103 art of decoding. in a pursuit of a wind the ch
As that having got out on air they will finish conversation on all dodges against расхитителей " damned of the Socialist property фараона! "
In modern, гробнице the guide will move you, and will show as all for nothing hollowed a wall! The thief Was directed by(with) the founders гробницы, though the vainly present (entrance), instead of this, let and room, but there nothing was placed! Never.
All rest, than the films, or computer games are complete: arrows, копья, knifes, axes and certain essences, strange обличия- it фэнтези.
All is more prosy, and two ways: or to direct on false ways, or corridor through set of rooms, where can nothing be, or to dig лаз was him(it) not under force! Here robber can be helped on the contrary " by diligence of the founders tombs. " So, there is a photo, when to an (entrance) in some tombs now tourist is lowered on a wooden, modern ladder from height, from a rock in some колоколен= building, as in Kremlin of height. As there all доставть, as a problem and to lower frequently with стометровой of height of ton: ready columns for halls, or plates on some meters of length. The pyramids, as cast грусть! Громада with the sizes of sides from meters in 150, millions blocks and unique( course, that conducts on hundreds meters in depth, and there what, никая water is. Well, will float there Итиандр! Холодина= cold of dog, and upward. To be heated! It is psychological installation there was a pass further, but it(him) could put in pawn in полузатопленной = fool wather to gallery on any piece in hundreds meters. But, nevertheless builders knew about Water horizons everything, and that above a head remains a place for air what to breathe it is counted), and this level of water and was! It so is simple! Can nevertheless chambers be, but they at кладке are incorporated simply Навалом by blocks, namely so Навалом the centre of pyramids, under one hour битой крошкой was filled. To trace a way, which Is laid out probably. For it how to search pass in a heap of gravel, knowing, that there засыпана a toy! Колодцы holes in 20 meters, that are carefully filled, and the tunnels, that are dug and anywhere do not conduct, it is simple from them the ground, frequently breeds известковые undertook what to fall asleep up to top the basic input(entrance)! And копатель, having dug out a course, as ветку on a trunk, dig out a deadlock trench, and can be pleased certain бусинке, that as издевка - joke, have left thousand years back, and fell asleep лаз. That is, for пустяшным колечком it is necessary продираться years! On Egypt practically so! Yes in фараонские times in the same Valley of kings there were armed security guards, and служители= priests, but the man is fine, and plundered, and I am not declined to consider(count) that as True, that втюхивается to us. If there is No fact. In our Russian literature, as Кепка Илтиса a conclusion in the period: 19- 20 Dynasties, approximately 1000 up to Р.Х under the ORDER ФАРАНА WERE OPENED BURIAL PLACES.
Bosh! It is a little gold there, and under the book "Фараон" is of a sequence, when жрец shows evidently, that hundred thousand armies could transfer all gold, that was extracted till kg 20 in a backpack.
It is not necessary to accept for the Obvious fact, that at Тутанхамона on first саркофаг 110 kgs of gold went! Faster, it is Unique(sole) gold саркофаг, always were wooden with a thin foil till top! Hardly, on a furnish there were more on a foil well, 10- 50 kgs! But фараон could correct and five years, and fifty! Раскурочить==crush, and переплавить = press on small gold песчинку? Овчинка выделки=joke does not cost, and faster, and there are brands coffins originally not Тутанхамона, and it is Style Амарны, and unique(sole) time was decided(solved) to do(make) one coffin gold. We know, but wrongly we consider Gold first coffin Тутанхамона, of time there it(he) is fixed. But you see Картуш = names i fretwork has a hieroglyph Чаша -= Cup_ nb __ by Second from a beginning, and in Real картуше =kings name his this hieroglyph last.
-Nb, is read as "неб" matters Власть = Power_to have, To dominate, is in a title, and names many фараонов. But at us it is possible to write:
- To the son Ра_Круг Солнце= Sun__ ВЛАСТВОВАТЬ=Power__Скарабей_beathles__ is eternal.
- To the son Ра the Circle - sun Скарабей =beathles___ Is eternal __ TO DOMINATE!
Sense same, but Hieroglyphs, their Order in картуше= names__- it Узнаваемость=Understandings all_, and Иванов, not is И - в-а-н-ов,
It is impossible to change the order of hieroglyphs "И - в_а_н_о_в",! (otherwise) to not learn About WHOM SPEECH!....
Особо интересен вопрос Серпантинов? или наклонных дорог на самом краю пирамид! Почему эти тоннели не открыты? Суть фильма такова! Некий строитель и архитектор просчитал по пирамиде Хеопса, кажется, то как могли быт сделаны наклонные дорожки по краю их. Он наметил места, где такой серпантин, как на горе делал повороты, и указали эти места на гранях пирамид. Откопай, метров 5- 10 в теле пирамиды, и ты Внутри. И есть сканирование, что эти выводы подтвердили, и Много там можно найти, хоть неизвестные входы в тело пирамиды! Не разбирать же последнюю, по камешку? Многие вопросы почему то? при Всей Простоте? не проработаны, а заменяются словесным конструкциями, что ведут вникуда, как тупиковые коридоры в гробницах......103..@@......
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