113 inglish artof decoding. calendar майя. decodin
Itself yet I do not know! Here I as could, excuse for figure, has made a portrayal of one site in hours. And part of possible site from the code Борджия / book/, fragment is .
(RELEASE), АНКЕР./ Detail from clock/
All hours go: and pocket, and настенные from a Drive. It is spiral пружинка in manual hour, that "is got"("started") or it is the weight, that by weight forces the mechanism of hours to turn, all it(him) шестерено= wheel.
It is usual in деревне a cord adhered to thick суку, that grows
Is horizontal to ground. You begins To push away a swing with the man, and it at the First course of a swing, and back it will be go out itself, under weight, attraction of ground, and will be is braked, and the swing soon will stop. For this purpose is you, add energy,
again and again pushing a swing in one party. Same occurs in all hours. Through wheel with tooth, picked up so, that there would be a Parity of minutes and hours, all in one minute Would be untwisted!
It ходики, and all home hours, or alarm clock, but there pendulum round. The wheel with Slanting зубьями refers to as - Храповым. At a Direct course, - analogue when you push away from yourselves a swing, same does(makes) a Slanting tooth, and it Pushes a pendulum, only in this cycle, then Emphasis is broken in a Deepening at the end of it, I shall repeat, Slanting tooth and pendulum having flied up, goes till a body weight downwards, that is as in a swing on itself and goes again on a Slanting tooth, and this wheel in This party is untwisted by(with) a spring or weight. That is храповое/ special the wheel pushing, and Adding energy, does(makes) fluctuations Not fading.
P/s. Here figure have given site on good ancient hours, as a rule with Fight, it is Other spring, and certain disk, that sets quantityimpacts. The fight occurs till a means of certain levers give to be I fight, and on process of a course do not depend. So, here these Wedges on the end коромысла with a pendulum, still right figure fasten by the screw and, they can be lifted, and to incline. This most for me, Let hours, if they have no for krush wheel! Or is simply Bracket in clock, cheap, when that hours. The hours had lever, and then they did not go, not everyone can fall asleep under their Wild go mexanizm of ancient hours. More shortly, at me hung on a wall, that were hours of years 20, and as that, I them nevertheless have started.
On physics you know from Length of a pendulum, and it it is possible a Circle on a spoke, that " is wound simply To move together at ходиков = home woll clock, in good hours it is done(made) a nut on the end of an axis of a pendulum. " All is simple! Whether from a spring, or from weights, but if the spring is completely wound, the pendulum Will fly up above, and faster and faster will make one fluctuation. The spring = ослабла, course of a pendulum Is less, but period all same Seconds. Same does(makes), and Round pendulum in manual hours. The entered spring отборосит =push маятик= Pendulum of hours, will twirl more strongly, but also and the small factory gives, same коебание= waves. The manual hours are got(started) on tens revolutions, but go, as you will give one, two. It is Accuracy of a course! Variants with Вилочкой, that as gives One course, at the left. And there as is small Храповое колесико, and it skips On - секундно. In certain models the axis Храпового= Triangle an inclined tooth of a wheel leaves through корус=bug on a dial and on it(her) put on a small Second hand,
ХРАПОВОЙ МЕХАНИЗМ = Triangle an inclined tooth of a wheel IN FIGURE And MY PORTRAYAL FROM the CODE БОРДЖИА. Is executed Is artificial as Человечка= how mans! But it(he) has on legs Hooks, that or Move a Dial of a Calendar, or it Спусковой пщ сдщсл the mechanism that that: or hours, or Календарь, as the hours with a calendar, Number, and day of week, are in all almost watch. I have in a kind Mechanical, instead of electronic, mechanical last time saw ten years back...
Я сразу заметил такую вещь на десяти примерно рисунках из “ рукописных книг майя_Кодексы Майя”. Там есть окружности- ручки, или колески Зеленого цвета и они, колесики и Объединяют рисунки, и это некие рукоятки, как если видели в Экпонометрах для фотоаппаратах давали возможность проворачивать несколько дисков. Но диски Связаны зубьями по периметру, смотри рисунок весь вид спереди. Получалось, что Колесо с 360- зубчикам- год Древних_тремя колесиками удерживалось от падения, а одно имело явно шестерню на оси для Перемещения. Технарь это чертеж поймет. Самое интересное я Увидел, что у колес этих есть фигурки, но надо.
Я Обратил внимание на то, что у них- руки, и ноги- Крюки. Некие Крючки, и Увеличив рисунок, я увидел это. Только тут я убрал лишнее. Это Анкерный ход в наручных и многих часах типа будильника, или настенных “ ходиков”. Там есть Храповое колесо- с Треугольным зубом. Вот этот зуб и Толкает маятник, получая Усилие от пркужины или гири часов. Это принцип качелей! Маятник с Косого зуба раз Отталкивается, например влево, а вниз идет по инерции... 113..... @@.....
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