93 ingish art of decoding. in a pursuit of a wind
.....It is the present course in gallery, on the right, that conducts almost
On 30- meter depth, and pair of photos is, waits for you, it is a pity, what not ten, part of confidential barrier as plates up to 5 tons in weight are not shown, as well as halls, that are in depth, but the text on a page gives main, as..........
The pyramid shows the Left structure on a background, on (her) of Light risk! To look at these perfectly kept
ступеньки - one pleasure, but the ground was so is difficult, that per one month cleared away no more than 5 steps. Than more deeply, the more difficultly. Was briefly described, that it was necessary to pull out huge глыбы, but most difficult was in corridors on the large depth! Actually excavation be ordered on the contrary to order of a burial place. The burial place was all Засыпано =Is blocked after coffin have placed with prince, or king there. It not an old burial place - 7 centuries of our time! In 300 years after that the events Русь christened.! And so, a body of the governor Копана have placed in stone саркофаг, and while it is one corridor, and them a little втащили of meters on 20- 30 deep into. Have closed by (its) stone cover, and from above still have put a plate following snapshot = foto. That is, the place was ready, a niche from plates there both have placed coffin, and have closed by a tire cover! The top cover have taken out, and (it) in a museum of Mexico. And on such frame from plates on each side have lowered still large plate by size and weight. That is саркофаг = coffin was as a matter of fact - Demountable, instead of cut down wholly. Then it(he) would weigh ten times more, and it how to drag? Here obviously there is no place for certain Elevating adaptations? This question in clause is only partially worked! How all this have lowered внизъ? Then all these of 20- 30 meters лаза have driven by stones, huge глыбами, and that was above, I probably should slightly move Time. Above I wrote, that between excavation in Egypt, where participated Чапай: it is 1907 - 1912, and here 21948, and up to coffin has reached Альберто Рус, археолог in 1952.
In short clause about this temple, and figures on his walls was told only that " many археологи did there sketches ", and on this I and have entered Чапя into a plot! It(he) could be there, but let two Wars 14, and 41 years have not given to lead(carry out) excavation up to the end! I on former consider, that if I shall not enter the heroes, and I read hundred lists of the book without illustrations, that as a matter of fact Directory, up to the end I them did not read up! For example, about Ancient Greece certain biggest of volume. As Рус, let it in that temple of figures complete on walls, also will meet Чапая in 1912. Чапай at us responsible on Rocks Амарны, and adherent that city Ахет - Атон, it Обсерватория, also is not necessary to fill a fog! And figure from certain clause Supports our theory of Orientation стел Амарны on Points Восхода of the Sun per days Солнцестояний. Especially, At left high, as колокольня construction, that in clause named, " Is possible a platform behind supervision over the sky ". Than not an occasion by (it) to meet. If day - forgive, but Fabric of a plot, it - clause from " of the Codes Майя " Копарева, and photo
In depth of gallery say a certain noise of a collaps, and it has confirmed of a dust in a distant corner, hardly lighting from a fog, Sun. Рус, and his( companions have hurried, considering that who that kick from a (landslide)! Soon they have seen a figure, that has nestled on a wall of gallery, and did not move, were afraid further destroyd! It is an attribute that soon with noise, and roar it will appear! Чапай!
--(stand)! - do not go сюды= here! - has warned Чапай,! As, with roar (he) not for first time - вваливается in a plot, and (he) is quick go to deep into galleries! A wall roar, and kind meter her has failed on!
--All are whole! - has asked Рус, that as go back! Seeing, that a figure of stranger at the end of a corridor, Рус has shouted:
-Go to left corridor _ Those way not have trouble! / (turn) in left corridor, there there is no danger! / Рус has understood on accent, that it is the foreigner! But Чапай, it there was (he) - already tolerably understood English! Both have (turned) in the left pass from corridor, and soon have appeared in street " of a Temple of Figures ", it is pleased lay to fragments, and they - at a structure, that is similar here on колокольню= High templ.
- Who are you? And what Ser, do it!, / who you, what here do? The /further conversation will be on Russian.
Рус heard about a certain cine expedition. It was necessary to agree upon photoshooting! Альберт Рус, and Чапай did not know still then, that they stood in that perfect morning above a tomb of the governor.
P/s. Это реальная фотография, она сделана в “ Зале рисунков” под пирамидой, где найден саркофаг Пакаля. На фото некий проход под полом пирамиды. Эта пирамида в Землях Майя . Статья очень короткая, и к сожалению - деталей мало! Таких коридров нескольк, и на глубину они опустятся в 1952 году до 20 метров. Учти, Наклон хода, так что расчистить пришлось во Много раз больше. Все проходы доверху быди забиы камнями, при чем внизу они превратились от Влажности в монолит, и стену просто долбили. В неделю так расчицаоли всего несколько ступеек. Сами видите уловки! Некие подробности соседних страничках! Там некие мои рассуждения об способе пермещения плит, например, почти в десять тонн! Реконструкция этот
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