " Tomb of Тутанхамон ", and Кормилица = The servant of children Нефертити, as name Тии, and it is the wife, жреца Ейе.
In what not understand in a name Тутанхамона? It nevertheless фараон? And, how it is possible to write a name is inexact?! Once again I shall specify! The name Тутанхамона under the book of the professor Перепелкина has up to 10 variants, but there there is No change About hieroglyphs. Look figure: wrong name!..... How the variant, what the daughter or sister, and can = Both were empresses? There are two sculptures partially similar!..Далее мы предпримем попытку понять, что и Как переделывалось в тексте на предметах из гробницы Тутанхамона. Увидите фрагменты!. там...........139....... @@....
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