The Island of Charon. 9. 1. The Stars and the Fate


a novel in the series



I woke up around 3:00 a.m. in the Stargazer’s basement hotel.

“Is my death already in the Past? If yes, how long ago did it happen? Is my helpless body lying on the shore? Or is it still in the sea? Am I in the 9th of the 10 minutes, measured for the life of a fading brain after heart stopping? And then? The ferry and endless trips to the Wish Tree? Or maybe, everything I dreamed here is only a potential version of my virtual Future, to which I connected on the Island of Magicians, whose owner lives in a cemetery…”

I climbed up to the Stargazer. He was sitting at the table and marking the Sky maps with the help of a compass, a ruler and a pencil.

“Are you already awake, Alice?” the Stargazer asked with a smile on his face.

“You were right,” I said calmly.

“Oh, no, Alice! Not me, the stars! Or rather, the Creator talking with me through them.”

“Did you manage to read the possible dates of my departure by stars?”

“Yes, there are not so many of them, and you don’t have to wait till morning,” the Stargazer grinned.


“Oh, these sudden deaths! Do you know what’s the scariest thing about them? It’s too hard to adjust to the Other Reality, to understand what is real and what is illusory, to navigate the spaces outside the Time. It’s best to die being old, Alice. I entirely agree with the opinion of monks, because especially young souls, in cases of sudden death, leave on Earth the whole tower of unrealized plans for the Future! A mountain of yet unfulfilled desires! And…”

“On Friday the 13th?” I interrupted the Stargazer’s enthusiastic speech.

“Quite right,” he nodded, a little bit upset at the inability to continue the chain of his brilliant (or rather, starry) deductions. “Although, theoretically, a human can live forever, because the Astrological Clock doesn’t stop for a second, it keeps ticking until the Apocalypse, when the planets stop moving along the Zodiacal dial…”

I sighed and sat down across from him.

“For example,” the Stargazer continued, feeling in the stars like a fish in water, “you got acquainted on Earth with Professor Garyaev, nominated for the Nobel Prize. Despite the fact that he devoted his entire incarnation to wave genetics, quantum biology, medicine, chemistry and physics, and not to the stars, the results of his experiments confirm the knowledge of stargazers! First, the wave influence on everybody from the outside. The fact that some stars transmit waves, that means, information, faster than the speed of light is especially interesting! Second, the data recording during contact with any living and inanimate object is made on an immaterial carrier. In fact, we are talking about the astral, that is, starry body, and its influence on the physical body. Third, Garyaev spoke about the particles or elements that make up all our bodies, about the possibility of regenerating the physical body, and therefore about immortality, as the Clock keeps running! Fourth…”

“I want to ask you… to look at the stars of another person,” I interrupted the Stargazer’s unconditionally informative speech again.

“Of the man relating to your death? Tell me his birthday details, and I’d love to have a look. I adore anything that goes beyond average stories!”

I told him the birthday coordinates of Mark.

“Wow! What a curious passport,” the Stargazer said with a sniff, looking at the Sky maps.

“And what exactly is curious about it?”

“Victim and Executioner are combined in one person.”

“Does it happen?!”

“Of course, Alice. Moreover, if we approach this issue philosophically, each person eventually kills himself. But we are now talking about the stars, so… The Sun of the man you are interested in connects with an evil star, which instantly turns off his consciousness. I would even say… the star is not just evil, but diabolic. Such person destroys everything and everyone on his way at the moments of ‘eclipse’, and then, coming back to his senses, is horrified by what he has done. The reason is split personality, possession, that is, the settlement of dark spirits, which use his physical body for their own purposes. This man is a hostage of Devil. He doesn’t belong to himself.”

“And what goals do the spirits pursue by using his body?”

“Everything is obvious here. We see spoiled Venus, controlling the life and the death of this man, in Scorpio, in conjunction with Pluto, in square with Mars, in opposition to the evil Moon! Here we have to deal with the most charming and attractive… sadistic rapist, sexual pervert, maniac-murderer with a suicide in the end. Also…”

“Quite enough,” I stopped the Stargazer. “Let me use the Books of the Sun and Moon again, please!”

