22 спираль art of decoding. it is the snake? on a

.... On a coast the fire flared by a hot flame. Was rather cool after call of the Sun. The conversation smoothly has passed on a certain secret Саккара. It seems, it is city, or ancient settlement.
It is time to present the heroes of our narration.
In the separate chapter there was an analysis,, figures on walls гробница Хеси- Ра, at фараон = king 3 Dynasties, and гробница ==tomb (him) differed, and is very strong from similar
PAIR of WORDS ABOUT...................
About EXCAVATION In САККАРЕ. It is feature of burial places in Egypt.
, has told Квибелл / known us, even on that that together with Девисом dug out гробницу Kv. 55/. Actually, it(he) first has not come in i(her), it while was impossible, as almost up to a ceiling the (entrance) was filled up, whether and rubble, and laying on boards under the  flow, so was narrow лаз- enter, has told /
-Я=I, has shouted! - Девис! Good luck, we have found tomb Doors empress Тии! Here on two дверках =Doors- from погребальной скени=sepeycral canopy - is exact картуши = frameworks = with name empress Тии. Then (him), Квибелла have asked to tell about excavation in Саккаре, tomb of Хеси- Ра Especially interested details about 15 panels on its(her) walls?
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./ It is possible to add the story by that, - but in 1970 of excavation in this гробнице be again ordered. On film about another гробницу about the Internet, and per 2020, dug out further, sealed tomb, that up to the end have not passed earlier, years for ten before../
Yes!  Say Квиибелл: I to dig out burial, that earlier, up to me in 1898  to has not dug out Мариетт.
-А! About panels, tell about pictures on walls! And Квибел has made the important specification, having shown on this Figure, that frequently (made) their wives on expedition(dispatch), working иллюстраторами! At least his(its) wife Precisely has made this water colour, and it(he) has shown the book " Excavation in Саккаре " in 1910- 11 years. "
"Bat" has darkened, and then up a pair of lamps. The truth, were long beaten / a Bat - widespread in vilage gasoline a lamp. SheThe lever had approximately twice larger glass, and the design is those, with certain рычажком on (her) this glass rose then, when it was necessary a lamp to light. Besides from behind constructional features the glass from it(her) could not drop out, and be broken. Were applied on farms, or in private  court yard then, when light out./
-Чапай! - have called Василия Ивановича, that has lingered over on рыбалке = fishing on Nile. - help to light this lamp! We can not raise glass on it(her). Чапай that that пробурчал = roar say  till West, " that will help us ", and ambassador was passed on now to achievements of a civilization:
- What some can a pier,? - sight on Девиса, that stood near to a Bat = lamp.
 You, Девис, can just click the switch on kitchen!
-Глядь сюды! 0и, рычажком -The lever on lamp, that was sideways, has lifted glass, and joyful Квибелл has brought a match to a match. What? - not фурычит? -хмыкнул  - Has laughed Чапай.
-шо, the professor from археологии, does not burn фитилек _torch in lamp ,!
Can, керосину in it(her) is not present? -Чапай, has shaken a lamp, inside булькала =Was poured a liquid!
- Well, mathematics! Yours разъ едак!, it it(he) to all? - what to do(make)?
- - Defective? All have asked by chorus? Then Чапай has put forward a match and has lit (him), has lowered(omitted)
Glass, also has explained, that the match should not strongly be put forward! To light will not be, and on the contrary закоптится =To pollute glass, and has gone on kitchen, to Анке! To clean a fish. As for this time completely has darkened to look illustrations in the book at light of a fire it was impossible, and to electrical фонарику -Девис the coast батарейки = battary_ for visiting some tombs, Девис gave out only one баьарейку, and for one electrical фонарика= light_ . Soon fish soup was welded(cooked), on it the floor of hour suffices! And, all asked to tell Квибелла about them dug out tomb Хеси- Ра.
Features tomb of Hesy-Ra/
It is necessary a pair of words to tell about types, and main - places of burial places. Having read that гробница Тутанхамона was disguised by dwelling of the workers, rests, floors them were from above, above an input(entrance). I knew it, I not at once have understood, that settles down always about pyramids. At shooting pyramids Гизы for example, from an air sphere, hundreds structures are visible, but it not for a long time thrown dwellings of the workers, as I thought originally! Them would disassemble on камушку давным – crash it  for a long time. It мастабы, one of types of a burial place in Egypt, and typical мастабой  = some  sort is tomb Хеси- Ра.
Мастаба, looks, as a hangar - i(her) ground part, but had below some levels... ...................22....... @@.......
