Trees, rivers and fields cry.
The enemy's tanks are droning,
 Ukrainian is fighting for his life,
For warm sweet sunny mornings.

Bird's voices are crying,
Wild wolves howling in the woods.
How to save the family from dying?
From nerves, bones in the body hurts.

Cry! So terrible cry of the soul .
Although of  strongly believe in win.
How to forgive ,this crazy battle,
To robber, the evil invader's skin?

Cry! Hear the groan of old bells.
The heart  so hurdly beating with the pain.
The knees are swaying from the bows.
How save the spirit of the human aims?

Cry. The cry is heard from all sides:
In windows, phones and in the yard.
The life costs less than enemy's regards.
What an expensive price for freedom.

The  cry of mothers everywhere.
Give birth to sons to die?
That enemy trampled in fields their bodies.
What are these brothers, hell? Go away!

Cry, tears of young women.
The fear in  eyes of helpless children.
Someone prepared a wreath for the men,
And takes away independence  building.

The land  is  crying being raped so brutal,
For wanting to have wings and to be free.
Is said to her: "On knees,  young turtle".
She’s already grown. She is a strong tree.

Cry. The Mother God can no longer sleep.
She begs the Chirts to stop this war.
She come back to the day her son was crucified.
"For what, my dear child, you body sacrified?"

You given  most valued treasure in the world.
In the name of Faith, the Holy Spirit and Creator,
That love may burn in human hearts so long,
For those, who was created on your Father's nature.

Get down from  a heaven! The country needs you.
Give strength, the faith and christe this land!
Destroy satanic dark force nightmare,
To stop forever weaving darkness blend.

Give to the people of the sun rays healing.
And waterise the enemies by holy water gold .
Make bridges between mind and heart by feeling .
Turn away God's wrath from Ukraine and  world. "

What destiny the Lord prepared for you?
That you  are paying such a high price.
Does the Cry give birth to new Athos flesh?
Or Cry - it is a road to the hell night death?

O  Dear God !  O Angels! And all Saints!

Don't stand, do not be silent, but do something!
The peace and love will lead in our world.
Please, hear  painful Cry. Help, please.
The Ukraine could reborn in to new mold.

TAT 02.03.2022 ( 10.55)