“Here you are. By the way, the ‘spoiled’ or evil Moon clearly means ‘spoiling’ of one’s mother. No matter what anyone says, if ‘it is written in the birth’! The family connection is always indicated in the Sky passports through the child’s mother. This formula is visible to the naked eye!”

“So, is there information about one’s mother in the passport as well?”

“A thin thread winds from every mother to her child and passes through the entire ‘human race’. Sisters and brothers, and children, and husbands, and lovers, and the birth of grandchildren, and the death of grandparents, and even pets, cats and dogs, are all registered in the Sky passports… Alice, think about it! If at the moment of incarnation on Earth not only your parents are already known, but also all prototypes of those with whom you will meet in your future, and your own prototype is mirrored in their passports, where your dates, shared with them, are stamped as well and are their own important dates, then…”

“My mother’s mother was a witch,” I sighed, unable to follow the Stargazer’s words.

“Then, the Moon is obviously spoiled in your mother’s Sky passport.”

“Then… can my death be considered as payback for my grandmother’s deeds?”

“I’ve already told you, Alice, that I’m just a Stargazer, and not the Creator, and I have absolutely no idea why you came to Earth, and why your death must be just like that…”

“How does it all work? The written in the passports? How does it fit in with the presence of own mind and… freedom of choice?”

“This is a very difficult question. I devoted my earthly life to it. But in brief… Each body, not just the physical one, consists of many small particles or elements. Accordingly, the astral one is formed of astral or stellar ‘dust’, that is, particles of the very planets and stars, that ultimately moulded your unique astral body, the body of feelings and emotions, your soul. Planets and stars, rotating in space, create in it the effect of Time, wave-like pulsating, transmitting their information to every being, influencing their ‘own’ particles and the particles of their ‘stellar brothers’, gathered in a unique astral body — the soul, setting it in motion as a whole, causing certain emotions and feelings, provoking or pushing for certain steps, colliding souls, registered in each other’s Sky passports, making them play the ‘script of fate’ or the incarnation program… By the way, many people on Earth have already accepted as an axiom the idea that a disease at first manifests itself at the level of the astral body, and then, through the etheric body, penetrates into the physical one.”

“It turns out that people are puppets!”

“A person during his earthly life is often torn apart, driven by his own dual soul. However, as I’ve already said, we almost always have the right to choose our next step within the party of a chess game, given us from Above, or, as reflected in the myths of your favorite Ancient Greece, inside the labyrinth of our destiny.”

“But do Victims and Executioners have the right to choose?”

“Dear Alice! You are still reasoning from a human point of view, looking at the situation with earthly eyes. Besides a physical body and an astral soul, everybody has a Spirit. Isn’t it time for you to go beyond physics, to rise above ‘already passed’? Why don’t you take into consideration the option that the choice to become a Victim or an Executioner was made even before your incarnation by your own Spirit for some reason, known to both of you, but forgotten by you personally?”

I sighed and took the Books of the Sun and the Moon to check, in which of them there were Mark, the Beekeeper, Yanis, Tata, the Stargazer, the Chief Wizard, and… the owner of the Island.

After looking through them all, I just smiled bitterly and returned the Books to their place.

“Thank you,” I said to the Stargazer.

“If there’s anything else I can do for you, tell me,” he said with a smile and bowed politely in return.

“How can I find the owner of the Island?”

“He lives in the cemetery.”

“Beyond the Cave of Magicians?”

“On the rocky plateau between the Cave of Magicians and the Lake of Lovers. You can go left to get to the cemetery through the Lake, or go right through the Cave of Magicians.”

“Who is he, the Old Man? What’s his name? And why does he live in the cemetery?” I asked.

“Where else would Charon live if not in a cemetery?” the Stargazer laughed and patted me on the shoulder.
