98a art of decoding. in a pursuit of a wind the ch
. . As that having got out from
Just dug out on a pair of meters of pass Чапай, and археолог on a surname Альберто Рус inhaled air Южно- of the American jungle!
I shall not become you терзать the description of cries бабуинов and certain representatives of a wild nature is not familiar! And the conversation has passed on execution(performance) погребального обряда. While it is 1912, and only Рус, it is thought up by me, in 30 years in 1950 of the end of tunnels will get to the bottom, and learns(finds out) many cunnings, that
Applied then, that would be difficult to reach up to саркофага!
All began from the elementary question, that they discussed! On that moment a burial place Тутанхамона yet is not found, but this фараон was placed in three саркофагах, and in outside in addition stone, and it not less than 10 см a wall. If the plate here covered 3500 kgs, what Пакаля, How many weighed саркофаг? In 1924 Картер has described ritual, but nevertheless it(he) needs to be repeated - though, and is brief, we need it for comparison with погребальным by process of Egypt and Майя! The conclusion arises, that саркофаги collected ON a PLACE. Бадж described a certain ritual, when саркофаг with a mummy opened at гробницы in the street, put vertically, and as though жрецы listed(transferred) kind, and not so деяния it(him) at life! Certainly, good businesses was more: the fights of a victory and thousand пленников, and frequently пяток of temples, that however - were completed in pair фараонов.
Further, on саркофагу Тутанхамона, the variants are possible(probable), and precisely to establish difficultly, but the mummy Тутанхамона was in First gold саркофаге- gold of 3 mm a sheet! And I wrote, but conclusion the Contours саркофага Female, as well as person have not made -. My opinion, it саркофаг, and main mask of a certain empress, and all of them were in a rank empress фараон. Can, and from other burial place have taken..
There is a photo, and in colour, nevertheless 1922, when Картер has opened Three дверки, as though in front it погребальные сени, and there this матрешка from gold and two wooden саркофагов, that Вдвинули as though in Three cases, and дверки all three have covered have sealed! On each side there were walls, and they were spread out on Labels on the parties it and was originally погребальная сень, three are exacter, their details stood on walls In the assembly ORDER on each side premises(room).
In the beginning were going саркофаги, and everyone was covered by a Coverlet, it is visible on a photo, were put гирлянды from colours. So first have covered by a cover second. Also it turns out, that THREE bottoms were already inserted. For this purpose what gold, internal NOT ВЫДРАЛИ, Have stuck together it(him) certain мастикой, having filled an interval between first and second up to a Socket, and have covered by a cover third.
After, Have collected three погребальные сени, and вдвинули assembly from three саркофагов! Could and replace the order, having placed on the basis саркофаги, and having inserted lateral walls, Then having hung three дверки.
On film with the tourists in Ютубе. Costs(stands) stone саркофаг, but it(he) Integral, and here саркофаг outside at Пакаля- is разница:-plates, that cost(stand), and they присыпаны from sides what to not fall. So it is easier, and weight to move smaller. Let's remind, in it a burial place of weight of a cover саркофага 3500 kgs, and outside, and all Five tons weighs.
Inclination of courses of small degrees 10, that is Hundred meters to drag plates in tons in weight. By a breakage to push will receive груду of stones in a result. We reconstruct process, and it is not necessary all there from others планетяов with a winch, or giants, that, as match boxes all these саркофаги moved.
P/s/ On the same film with Ютуб саркофаг Вдвигался in a niche: and there up to a ceiling of centimeters twenty, and on each side! Try open, if above crack In a PALM?
- Having talked about engineering of moving of the large cargoes under ground, they разговорились also could outline this figure. It would be shortly necessary that the people put efforts thus in kg 50, as a matter of fact it is a Part of weight of the man. If to move the stone block, that lays on ground, and it is necessary to apply(put) for this purpose 100 kgs on a rope, we SHALL NOT MOVE. How to lower Draft? I go each day behind water on колодец. The same principle here, that like a goat for распиливаия бревен, same and on колодце, also refers to as of a gate, or вариан - журавль! Бревно and Handle a gate approximately. 20 см, and meter. The prize in force five times, from колодца rises a bucket of 10 kgs putting effort in a pair kg! P/s. Тут Чапай реконструировал то, Как втащить плиту на 5 тонн в гробницу Пакаля. В плите были просверлены в два ряда отверстия в которые вставлялись канаты, но на человека в этом случае приходилось до 100 килограмм, и еще применяли “ принцип лома- на рисунке”......... 98а..... @@....
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