The Island of Charon. 10. 5. Death the 2nd


a novel in the series

CHAPTER 10. DEATH, the 2nd


On my way to the pier, I stopped at the Wish Tree, took off my last lantern and put it out…

“Yes, to leave the Island, one needs to get rid of all wishes in general. Even of the wish to leave. Why didn’t I guess it earlier? After all, Charon has also told me straight out, ‘the Wish Tree is a trap’.”

Having reached the pier, still flooded with tired souls, eager, as I was, to sail away from the Island, I sat down under a palm tree to wait for Charon, replaying in my mind our dialogue, as well as the Beekeeper’s words.

“What do you want, my dear Soul?”

“…everything that surrounds you is an illusion. Only those who can refuse it will discover the Truth.”

“But the only way to understand completely what’s going on here is to go beyond of what’s going on. So, theoretically, everyone who is here now needs to leave the Astral World?”

“Correct. The character of the movie will not see the whole movie until he moves himself in the auditorium.”

“…who creates virtual phantoms? Me?”

“Your Spirit, my Soul. It knows much more than you, being a part of the Creator and having access to the Universal Data Bank. It led you through your life on Earth, being your Guardian Angel, and continues to lead you further.”

“...there is a Higher Self, belonging to the Spirit, and a Lower one, the earthly Self, both united during life into a dual Soul. No earthly Self wants to die any kind of death at all. It clings to life in every possible way, first on Earth, and then in the Astral World, because it knows: after the death of the physical body, sooner or later the so-called Judgment will follow. I mean the division of the soul into the Higher Self, worthy of merging with the divine Spirit, and the Lower Self, unworthy and subject to destruction through the inevitable ‘second death’.”

“The Lower Self must be dropped, like a physical body, and the Higher Self must merge with the Spirit, an indivisible and eternal particle of the Creator, in order to continue its Path.”

“Everyone will know the Truth only when, having buried the Earthly Self, one merges with one’s own Spirit, which is a part of the Creator and, therefore, dwells within the Divine Ocean, owning the complete and undistorted information of the Universal Data Bank.”

“But… pay attention to the fact that the Creator doesn’t act against your will and never deprives anyone of the right to choose.”

I stopped myself there and began thinking like that…

“In the myths of Ancient Greece, Charon erases the memory of the incarnation, that is, memories of life in events and persons, and thus, the memory of the person’s identity, his Self! That’s why Charon’s house is in the Cemetery of Memories. But… the right to choose! It is left to a person, or rather, to the soul!

What is me? It’s my Self-Consciousness, my earthly personality, my memory… It turns out that only I myself have the right and must ultimately erase all my memory entirely! My-Self!!!

In order to merge with the Creator, who, perhaps, is simultaneously everything and nothing, zero and infinity, emptiness and the Universal Computer, the Cosmos dark matter and the Divine Light, one must let go one’s Self, taking a cardinal step away from it once and for all, outside the system of the Astral World, the astral body, the framework of ‘me as I am today’, ‘here and now’.

In fact, I have to bury my Self, which I used to be all my conscious life on Earth, to split my own Self into its constituent particles so that some of them, the earthly ones, would be pecked by the black birds, servants of Charon, to separate grains from the chaff; and the Spirit would absorb worthy to be a part of the Creator…”

Suddenly I remembered the words from the Revelation of John the Theologian about the second death, which became clear at the moment.

“Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection: over them the second death has no power…”

And I thought, “It seems that only the blessed and the Saints are not threatened by this second death, since their Lower Self died completely and irrevocably while they were still alive on Earth.

Moving here, to the Astral World, they are crystal-clear souls, therefore they instantly merge with their Spirits entirely and completely in the same form they’re remembered on Earth, the whole Holy personality, worthy of Eternity and the Creator, without losing anything of their own.”

And there I stopped again.

It was clear approximately everything about myself, but who was my Spirit? The great maestro and illusionist, knowing more about me than myself; my Guardian Angel, guiding me along the Path to the Sky without deprivation of the right to choose.

Whom should I have to merge with?

Was my Spirit still invisible for me? However, we were no longer on Earth! Although I wasn’t a Saint, I had a Higher Self, too. Probably, having access to the Subtle Spheres and matters, my Higher Self knew my Spirit “in face”.

“And for sure, my Spirit must be somewhere nearby, on the Island… somewhere… where… My God!”

I was suddenly enlightened!!!

I rushed back from the pier, made a final stop in my hut to add something on the last page of the Epilogue, and then I returned to the Cemetery of Memories.

Charon was the Owner of that — my! — Island.

HE was my maestro and illusionist!

And again I heard his words, which I had completely ignored before.

“What do you want, my dear Soul?”

“Fine, my Soul…”

“Your Spirit, my Soul…”

I passed through the Cemetery gates, and the black birds scanned me…

I took a decisive step towards Charon’s house, and then another, and another one…

And I saw the door open, and the Old Man came out of it and walked towards me, smiling and transforming before my eyes into a huge pillar of Light…

And I heard Music I had never heard before, and the rustling wings of the black birds whirled me in a whirlwind dance…

And I let myself go, and, losing my usual frames and connections, I sailed along the waves of the Ocean of Divine Light…

13 August — 17 September, 2021
Ouranoupolis — Moscow
