20 art of decoding. downwards on the river. the lo

And, again of Nile has picked up boat! A wind be storm!
If up to Cairo of a boat were floating slowly, accelerated Юго - East wind promptly rushed forward, and only large wave from them swung boats of the local fishermen.
P/s. That would not be недомолвок =Inexact words! I use photos from one book, everything, or nearly so all.
On the title page is written
" gift anonymous woman " - =дар от неизвестного донора. The book had the name such as " Travel on Egypt " on English, and I have downloaded her(it), as many from Electronic library Cambridge. Usually books small, also do not exceed 10- 20 Mbt.

Unless some thick volumes are more 100 Mbt. The book to download five minutes.
And so, let (him) call Али- бен -Хасан! The author does not know as precisely to write the Arabian names, and as we already have owner of the first vessel -Али, and on two others in basic his relatives, let this молодец -Алибен further will be, and it(him) specially " has involved in " expedition(dispatch) " Чапай! Agrees of a principle: one Sword, well, and two - nevertheless, is better! What to not confuse the owner of a vessel and Али- бен- Хасана, let it(he) will be Алибен, or Алибэн, as it is more convenient!.
КОЧЕВНИК _Free  soldier АЛИ- БЕН.
In Egypt of those times, as well as now armed man not a rarity! So on a photo of 1970 in тенечке _In a shadow from rocksat rocks the group has settled down, and all at rifles, times by First империалистической war, I now do not dream, this real photo from the book " 10000 years разграбленья =Larceny of pyramids "! It not a regular military part, and it? As though free the hired guards! And, their task to not give to flow away abroad that Has not kept from thefts Девис in tomb empress Тии- Ттии. Let you not surprised with that fact, that the sabre Алибена does not have handle, and Protection on sword before a palms(her) termination is similar on черенок from a shovel. The ancient weapon such as sword frequently had no on the handle Гарды= protection , that covered fingers of a hand. It to you sirs, not a sword!! Actually such weapon the smiths forged in these places and at фараонах = king of Egypt.
Алибен was necessary not for protection food, or that that of property! Everything, from milk, and if is necessary of beer, the local inhabitants will bring for a moderate payment, as well as dates, and all that grows on beneficial ground, увлаженной by silt, and Nile. And that will find археологи, is necessary constant догляд – see on things!
And how Чапай not especially aspired to protect, and there is more слонялся on vicinities, and (he) simply could not become torn on two, or more parts! So, the night watches were assigned on Али бена, however, as well as day time Чапая. Besides with Алибеном in collective two have joined двугорбых of the member, that however is did not ask, eating that found on sandy coast of Nile. The camels had no neither names, nor nicknames, type Proud, or Lazy. Both of them willingly responded on "Эй =Hay" and, in a measure were friendly, but Чпай with them not friens he at once, and as that in hearts has told:
So-so, transport! Not конь = horse! Than has annoyed Алибена! However, when the campaign passed by boats, it(he) slowly went on a coast, and arrived on parking sometimes earlier, than high-speed ладьи Али. Али and Алибен were neutral, and honourly carried out the duties: one carried them on the river, another carried a part of a cargo on camels, as the command археологов frequently was divided(shared), and that one, another on some time descended(went) on a coast to certain ruins, that on coast it is a lot of.
THE LOCK ИСИДЫ.Goodness Isida
In the book whence I take a photo, it is as " the Lock Исиды, and his() some part is named, as Bed фараона ". Such of construction by a wall, that is inverted to the river, into the river and enter, what water at flood, filling every possible pools, or ponds after recession of a level of water in the river, was used for Having watered gardens.
The lock has appeared on a background of the coming sun and was incredibly beautiful, especially, it there were at all ruins! His(its) appearance did not require reconstruction of the artist. It(he) was with the minimal destructions. It was possible to not guess about what roof blocked it(him)., what columns in it(him) were put initially. Camp have broken on an opposite coast, is lower than the lock Исиды? And, that hour have begun disassembly, and sorting of things, that so faster  were fallen down in ладьи= bout
P/s. В то время 1900 годы верблюд был основным транспортом! Это понятно становится по фотография археологов. Ни разу я не встретил в кадре автомобиля! Если честно, я совершенно не намерен описывать дворец богини Исиды на Ниле, а вот развить некоторые темы, например секрет змеи на стене в гробнице Хеси- Ра. Позже, в  наступивших сумерках,  все собрались у костра. 20.@@/
