Target me if it makes you strong

We are happy with only one thing
Now we know how the winners suffer:
We libirated nations and in one blink
Put on enemy’s coat for nothing.

We are now guilty for stay at home -
The place in mirror of crowd that wrong
Summoned to hear the war worry horn
Relaying on army in fear that strong.

I see the game that can not sustain -
Peace has lack of support with no voice.
Devil is sending the army into UK_rain,
And stand up for war as a holly choice.

Democracy, freedom are only slogans:
We did not see benefits for ourselves
People say: all these has a reason -
You 'v been kept silent even in distress.

But we all support the leaders of war
And world has new enemy to struggle.
All this happened many times before,
While peace is a miracle for a muggle.

We gift decisions to government bands.
They are all greedy and pregnant with war.
We had our souls but they are in rent
To those prefering to use them to soar.

Leaving the place to vote for good -
It is so simple to find the right way.
Damned all idols that dig evil's root
Millions of death we already pay.

With any family that have soldiers dead
In making a victory for a playing lord
We 'd been the sheeps in experiment
Building a paradise without God.

We know, majority in extrime case wrong -
They seem together but they are alone.
And we can only beat in all heat gong
For better world when the war will gone.

Think at the moment that war at the end:
Do you believe that actions from crowd,
Supplying the weapon to the right hand,
Killing all enemies for you to be proud?

Ukraine so long asked for respect
And people struggled for life in open.
The answer was – wait, we are not expect
To pay for your happiness in our EU-topian.

In world where money has no more value
The only truth is weapon and force.
We have many countries still to failure
To provide their people a real voice.

We are the people we eat states enough,
We have the right for life and work.
If you choose the scrap - to be brutal tough
We can leave you alone with all your ork.

I did 't see you when peaceful protests
Filled silent life in small Belarus.
I think some did not even notice,
How many people had been abused.

Nobody stand up with any sanctions -
I would be happy to share the pain
For this desperate injustice,-
But we all waited for war to sustain.

I have no trust for such angry setter,
I have no trust for your leaders war-sick.
For those who cried that “black life matter”
Mark my location as guilty to speak.

I am happy that I am still here,
It is so easy to stay on your site.
I have the privilege to look and hear
Those who pray for peace from inside.

Happy with other's pain is short-sighted,
I choose those who can go long and long.
Still think killing the wrong side exciting -
Then target me if it makes you strong.
