How can anyone be lonely

How can anyone be the one when there are so many of us?   
Science admits that it knows nothing about the time   
So is our future defined or do we make it ourselves   
We cannot know   
There is so little time   
The first version is that we move on the preassigned path   
The second version is that we alter our future with every new step   
How can you choose when there are either so many possibilities or none?   
How can you live when you know that there is no end to this?   
I remember you threading my life like a needle and I know for sure now   
When someone lights you up, you'll burn down in the end   
To rise from ashes   
Yes okay but what's next      
The infinite learning changes you beyond recognition
I struggle to love myself, it takes too much to adjust to the new   
How can you sleep when you have no confidence in waking up?   
How can you feel lonely when there's a whole world out there?   
The coldness of the glass on the tip of my finger   
The highest priestess in my hand   
I picture you when I see lights   
When I don't see the light I picture you. 
They say once the future is read it solidifies in the timeline 
If things are preordained then the responsibility is eased off our backs
How can you escape this prison to see a big world out there? 
Do you have to?
