120 inglish art of decoding. and, the wind blows i
I shall not tell precisely, but photo as in the book, and the copy in an electronic kind has property sometimes to give the answer, sometimes it is necessary, and study in the editor to result in a conclusion. The top photo, both Gives, and Does not give simultaneously answer. A certain imagination of the author that a policeman indifferently looks at two, or three people, and can it be and light stain from certain subjects, on which пал a
solar beam. It(he) bottom light , that Чапай certainly, has accepted on the man, whose shadow falls on a wall, and that that nevertheless this snapshot is not made at the moment, when the lightning has sparkled. Here all it is a little not so. Light stain The photo is the document! To me the ladder Is not clear Value, and it to you see in eyes on the first photo what for here? And, rather long? But she(it), just enabled спустиься for a fencing, and lattice мишура on an input(entrance) in tomb of Рамссес 9! On that time, unless: there groove or фески on walls. Such all rocky tombs of Амарнa! There is clean, as well is just swept! Unless, that frescos, time of a Picture, variant of a photo That occured, wait for the researcher. It would be advisable already Ministry of Antiquities on their Egypt to issue the decent Catalogues of figures! You see, and I in it convince of the texts, figures, or photo of certain stages It is a lot of, up to 5 times in each line from tens, and hundreds, - mistakes! All would be advisable and to analyse
, how Was treated then, and that that it Is extended now on everything, well Sources, as - sky and ground! Frequently expression is pulled out from a context:
-я ситаю, mummies from Kv. 55 on moment захорпонения there were 23-25 years! Is on Девису to book.
-я ситаю – I doing, wrote any more Девис, and Смит, the pathologist, and is rather explanatory having spread out age of a mummy on human In conformity. If the translation Is correct, it is the medical term " teeth of wisdom " at a mummy were not completely cut, that is peculiar 18 years young man.не difficultly to understand, that Эхнатон DID NOT ENTER Into THESE FRAMEWORKS IN ANY WAY.
If his father Тутмос 4 rules 36 years, most likely then Эхнатон married on 13 years empresses, Тии, on the moment of his beginning of a reign Эхнатону was of years 30- 33. Here all nevertheless is clear, rest, I have resulted the report, that Completely has repeated film with Ютуб, there age by other parts of a skeleton from 17 till 30 years! Thus the answer only in WEIGHT, and data never happens much in Subjects.
...... In what that the moment прехал грузовичок, Чапай the lieutenant Малини has understood, that in adventure примешан this падла, тихоня – joke words.
With cries: damned расхитиитель= The thief! - why that (he), roar " Социвалистической Peoplle_ of the property " -, and with cries ":" Падла I shall be! I shall not allow рассисять The thief our kindness!, is a word "расхыщать" It was not possible to it(him)! - Чапай has seized and to a drink lie - policeman! But that has taken place further, has beaten out it(him) from a track, and it(he) has unclenched fingers.
Падла I shall be! Release!, has croaked man in мундире = Jacket__ of a policeman, and is valiant большевистским by reception боднул by his head in a jaw! - Чапай, вырубаяь, with has thought:
-Басурман = , and дерется as босяк = The foreign poor man--boxing! - and from impact in a nose on time was disconnected. That that was farther occured as in a fog! Чапай, дрался as лев, аки in desert! Impacts it(he) rendered not looking, н paying attention that did not receive in the answer, and it(him) persuaded, To not rustle! More shortly, all this is cunning in USSR, America and so " well has heated up hands on this гробнице. Whether " Such, she(it) secret?..
P/s. Тут автор предположил то же, чем был потревожен Интернет прошедший год! Некий Американский профессор предположил по гробнице Тутанхамона есть некая стена мокрая, и покрыта плесенью, и Стеной есть одна или две комнаты, и возможно погребение Нефертити. Так проводилась параллель, что Нефертити мать Тутанхамона! Почему то Картером не раскрытая комната. Что он ее сохранил в секрете почему то при раскопках в 1922- 30 году. Разбор предметов шел лет Шесть, а Девис получается, чуть ли не за месяц сделал то же по гробнице царицы Тии? Но то, что это Ютюб фильм по каналу “ Дискавери” и то, что при этом применялось слово “ может быть” – было ясно, что просто на стене Откладывались капельки конденсата по тому, что гробница Открыт – воздух, охлаждаясь внизу выпадал каплями влаги- так в Каждом погребе- банки всегда с соленьями Мокрые! а! Не труно было просверлить дырку, хоть в мето стена будь. Конечно сканирование на аппаратуре пустот в той стене не нашло через год, но, там по такому же фото Большой вход Рамсеса N6 гробницы - вид Практически тот же!? На этом фото Левее вход в гробницу Рамсаеса NN 9! Посчитай, по фигурке полицейского у входа- не более дести- метров между ними. А, погребальная / погреб /камера Тутанхамона и царицы Тии до десяти метров в длину! Комнаты в гробнице царицы Тии Могли быть сделаны с Учетом, что рядом с Рамсесом 9 будет захоронение ЕГО жены, или Вход эти помещения Были но из заложили. Кто проверял? В Итернет нет фото Сейчас гробницы царицы Тии, книг море! Все пишут, но не видели ее изнутри....120.@@.
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