the bridge

Imagine this amazing place: no wars, no floods, no flu.
Instead, there is an endless sky of ivory and blue,
There is a bridge that links the shores of your abode and mine,
A bridge for us to meet upon and get along just fine.

Imagine boating in the sun and resting in the shade,
Exploring things under the bridge where echoes ricochet.
No wars, no floods, no flu should be the subject of a song:
Let’s meet upon the nearest bridge and simply get along. 

Let’s wave and say,
A perfect day!
Let’s stop and chat
Of this and that
Upon a bridge across the Seine,
The Ob, the Amazon, the Rhine,
The Nile, the Dnieper - all the same:
We’ll get along just fine.
A bridge that goes from A to B,
A simple practical design.
We’ll walk upon this bridge and be
Just fine.

Alfred Sisley, The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garrene, 1872

lovely. so simple and beautiful.

Алекс Колфилд   24.04.2022 10:16     Заявить о нарушении
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